High school

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I got this idea from another book, can't remember what book.

High school you absolutely hated high school. Sure you had friends, you were quite popular. But those so called 'friends' weren't to friendly when it came to others. Especially when it came to the Davenport trio, and Leo.

Everytime we'd see them in the hallway, just standing there, we'd pass by and Bea, Rosie and Helen would start laughing at looking at them, they would sometimes even insult them.

You were ashamed for your friends. One time, around a week ago, they insulted them and while they were busy doing that, your eyes met the eyes of the youngest Davenport. You belive his name is Chase.

You sent him an apologetic smile, which he kindly returned, making you blush like crazy.

One day later and your friends were telling them about how much of losers they were. You, however, were busy getting lost in Chase eyes. Yeah, you were pretty sure you had a crush on the guy. But who can blame you? He's cute and smart.

Your last class just ended and you were walking towards your locker. You turned around the corner but weren't watching out and you felt you body hit something hard. You drop the books your were holding and immediately bent down to get them. The thing you bumped into did the exact same thing. You look up to meet his eyes and are quite surprised to look right into Chase's well known eyes.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you," he quietly apologises.
"It was my fault, I wasn't paying attention." You kindly smile at him as you continue to speak, "Chase right?" You ask, although you exactly what his name is.
"Yeah, and you're Y/N." You nod your head in confirmation. You were both standing by now, looking into each others eyes.

"Well see you later Y/N." He says before disappearing from your vision. Shit. He's even cuter when you talk to him.


"You are such a lose! Ugh 'I got an
A+! Listen up everyone!'" Rosie yells at Chase chuckling like an idiot. It's not true, Chase never brags about his grades, he would just smile to himself. You look at Chase, desperate to find his eyes. He doesn't look to bothered by her saying that. For just a short moment,  his eyes meet mine, before he turns around and walks away.

Chemistry. You hate chemistry. But it's not so bad since Chase's is in your class. Sitting in the back, all by himself. And that's when you decide it's time to make a move, instead stalk him when he doesn't look.

"Is this seat free?" You say in your most confident voice. His head turns to look at you and his eyes widen a little.

"Y/N... sure." He says as he gestures to the seat next to him. You send him a smile before sitting down.

During class you sneak some glances at him, and every once in a while, your eyes catch his. Making the both of you blushing furiously.


"So, you think you can just push us?" Bea asks innocently, Chase shakes his head and looks quite annoyed.

"I already told you, it was an  exigent. It won't happen again." The girl laugh evilly looking at each other.

"It won't happen again? It won't happen again?! I'll make sure it-" Helen gets cut off by your voice. Wait what?

"Shut up!" You quickly cover you mouth.

"What?" Rosie asks you, venom lacing her voice.

"It said shut up. You heard me bitch. He didn't do anything to you!" They share a glances before walking away, feeling wayyyy to good about themselves.

"Thanks, for sticking up to me back there," Chase says as the two of you walk out of the school.

"No problem. I'm sorry for being such a bitch."

"No its fine." He turns to look at you as he stops walking.

You turn your head to his as you lean a little closer. Once you see him lean in to, you close your eyes and press your lips to his. He kisses you back and after like five seconds you pull apart.

"See you tomorrow Y/N"

"Yeah see ya."

Short ik but whatever

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