Edward Scissorhands

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It was a cold winter night. Edward was carving ice sculptures at the top room of the castle he lived in, like he did every winter. In no time at all, the ground was covered in a thick blanket of snow. Edward stepped back, admiring the sculpture. He'd made many statues of Kim, but he loved this one the most. Suddenly, Edward heard crying.

 He hurried downstairs, and out the door. He looked around, and saw a small basket with a soft F/C blanket covering it. Edward gently lifted the blanket away, careful not to cut it. His warm brown eyes widened at what he saw. A baby was lying in the basket, a note clutched in his/her hand. "Shhh...It's okay..." Edward said, picking up the basket and carrying it into the castle. 

He soon realized the note, and read it.

"Dearest Edward,

This is my great grandson/daughter, Y/N. His/Her mother died after (s)he was born, and his/her father wants nothing to do with him/her. Since you have such a kind heart, I knew you would be the one to raise him/her. I miss you so much. This is probably the last thing I'll say to you, so I'll make it count. Take care of Y/N, won't you?

Love always and forever, Kim."

Tears ran down Edward's face as he read the last sentence of the note. Kim was gone, and this child was her great grandson/daughter. From that moment on, Edward swore to protect and raise Y/N for as long as they both lived. He'd do it for Kim.

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