Christmas Special

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F/C/S=Favorite Christmas Song

Jack Skellington

The sweet and spicy aroma of gingerbread and sugar wafted in from the kitchen while your father set up the tree. "How're those cookies coming along, Y/N?" he called. "They're just about ready, Dad!" you replied. The radio was playing Christmas carols, and you both knew them all by heart. Jack liked classic Christmas songs like 'Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town'. Your holiday jam was 'F/C/S'.

Just as the last ornament was hung on the tree, a blast of warm air came from the kitchen. "Cookies are done, Dad!" You came out of the kitchen, your face flushed, and a bright twinkle in your eye, and holding a tray of piping hot, fresh from the oven, Christmas cookies. There were gingerbread spiders and sugar cookie skulls. "Lookin' great, Y/N!" Jack said happily. "Do you think Santa will like them?" you asked, putting the cookies on a festive plate.

Jack smiled. "He always does!" You laughed happily. "Hey, the star still needs to be put on the tree!" you said, glancing at the tree. "Golly, you're right, Y/N!" Jack said enthusiastically. You were a tad bit shorter than the tree, so that made putting the star up impossible.

"Little help here, Dad?" you said, turning to Jack. "Sure thing, Y/N!" he said, lifting you up so you could put the star on the top of the tree. You stood back and smiled. "That's got to be the most beautiful Christmas tree I've ever seen." you sighed. Jack agreed. Walking over to the main light switch, you flicked it off, the whole house pitch black except for the tree lights and the fire blazing merrily in the hearth.

Jack sat down in front of the tree, and you sat next to him, eventually falling asleep. A few hours passed, the fire reduced to a few glowing embers, and the sound of the snow against the windows, before Jack heard that familiar jingle of sleigh bells, a thump on the roof, and the man, the myth, the legend was standing in the room. "Merry Christmas, Jack." Santa said cheerfully. "Same to you, Sandy!" Jack said cheerfully, never losing the habit of calling Santa that. "How was Y/N this year?" Santa asked. "Good as gold!" Jack replied.

As the final present was placed under the tree and Santa started to walk back toward the chimney, he turned around. "Jack?" He asked. "Yes, Sandy?" Jack asked. "If you could turn back time to that night, would you do the whole thing all over again, knowing what you know now, and knowing what you knew then?" Jack smiled, thought for a moment, and asked softly, 

"Wouldn't you?"

Just as Jack said those words, he felt you move.

"Need I remind you that you almost died that night, Dad...?" You mumbled, starting to open your eyes....before Jack covered them. "Shhhhhhh....Sleep." He said HUMERUS-LY(I'm sorry). "All right, all right." You said, closing your eyes and going back to sleep. "Merry Christmas, little Y/N..." Santa said cheerfully, ruffling your hair before going back up the chimney. Jack waved goodbye as the sleigh flew off into the distance, and fell asleep with you in his arms.

Edward Scissorhands


After a delicious Christmas dinner, a few holiday movies, and a nice bedtime story, Edward tucked you into bed for the night. "Daddy?" you asked before he left. "Yes, Snowflake?" Edward asked. "I think you may have forgot a little something." you whispered. Edward thought about what you said, and then he remembered. "Darn! I forgot about the best part!"

He rushed upstairs, and in a few moments, snowflakes were falling beautifully, the winter breeze carrying them beyond the castle, and into the neighborhood. Edward smiled, remembering the love of his life, and how she would dance in the snow he made. Just the thought of her smile, her eyes, her embrace, warmed his heart. "I'm doing my best, Kim. He's/She's the most amazing child I've ever known. I wish I could hold you again....I miss you so much..." Tears filled Edward's chocolate brown eyes as he said that. Suddenly, he felt someone's presence behind him.

"Y/N...What're you doing out of b-" He stopped. Standing in front of him, in her snow-white dress, was Kim. She was as beautiful as the day she said goodbye. Tears spilled down Edward's cheeks as he ran up and held her just like he used to. "I missed you so much, Kim..." he sobbed, burying his face in her blonde hair. "I miss you too, Edward." she whispered.

She looked lovingly into his eyes, wiping away his tears. "You're such a good father, Edward..." Edward smiled, holding his beloved closer. "How are you here...?" Edward asked, suddenly realizing. "You haven't figured it out yet?" Kim asked. "This is all a dream."

Edward stood back, his heart heavy in his chest. "B-But...I don't remember falling asleep!" Edward watched in sorrow as Kim began to turn to snowflakes and drift away with the wind. "N-No! Don't leave me again, Kim!!" Edward cried, running to her and holding her tightly, not ready to let go. "It'll be okay, Edward. Merry Christmas..." With those words, she kissed him passionately, and faded away.

Edward woke up to the pale pink and yellow sunlight reflecting off the pristine snow. As he sat up, he heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and a split second later, a sudden weight on his shoulders as you hugged him from behind. "DADDY WAKE UP! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!" you yelled excitedly. "Ok, ok, Snowflake. I'm up!" Edward said with a smile. Looking out at the snowy landscape, he watched the sun rise over the place his lover had once called home.


You were tucked up snug and warm in your bed,  the snow falling in flurries on the previous day's. This time of year always brought a smile to your face, and lit a fire in your heart. You smiled, and sang a carol in your sleep, unaware that your dad was wide awake and hearing it. 

Your voice was so beautiful that he fell right back asleep. You finished the song right as the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon, the snow turning from white to soft pink.

 You finished the song right as the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon, the snow turning from white to soft pink

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You woke up to the morning sun warm on your face, despite the cold.

You sat up in bed, your H/L, H/C hair falling over your forehead in wisps. You had little time to appreciate the silence before Beetlejuice burst into your room, wearing the ugliest Christmas sweater you'd ever seen in your life, and singing Christmas songs off key. "MERRY CHRISTMAS, Y/N!!!" he said cheerfully. Getting out of bed and letting your body get used to the cold air, you threw your arms around him, returning the greeting. After a cup of hot cocoa and a few Christmas cookies, you both went outside to play in the snow.

Sweeney Todd

"Y/N....Wake up. It's Christmas." Sweeney whispered, gently shaking you awake. You opened your eyes slightly, and smiled. "Morning, Father..." you mumbled, rubbing your eyes. "C'mon, get up and dressed or we'll be late for church." Sweeney said before leaving to get ready himself. After church, you and your father put up the tree, made cookies, and sang some songs. You spent a lot of time sitting in the barber's chair reading your favorite book, 'A Christmas Carol'.

"Y/N!" you heard your father call from the kitchen. "Dinner's ready!" You got up off the chair and practically jumped into your chair. "Merry Christmas, my son/dear." Sweeney said with a smile. "And God bless us, every one!" You said cheerfully. After dinner, you and Sweeney went outside and joined the other people in the town in caroling.

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