Grow up!-Spike- Smut

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Sorry I can't remember who this request came from but yeah. Forgot to make a screen shot. Anyways enjoy!!

3rd person POV

"Hey Adam," Melanie greets as Adam opens the door for her with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"Melanie, what's up?" He says as soon as he regognizes the beautiful girl in front of him.

"I came here for Chase, any idee where he is?"

"Oh yeah sure, he's in the lab- room! I meant room!" He exclaims with a frightened look on his face.

"So he's in the lab? Adam you guys told me remember?" Melanie chuckles as she sees him relax.

"Damn I thought I had ruined everything," he sighs.

"LAnGUaGe" (Omg I'm sorry I'll stop😂)

Melanie makes her way past an annoyed looking Adam. He rolls his eyes as he follows her to the elevator.
When they arrive in the lab, they find Chase training. Small detail,  he wasn't wearing a shirt. Melanie feels her cheeks heating up at the sight of her shirtless boyfriend punching a punchbag. Adam coughs and makes his way to his capsule to change into his own trainings clothes.
Chase turns around to look at Melanie, clearly uncomfortable.

For a minute he forgets he isn't wearing anything to cover his abs as he greets her with a enthusiastic smile.

"Hey Mel!" Melanie simply nods, not quite able to make words. Chase looks puzzled, until he looks down and realises his lack of clothes. He quickly grabs a shirt from the chair and throws it on.

Still to much revealing if you asked Melanie.

"Sooo..." he says, snapping Melanie out of her thoughts.

"Uhm we were supposed to work on the project, remember?" Chase faces turns from curious to guilty.

"Ah shit I forgot, but I'm done anyway," he says, "just, let me rake a shower."

Meanwhile Adam started a simulation, while Chase was busy Mel decided to watch Adam train.

Mel watches as Adam kicks and swings in the air, it looks so stupid. 

Melanie isn't paying attention as Adam picks up a heavy barrel and throws it her way, not aware of his actions.

Moments before the barrel hits her face, she gets pushed out of the way. She quickly turns around, finding Chase on the ground with blood on his head. She rushes over to his side, relieved to find him concious.

Meanwhile, Adam has also made his way over. "Chase?! What happened?!" He exclaims.

"What happened? What happened?! You happened Adam! Mr Davenport told you to clear the area before using the simulation, you gain didn't listen! Grow up!"

"It's not my fault! You jumped into the way!"

That's it. That was all it took to make Chase snap.

"So it would be okay if Mel got hit?" Chase growls, or should I say Spike.

"Uhm Chase?" Melanie asks slightly scared, yeah sure they had told her there was a possibility of Spike turning up,but she had never seen it.

"Melanie out of the way!" Adam ordered. Melanie didn't hesitate to hide it the nearest corner.

Spike throws himself at Adam furiously hitting him, luckily Adam can ditch most of the punches. That's until Spike decides to throw the barrel that had previously hit Chase. Melanie didn't think about it before throwing her in front of Adam.

Spike looks at her annoyed.
"Get out of the way!"
Melanie nodded her head no.

" Fine "
Melanie closes her eyes, waiting for the barrel to hit her. But it never came.

She dares to open then again and sees her boyfriend with his hands covering his face.

"I almost hurt you. I..."

"Shh it wasn't your fault." She wraps her arms around him while motioning for Adam to leave.
"You saved me."

"Yeah and after that I tried to smash you with a barrel." His eyes look guilty at her.

"Don't get mad, we don't want your friend coming back, do we?" Mel says in an attempt to cheer him up.

They slowly pull away from the hug, Mel keeps her arms tightly wrapped around Chase's shoulders while he holds her waist in a strong grip.

Their face are so close, they can feel each others breaths. Slow and uneven. It's like they're both waiting for the other to move. Melanie beats Chase to it as she softly places her lips to his.


The kiss continues like this, until Chase finds the courage to bite her bottom lip slightly, making Melanie moan quietly into his mouth. He sees his change as he skillfully slips his tongue into her mouth.

After a moment of furiously kissing like that, they pull away for oxigen.
"I love you Mel."
"I love you too."
Chase places a wet kiss against Melanie her neck and continues to do this until he finds her soft spot.
He dares to suck a little before waiting for her reaction. When all we does is moan, he continues.

Melanie is pulling Chase's hair softly, turning him of to no offense. Mel moans at the touch of Chase's lips on her neck and jawline as he moans against her skin.

Chase's hand manage to grab her butt and hint her to jump. So she does, she wraps her legs around his waist as he continues to kiss her. He decides to sit down on a nearby chair, with Melanie on his lap. And that's when she feels his dying for attention cock underneath her.

Chase's lips leave her neck and return to hers. Kissing her deeply while pushing his tongue down her throat. Melanie wiggles around on his lap, desperate for friction down there.

"Jezus Mel," Chase groans as she rubs their parts against each other. "I need that off," he says as he lifts her shirt over her head, followed by her bra. His lips find their way to her nippers, sucking softly.

"Ah Chase~" she moans against his shoulder.

"Chase, Chase I need you. Now. In me." Another moan as he pulls down her panties and his own pants and shirt.

"Ready babe?" A barely noticeble nod comes from Mel.

They're both moaning as Chase thrusts into Mel on a quick and steady pace.

"I'm gonna... gonna cum," Mel whisper moans into Chase's ear.

"Me too, baby girl, me too."

They came simultaneously moaning each others names. Chase pulls out and smiles shyly at Mel.

"Well,you should continue training, we can finish our project tomorrow," Melanie says before putting on her clothes.

"Yeah,your right." One last look as Melanie leaves the lab.


Holy fuck. Chase, Mr perfect, just ducked me on a lab table.

That's all she can think of.

This was kinda long.

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