Sweeney Todd(Request)

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Requested by NeonSilverStars

"You know what, Toby?! That's it!" Anissa snapped as she walked towards the door. "Wh-What are you talking about Anissa?" Toby stuttered, rushing after her. "What did I do wrong?" Anissa turned around, her brown eyes burning into Toby's. "What did you do wrong?! EVERYTHING!" she screamed, rushing at Toby until she had him up against a wall.

"You never took this relationship seriously, you never pay attention to me, and you talk about me to your friends as if I'm just some toy that should be shown off!" Toby tried to get away from his fuming girlfriend, but Anissa slammed both of her hands against the wall, trapping him. "A-Anissa, Darling..." he whispered, gazing into her wide eyes. "I love you." Anissa's face turned soft for a moment, then she smiled, which was a rarity for her. "You really do love me, Toby?" she asked, sweetness lacing her voice.

Toby smiled. "With all my heart." Anissa slowly took one of her hands away from the wall, and Toby started to walk away. He noticed his grave mistake when he felt Anissa's other hand pin him back to the wall, and her free hand slapped him across the face. "You should have said that when you had the chance!" Anissa snarled, throwing him to the floor and running out the door.


Sweeney heard the door to the barber shop swing open and slam shut. "Anissa, is that you, Darling?" he asked. Anissa ran to Sweeney and wrapped her arms around him, sobbing into his chest. Sweeney's eyes widened. "A-Anissa, what's the matter, Dear?" he asked, hugging her back. Anissa lifted her face to look at him, her eyes spilling waterfalls down her cheeks.

"Toby-" Right when she said that name, Sweeney's face contorted in anger. "What did he do to you, Anissa?" he asked, pulling a razor out of his pocket and flicking it open. "Father, p-please. Calm down." Anissa whimpered, laying a hand on her father's arm. "We just broke up." Sweeney's face softened.

"I thought you were happy together, Dear." he said, wiping tears away from his daughter's face. "What went wrong?" Anissa's large brown eyes locked onto Sweeney's ashy brown ones. "He never took our relationship seriously." she whispered. "I'm so lost, Father. I don't think I'll ever love again." Sweeney sighed, hugging his daughter again.

"I'm not worthy of anyone's affection." Sweeney tensed up at Anissa's words. "Nobody could ever bring themselves to love the daughter of the Demon Barber of Fleet Street." That did it. Sweeney pulled away from the hug and gently took Anissa's shoulders. "Don't you ever let me hear you talking like that ever again, Anissa Todd." he said sternly.

Anissa wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. "I just don't know what to do, Father." she whispered. Sweeney thought for a moment, then smiled. "I have an idea, my Dear!" Anissa looked at her father, curiosity taking over. "What is it, Father?" she asked.

Sweeney took Anissa's hand, and opened the door. "We're going on a 'date' of sorts." he said. "I'm going to show you how a true gentleman treats his lady." Anissa's eyes glowed with hope. "Ok, Father." she said, taking his hand as he led her outside. Anissa had to admit, her father knew a thing or two about ladies.

He took her to nice restaurants, bought her anything she wanted, and showered her in affection. After a while, Sweeney sat Anissa down on a park bench. "I need to go do something, so stay right there until I come back for you." he said. Anissa nodded. "Ok, Father."


It took a few minutes, but Sweeney finally came back for Anissa. He looked happier than usual. "Why so cheerful all of a sudden, Father?" Anissa asked. "It isn't like you." Sweeney chuckled. "I have a huge surprise for you, my Dear."

Once they reached the door of the barber shop, Anissa could hear a bit of commotion. "Father, what did you do?" she asked, suspiciously. Sweeney swung open the door with a flourish. "Here it is, Anissa!" Anissa's jaw dropped as she saw what Sweeney did. Toby was tied down to the barber chair, the ropes cutting into his wrists and ankles.

"Let me out of here, Todd!" he screamed, struggling to get free. "You're mad!" Anissa let out a chuckle. "Mad, you say?" she asked, walking slowly over to her ex-boyfriend. "That's rich, coming out of you." Toby's eyes widened in disbelief.

"A-Anissa...?" A smile crossed his face, but it was desperate and full of insincerity. "You came back for me, my love!" Anissa was silent for a moment, then threw her head back, laughing. "You really think I feel anything for you right now?!" She walked over to her father's box of razors and took one out.

"You must be the mad one if you think I'm going to have mercy on you." Toby realized in horror what was about to become of him as the girl flicked the razor open, its silver blade glimmering in the dim light. "Hold still, Toby. I'll make this quick." Anissa whispered as she smoothly positioned the blade against Toby's throat. "But then again, it doesn't really matter whether I'm quick about this or not. You'll suffer either way." Toby squeezed his eyes shut, tears streaming down his face. "A-Anissa..." he whispered, trembling like a leaf.

"Please...I'm sorry!" Anissa's face showed no remorse. "Not yet you aren't. But you're about to be." In one swift movement, the razor blade slashed across Toby's neck, slicing his throat open. Anissa and her father stood back and watched as Toby choked on his own blood before lying still. "That ought to teach him, Darling." Sweeney said, undoing the ropes that bound Toby to the chair and stomping on the pedal that sent him to the basement.

"I couldn't have said it better myself, Father." Anissa replied.

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