Tutor In Love

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Plot outlines:
Max is Leo's english tutor but she develops a crush on his new step brother.


School has always been easy for me, it never takes a lot of time to get good grades. I actually enjoy the frustration when fixing a math problem, but English is most definitely my favourite subject. One of the main reasons why I started tutoring others. One of my students is Leo Dooley. He's small, funny and not so good in English. Every Tuesday, I go over to his house, in which he lives with his mom, and spend one-and-a-half hour trying to stamp the meaning behind Shakespeare in his head. It sometimes is frustrating to tutor Leo, he doesn't really like English. Scratch that, he hates it. With passion. He is much more interested it science stuff, not really my thing but I'm pretty good at it.

It is Tuesday today, which means a tutoring session at 3PM at Leo's place, which is now elsewhere. He texted me yesterday, saying that he had moved a couple blocks south. It's no big deal really, it takes me about five more minutes to walk there.

I have my phone clutched in my hand, trying to find the street board spelling out the name of the address Leo send me. After rounding another corner I finally see the matching name, now only finding the right number. At least that one was easier to find. It's the second house on a very long street with big mansions. It appears to be very modern and very... expensive. Not that I ever thought about it, but the Dooleys did not come over so wealthy, sure they had enough money, but not to be able to afford this palace. But still, it is the address he sent me. I raise my hand and knock on the door twice. There is some stumbling on the other side before the door opens. A man, around forty, opens the door smiling brightly. Yeah, I've never seen that guy before and I'm sure as hell Leo does not have a father.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I must be at the wrong address," I say as I make a move to leave.

"Max!" Leo's voice can be heard from inside, "I'm glad you found it."

Okay, so this is the right address. But who's that guy?

"Yes, uhm, it took me a while. But I'm here now. Nice place by the way," I look around the room as Leo opens the door wider so that I can go in.

"I don't think we've met before, have we?" Curiosity getting the upper hand as I turn to the dark haired man.

"No, we have not. I'm Donald Davenport." He gestures to his face while showing off his teeth. "THE Donald Davenport. From Davenport industries," he continues as I look had him slightly confused. Sure I have heard of it a couple of times but I didn't really care.

"I'm Max, Leo's tutor," I say as I hold out my hand for him to shake, which he does.

"Yes, Max this is my step father." Huh that explains a lot. "But we have things to do. And by things I mean English." He grabs my hands and drags me over to the couch where I set my bag down next to me and take out my books.

"Well, uhm, call if you need anything. I'll be... uhm, I'll be downstairs," he waves awkwardly before leaving the room.

"He seems cool," I don't really now what to say, Leo never mentioned a step father.

"Yeah, he's okay." I can feel that he doesn't really feel like discussing the topic thoroughly so I decide to let it go. I'm here for his English, not his family.

"Well, let's go to page 56, you have an essay due in two weeks, remember. You could really use a good grade," I say as I open my book to said page. Leo follows immediately.

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