Social anxiety

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*No Bionics
*No Adam, Bree, Leo, etc.
*I don't exactly know what social anxiety is so please don't be offended if I got it completely wrong.

Have you heard the new song I Don't Care by Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber?! It's amazing<3

*If you wanna know about my crush, read the A/N at the bottom.

A new year. New school. New people. More anxiety. Man how he had been dreading this day. Summer vacation was over, which meant he had to go back to school. He hated school, school hated him. His social anxiety would kick in and no one would want to talk to him, all they did was look at him weirdly.

This year, his father had to move for his new job, taking the family with him. So, now he had to start the year a complete different school, his parents said that maybe it would help his anxiety. But he felt his anxiety get stronger and stronger as he made his way over to his closet.

Don't talk to anyone. Don't let anyone notice you're weird.

The young brunette boy grabbed some jeans and a shirt before going downstairs for breakfest.


His footsteps echoed in the hallway as he made his way to the classroom he had been given.

"33, 34, 35....36 that's it," he mumbled to himself while counting the doors. Classroom 36, his first class. Math. At least it's one favorite subjects, you see, Chase is really smart. As in really smart. He actually loves the learning part of school, however, the social interactions he didn't.

Luckily, Chase was one of the first ones to arrive, having free seat pick. He chose the seat completely left, near the window. Right in front of the teacher's desk. (This is actually where I usually sit😂) Now all he could do was hope for no one to come and sit next to him.

Unfortunately, he didn't have such luck. As the class started filling up, nearly all free places were taken. Chase knew it was going to happen. That's when a girl tapped him on the shoulder, his body froze.

"Is this seat taking?" The girl asks in a friendly voice, pointing to the empty chair next to Chase. For a while Chase just stares, mentally cursing himself for not responding. When he finally gets himself together, he nods. The girl smiles before sitting down, taking her books out of her back and un capping her pen.

Way to go loser. Well at least you didn't scare her off completely.

The lesson quickly ended. Chase was glad he didn't have to talk to anyone else. After a couple more lessons of just sitting, paying attention and keeping quiet, lunchbreak had arrived.

The kid had started looking for a deserted spot, without people to bother him. As he found a quite place on the chairs, he started eating the lunch his mother made him.

Everything was going great so far, until he felt someone looking at him. There was someone standing right in front of him. The girl from earlier.

"Hey, I'm new. Can I sit with you?"

Answer you idiot! It's not hard just say no!

Instead, he nodded hos head yes. The girl flashed him a smile before sitting down and eating her lunch.

"So, what's your name? I'm Raven," she asked holding her hand out for him to shake.

Crap. Can't nod now can you idiot.

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