I got you

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Request by @jandre-forever
Thanks for requesting!
Hope this is what you meant!
Plot: Marcus is back! Yeah true and he kidnaps a very pretty girl to get the attention of our precious Rats. The public is not aware of their abilities yet.

No one's POV

"Guys I got a mission coming in," Mr Davenport says walking over to the bionic trio and their step brother. "It appears a young girl, around the age of 18, has been taken captive by a male, age and identity unknown," he continues explaining.
The trio nods, heading of to get their black mission suits.


"We're here. What now?" Chase says through his cons,  waiting for his 'father' to answer. "Uhm, try the back door, abandoned warehouses always leave the back door open," he states like it's obvious.
Chase gives a light push against the door, no movement. "Really? Seems not so," he says slightly irritated.
"Adam do your thing," Chase commands. Being answered with a sarcastic reply.
"Yes boss, as you wish." The younger boy rolls his eyes and motions for Adam to kick in the door. Adam quickly obeys and kicks the door, breaking it in half.
The trio carefully enters the now open door. Being careful.
Not careful enough.
Chase was immediatly hit by a blast in his back.
"Well hello there, siblings," Marcus greets, saying the last word with venom in his voice. "Marcus," Bree hisses.
"That's right my little sis, you miss me?" He says smirking widely. Meanwhile, Adam had rushed over to Chase's body.
"Dude you okay?!" Adam ask worried.
"I'm good, help Bree, I'll be fine," Chase replies while standing up arching his back.
"You have quite the nerves coming back here," Chase tells Marcus, looking him directly in the eye.
Bree gives him a confused look, the boy returns a hinting look back. His eyes shooting from Marcus to his own hands for a small second, enough for Bree to notice him pointing to the corner of the room.
The girl narrows her eyes to see a girl sitting there, tied to chair. Understanding what her brother meant, she turns her attention back to Marcus.
"Chase! My dear brother Chase. It's nice to see you, how have you been?" Marcus says sarcastically.
"I was doing fine until you decided to show your ass," Chase hisses back.
"Oh my Chase! Where have you learned such a word?! Bet you daddy will be very dissapointed," the android hisses back. The youngest bionic simply replies with a lame joke.
"He invented it, since he invetented you." Adam giggles softly. Marcus looks really pissed right now.
"You little..." deap breath. "Look what kind of ass I can be when I slit her throat," he calmy answers.
His head snaps to the chair in the corner, expecting to see a black haired girl on it. No sign of her.
"What the... Where is she?!"
Chase shrugs. "I don't have the slightest clue." If course he did, he knew damn well Bree freed her. "Not that it matters anyways. I put a forcefield around the building,  no one can leave, meaning she and Bree must still be inside.
His hands rise above his head and he brings the back down with full force. Sending a little earthquake around. At the end of the room we can hear a small shriek. Worry fills Chase's eyes as he runs down to see the damage. Bree's hurried under some rocks, while the girl is fine.
"Adam get her out!" Adam followed the commands and started digging.
"It's okay, we're here to help," Chase tried calming the girl down.
"Actually, they're the reason you're here," Marcus speaks up, enjoying the scene in front of him.
"Let her go, this is between us."
"No can do Chasey boy, I need her for my plan to work, you see if I kill her you'll be so busy trying to save her I can easily snap your neck. And without a leader, you guys can't do anything," Marcus explains, earning a low growl from Chase.
The young hero looks up to the scared girl in front of him.
"It's gonna be ok." She nods her head slowly, moving her eyes to Marcus.
"Oh babe, don't look at me like that," he says once seeing her hurt look. The girl flinched when hearing the name 'babe'.
"Stay away from her," Chase says, fully focusing on Marcus with his siblings on either side.
"Like I told you before, I need her, not my fault you're to stupid to understand." An evil grin makes his way up to the dark minded teenager his face.
Chase quickly pulls out his laser bow, firing himself at his opponent. His mechanic brother easily dodges and punches him in the stomach. Chase bends over while Adam takes a shot at punching him, failing as Marcus throws him around the room.
"Do you really think you even stand a change against me?"
"No we don't, we just hope so," the youngest speaks up firing himself at Marcus yet again.
Marcus tries do block his attack but gets blown backwards, meanwhile Bree and Adam made their way tj the girl.
" Who are you?" She asks with a voice filled with fear.
"That's not important. Who are you?"
"Why should I trust you?"
"Im Bree, Bree Davenport and this is my brother Adam. We're bionic superhuman and are here to save you." The girl seems to have her doubts but decides to speak up anyway. "Sam."
"What?" Bree asks not quite understanding what she means.
"Sam, my name. Sam Renton. Well it's actually Samantha but I dislike that name so." (ICarly anyone?!)
Bree nods understanding before being hit by something. Or someone.
"What the..." The girl, apparently named Sam, shouts before being cut off by a firm hand griping her thin arm.
"You can't beat me!" The maniac called Marcus yells.

Chase regains his posture and is now in a kneeling pose on the ground, breathing heavily. In a soft, barely hear able whisper he says; "Are you though? 'Cause the last time I checked we beat you, or am I wrong? We're not the ones getting our ass kicked, believe me I am so done with you."
Firing himself at Marcus he swings his fist, hitting him right in his jaw. Fire is now erupting from the metal boy.
"You'll pay for this!" He throws him at his brother, tackling him to the ground along with himself. The younger quickly flicks him from under Marcus' grip away. Pinning him down.
"That's where you wrong brother." He says the last word with venom.
His arm reaches out, but instead of punching the guy underneath him, he forms a laser bow.
"You can't make me pay if you're not alive enough to fight."
"You aren't strong enough to kill me Chase. Face it!"
"You're right, or not?"
Chase brings his bow down, landing it perfectly in Marcus' chest.
The latter groans out it pain. There's a nasty wound in Marcus his chest. Tears streaming down his face, he says, "You're stronger than I thought. I'm sorry."

Marcus' eyes are lifeless and cold, Chase uses his right hand to close them gently. "I'm sorry, too." He then turns to face his living siblings.
Bree has her arm around the girl protective. Adam is resting on Bree's other side, he seems to have a wound on his right leg.
"You help him and I'll help her," Chase commands Bree, earning a nod in agreement.

Bree hands the girl over to her brother and starts helping Adam walk.
"He needs help, I'll run him home, can you make it there yourself whit her?" Her brother nods and Bree speeds away.

"I never caught your name," Chase starts.
"It's Sam." They stare into each others eyes until Sam shyly looks away. "You know, no one even told me who this Marcus guy is. Not even who you are." Chase nods understanding before starting to explain.
After explaining what Marcus is, and what he himself is, he lets Sam take it al in.
"So you're Chase Davenport, bionic super teen?" She asks for confirmation, which she gets through a nod. "That's so cool." She smiles.

For a brief second, Chase catches himself staring at her lips, her soft, pink lips. Sam slowly leans in a little closer once seeing him staring at her lips. "It's okay." And with that she presses her lips to his.
He immediatly starts kissing her back fierce fully. It's a soft and passionate kiss.
When they pull apart, Chase places their heads together, both smiling widely. "Let's go, Mr Davenport wants to check on you." Sam nods and walks the way back to Chase home, her hand holding his.

Prologue (because writing this took me so long!)
2 years later

It's been two years since Marcus took Sam hostage. Chase and San started seeing each other a lot and Sam is almost every day present at the Davenport mansion. Not that anyone minds. Everyone is fond of her, Tasha sees her like a second daughter and to Adam, Bree and Leo she's like a sibling. To Chase, she's a beautiful, kind girl that he has the honour of calling his girlfriend.

10 years later

"I do."
"You may kiss the bride." And he does, he kisses his bride. Earning some cheers from the crowd. The bionic superheroes have been exposed to the public a while ago. It was quite a thing that the youngest of them was getting married to a girl he met when he was fifteen.

12 years later

12 years ago, Chase and Sam met. Also known as the Cham meeting.
Now, Sam was looking at the positive pregnancy test in her hand.
"Babe?!" She says, both scared and excited.
"Yes baby? Something wrong?" Chase asks worried when entering the room.
He looks at the tears in Sam her eyes and starts to worry more, until he looks at her hands, seeing the pregnancy test.
"Are you..." he says desperately trying to find words. "Pregnant?" He stammers earning a nod from Sam.
A smile spreads across his face before hugging her in a tight hug.
"I'm gonna me a dad."
"And I'm gonna be a mom."
"An amazing one." He presses his lips to hers softly.

Sorry it took so long!! I've been kinda busy... anyway! I hope you like it! Pls enter requests tho.

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