Intruder (Part 1)

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Chase POV

It's midday at the bionic accedemy, I don't have any lessons to give for today. So I start improving the security system. I've been working on it for a while now as I see a girl hiding in the bushes. I am about to press the emrgency button as I remember I'm the only one left on the isle, since everyone else is on a field trip. I have to stop her myself.

I creep over to the bush she's hiding behind, she doesn't notice me since I'm coming from the back. I tap on her shoulder. "Who are you?" I ask with all my muscles tensed, ready to fight. "Uh, I um, I'm Alice, who are you?" She asks. "Chase," I say with my eyes on her. "What are you doing here?" I ask while scanning her, She looks unarmed, until I see the tiny piece of metal in her neck. She's bionic. This discovery makes me get into a fighting stance immediatly, she quickly copies my movements. "Looking for information on the three bionic superhuman siblings," she responds to my question. "Who are you working for?" I ask sternly. "Who do you think?" She says while drawing lines over her face. "Krane," I realise. "How? How is he still alive?" She grins. "I have no clue, really. I only know he's crazy, and helbend on destroying you and your little family," she says spotting. Her arm swings in the direction of my face, I simply block her attack and punch her in her stomach. She groans in pain but gets up fast, only to try and kick me. She fails yet again as I grab her leg and flip her on the ground. "I thought you were the weak one!" She exclaims. I grinn. "Just because someone's smart doesn't mean he can't be good in fighting," I tease. Another low groan escapes her mouth, she angrily jumps on me, her eyes dark and her voice low. "Shut up!" She growls, she has a commando app! "Calm down, Alice," I say and her eyes flicker back to normal, I sigh in relief. I notice she's still on top of me and blushing like crazy. "Why the blushing?" I ask, even though I have some ideas why. "I'm not blushing!" She exclaims in defence. "Too bad 'cause you look kinda cute when you blush," I say, making her blush even more. "Shut up," says Alice shyly. "Why?" I ask. "Just- Ugh," is the last thing she says before getting up and running away with her superspeed. "What just happened?" I ask myself.

It's been a week since the girl showed herself and I told Mr. Davenport about her. He said we need watch out for her. So we do, the security cam gets watched every second. No one can sneek in no more. Today is another field trip, I volunteerd to stay behind on the look out. Something tells me she'll come, and I wouldn't mind talking to her again. I've been watching the cam over two hours now, I'm getting really bored as I say something hide behind exact the same bush as a week ago. I sneek behind the bush like last week. It's her, it's Alice. "Hey Alice, what brings you here?" I break the silence. She swiftly turns around to face me. "Not really smart to hide behind the exact same bush as time, right?" I say, she rolls her eyes at me. "Maybe I wanted to be found," she answers. I grin at her respond, "why on earth would you want to be found spying?" I ask her. "I don't know," she says and I can hear the truth in her voice. I take a step closer. "If you leave now, I won't fight you," I say, even though I don't want to fight her but also don't really want her to leave. Doubt crosses her face before she decides to run away. "Good choice, see you Alice," I say before walking back into the accademy. Not long after she left Mr. Davenport and the students come back. "And, Chase, did anything happen?" He asks assuming nothing had happened. "Well actually, yes," I say and he turns to me. "The girl, Alice, showed up again. But she ran away," I say, meanwhile all the eyes are on me. "We really need to stop her, if she's working for Krane we're in deep trouble," Mr. Davenport says and I nod in agreement.

I'm in the middel of one of my lessons, I'm teaching them how to flip someone over in a way they can't possibly block. Most of the students don't understand, and when I ask for a volunteer no one raises their hand. "I volunteer," a soft girl voice fills the room. I look up to see who de voice belongs to. It's Alice. "What are you doing here?" I ask while preparing to fight. "Nothing," she says while trying to flip me, I easily block her try and flip her on the ground. "See, students, that's how it's supposed to be done," I say while some of the student are freaking out. "Get Adam, Bree, Leo and Mr. Davenport for me , would you, Spin?" I kindly ask and the kid runs out of the room followed by his friend Bob. "And for you, stay there," I tell Alice. But instead of staying down she grabs my leg and unballences me. She quickly gets up. She wasn't trying so hard to beat me before, what changed? "Try and catch me," she says before running of and punsching me in the back. "Oh, I will," I say challenging while whiping the legs under her away. We're both on the ground now. I pin her to the ground and look into her eyes, what I see are not her eyes, not the commando app, but the triton app. She's being controlled by the tritan app! Thank god she isn't that evil. "Alice! I know this isn't you! Please remember who you are, don't let him win!" I exclaim. Meanwhile the team enters the room. "She's being controlled by the triton app!" I explain to them. While my attention is away for a while she escapes my grip. "Smart boy!" She teases. "Thanks," I say jokingly. She starts to blush again, at least her body is still hers. "Chase! She listens to you, talk her out of it!" Mr. Davenport yells. I push her against the wall. "You're cute when you blush, remember?" I whisper in her ear. "No I'm not," She whispers back while I feel her muscles relax. A smile crosses my face and I let go of her. "Did I hurt anyone?" Is the first thing she says to te group surrounding us. "No, thanks to Chase you didn't," Mr. Davenport says while looking at me with a 'how did you do that' look. I roll my eyes at him, but before I can look back at Alice, she's in my arms. Her head rests on my chest and I look hopeful at Mr. Davenport. He gives me the 'this is your change hug her!' look. So I do, I hug her firmly. No one speaks until we let go. "Chase will show you where you can sleep, in the mentors dorm. We'll talk about Krane later, okay?" Mr. Davenport says while nodding at me. Alice follows me into the mentors room, but as I look back to see whether Bree and Adam are coming, too, I see Mr. Davenport holding them back while saying, "Give 'em a moment, there's something going on between them." I smile after hearing his approval.

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