If I stay

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AN: This is some kind of version of the book 'If I stay' it's a great book you should really read it. The story is basically the same, only the characters ar different. Samantha gets into a car accidend and ends up in a coma. Unfortunately her family doesn't, her mother, father and little brother die. While in her coma she can see the world around her. She has the choice to either stay with Chase, or follow her family.

No bionics!

Samantha POV

I hear voices, I see a white room. I'm in a hospital. What happened? The accident. It's all coming back to me. I see my mum laying there again, along with my father. They're both dead, my brother is too. I remember seeing myself, I was in a very weird position, my legs weirldy placed on both sides of my lifeless body. I'm telling myself it's all just a dream, but deep inside I know it's not. This is real, my family is dead. There is someone sitting next to my bed, I see myself lay in it, it's very weird. The person sitting next to my bed is named Chase, Chase Davenport, my boyfriend. All I want right now is to get back into my body and wake up, so I can hug him. But then again I think of my family, they won't ever wake up. My mum, who always took care of me, will no longer be there. My father, who used to cheer me up when I was down, is gone. Not to mention my little brother, Henry, will never open the door of my room late in the evening because he had a nightmare. I'll be alone. I can't take it anymore, I run, out of the room, away from my sleeping body with my sad boyfriend beside it. I run into the hallway, where I see all my family, some of them are crying. "I can't lose her too," I hear my grandma sob while my grandfather rubs her back. "She's strong," he says attempting go calm her. I can't handle standing here, wishing I could talk to them, tell them I am okay. But I can't, they can't see or hear me, it's like I'm a ghost. The tention in the hall was worse than in my room, so I go back, back to Chase. "Please, Sam, please come back to me." He says holding my hand against his cheek. I try to hold back my tears, but I can't fight them. Chase is crying, too. "I'm so sorry," he sobs before leaving the room. I follow him to the hallway, to see him run through the white hall. My family looks at him like they want to do exactly the same thing. "Poor kid, he really loved Samantha," my uncle says. "And now she's..." My aunt says without finishing her sentence. 

Death. I think. But I am not, not yet. I walk back into my room. I look out of the window and see Chase run to his car, he gets in and leaves. I really want to tell him I'm okay. I just want to get back into my body! I hear crying behind me, I turn around to find my grandpa and grandma walking to the side of my bed. "She was so young," my grandma says. "Is, she is so young," my grandpa corrects her. "Do you think she'll wake up?" My grandmother asks doubtful. "I don't know. We don't decide over that. She does. If she wants to wake up she'll, if she doesn't she won't." He says, confusing both me and my grandmother. I wake up if I want to? then why haven't I woken up yet? Because I don't know if I really want to wake up. 

How can I live in a world where I don't have a family? I don't think I can't take that, every single day. But I want to get back to Chase, I really love him. But is it worth enough it wake up for? I don't know. My grandparents leave the room silently and visiting hour is over. My family leaves the hospital. 

It's been three days since the accident. Chase has come to see me every day, with flowers. I really want to get back to him, but the thought of my dead family stops me. Chase leaves the room after telling me what happened today. It was a funny story about Bree. My grandfather is the next one to enter the room. "Hey Sam," he says with a broken voice. "We've really missed you, I know it's going to be hard for you if you wake up. So that choice is up to you." He says and tears fall down his cheeks. "I just want you to know, we are proud of you. It's okay to let go, we understand. Goodbye love," he says before leaving the room with tears falling on the ground. 

It's okay to let go. Those words get stuck in my head, I can just let go. It's up to me. I don't know what I want, stay with Chase but miss my family every single day, or let go and not getting hurt anymore. I really love Chase and I don't want to hurt him. How am I supposed to decide about something impossible like this. I remember our first kiss.

"You look beautiful Sam," says Chase. He took me on a picknick. It's like a date. "You don't look to bad yourself," I say blushing like crazy. He smiles, his smile makes me melt on the inside. Butterflies come alive in my stomach. I can't help but smile back. "How's it going with Leo, Adam and Bree?" I ask, changing the subject because my head's on fire. "They're fine," he says. "You got something on your cheek," he adds. "Where?" I ask trying to find it. "Right there," he says while wiping it off my face. His face is so close I can feel his breath on my lips. "Chase..." I say softly. "Sam..." He calls my name. We both lean in a little more. In the end it's him connecting our lips in a sweet kiss. I kiss him back, it turns into a passionated kiss. My arms rest in his neck while his hands are on my hips. We break the kiss in need for air. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time," he whispers. "Me too," I say honestly. 

I wish I could feel that way right now, as happy as I was back then. But I can't. Memories come up in my blured mind. Like our first 'I love you'.

Chase and I are watching a movie, it's some boring movie about something I don't understand. My head is resting on his chest. He's playing with my hear while I'm drawing figures on his chest with my index finger. "Do you like the movie?" He asks me. "If I'm honest, no. And it looks like you aren't eiter," I confess. "You're right about that," he says with a grin. "I love you Sam," he says out of the blue. "I-I love you, too," I say nervously. I've never told anyone I loved them before but I'm defenitely sure about loving Chase.

I've lived so many good times with him, are they worth it? I fall asleep next to my body, with only one thought.

 What happens if I stay?

I hear birds, it's morning. The door of my room opens slowly. The person I was hoping to see enters the room. "Goodmorning beautiful," he says with a small smile on his face. "Goodmorning Chase," I say, even though he can't hear me. "I hope you slept well? I didn't because I can't stop thinking about you," he says, I feel tears form in the corners of my eyes. "Please, Sam, please wake up," he beggs. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do without you." Tears fall from both of our faces. I close my eyes, when opening them again my vision shrinks. The edges of my sight turn black. Soon my full sight is gone.

This is it, I am dead. I think.

Instead of feeling myself slip away from life, I feel a hand on mine. I try to grab it. "Sam? Sam!" I hear Chase. My eyes open, showing the room I've lived in for the past few days, but this time I'm in the bed. My body is waking up. "C-Chase..." I say. "I'm here Sam," he says while calling out for a nurse. 

After my check up they tell me I'm practically fine. They hand me a phone so I can call my family, I start with my grandfather.

"Hello?" I hear on the other side of the line. 

"Grandpa? It's me Sam," I say and I can hear him gasp.

"Really?" He questions.

"Yes really," I confirm.

After talking for a while longer I hang up to talk to Chase. He's inside my room, waiting for me to come.

"Hey," I say, he runs up to me and hugs me. "I was so scared, I thought I was gonna lose you," he mutters in my neck. "I'm here now, and I'll never leave again," I assure him. And I won't leave him. I love him and he loves me. He presses his lips on mine and I kiss him back. I'm sure now, it's worth it. He's worth it.

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Xx- T

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