He's gone

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This story takes place during the episode bionic action hero. Chase has already been taken by Gisele.

Bree POV

I can't believe Chase is captured because of me. It's my fault. I shouldn't have trusted Troy, just because he was hot and cute... If Chase dies it's on me.
"Guys! I found him!" I hear Mr Davenport yell. Relief fills my body, we can save him. "Where is he?" I ask, ready to go. "Here's the adres," Mr Davenport says handing me a note. "Now go!" He yells to me and Adam, he's really worried about Chase. Adam climbs on my back and I race over to the adres I was given. Once we arrive I see some sort of lab. It's very high - tech and creepy. I'm sure this is where they keep my little brother. We enter the building, walk through the empty white halls to find a room in the end. I open the door slowly, finding no one in it. I enter the room to make sure as I see someone on a table. It's a male and he doesn't move. I don't see his chest rise, meaning he's not breathing. This can't be. Forgetting about everyone who could be hiding behind the table I run over, followed by Adam. I look at the man's pale face. It's him. "Chase..." I mutter my voice cracking in the middle of his name. He doesn't react. My hands search for his wrist but are scared for what they'll find, or what they won't find. A pulse. He's gone. And it's all my fault. "No... No!" Yells Adam once he realises there's nothing we can do for him. "Adam," I try to calm him, "Adam!" I yell as he grabs Chase's lifeless body, shaking it. "He can't be dead!" He yells, continuing to shake him. "Adam, he's gone," I cry. I pull him in for a hug. "We need to get him out of here," I tell him. "Pick him up," I command and Adam follows. We leave the creepy lab and I run both of them home.

Mr Davenport POV

I'm sitting here with the students, no one speaks. The hydroloop opens, revealing Bree and Adam standing, Adam with Chase on his shoulder. Tears are rolling down their cheeks. "It's my fault," Bree says. "Is he... is he dead?" I ask, fearing the answer. Bree nods. I feel a warm tear escape the corner of my eye. My son is dead. The students are in the training area with Douglas and Leo to keep them calm. How am I gonna tell them their mentor had died. "Put him down," I say motioning to the cyber desk. Adam gently lays him down and steps back. His hands are shaking. I walk over to his body, no pulse. He's dead. I break down next to him. I can't stop crying. Adam places his hand on my shoulder. I can feel he's crying too. "It's my fault," Bree says. "No Bree, you couldn't have known. They fooled us all," I say. "I have to tell the others," I say making my way to the training area. I enter the silent room and all eyes are locked on me. "Is he okay?" Leo asks. I look him in the eye and shake my head no. "But he's alive right?" I shake my head again and tears fill his eyes. He runs out of the room. "Chase, your mentor has not survived his abduction. Bree and Adam found him, death." I tell the students. Some of them gasp, others cry. Some of them are just standing there. I leave the room. I can't take it no more.

It's been two days since Chase died. We found Gisele and she got locked up for murder. The murder of my son. Today's his funeral. I think I'm ready, as ready as possible. I he never given him the credit he deserved. "Mr Davenport? Are you ready?" I hear Adam ask, I can tell he cried. "Yes, I'm coming." I say. I am ready.
After his funeral we all stand next to his grave. The students leave us. "I'm sorry Chasey," Bree cries before running away. "I have never told you I loved you..." Adam  says before going after Bree. "You were the best brother ever," Leo says and follows his siblings. Tasha pets my shoulder before saying goodbye and leaving. "Dear Chase, I'm sorry for every moment I haven't been a good father. I love you, always will. You sacrificed yourself for this world. You have been the best son I could have wished for. I'll miss you every second of every day. I know that you'll be watching us like a angel from now on. You might have left this world, but you have not left our harts. Goodbye, Chase." I say before placing a rose next to his tombstone.

"Hey Chase," I say. "How are you buddy?" I continue. "Bree and Adam have finished the students their training. They're becoming real heroes now, just like you. They really wish you were here to see them. So do I. Bree finally forgave herself for what happened to you. I still love you Chase. I'm so proud of you, son." I say, placing a rose next to his grave, like I do every year. I've done it five times now. "See you next year buddy," I say before leaving. I miss him everyday.

Word count: 900
Next part. I literally almost cried writing what Mr Davenport said by his grave😂😢 Chase died, for real. I first though of bringing him back to life somehow. But no he's actually dead. Comment if you liked it.❤❤

Xx T

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