When You're Lonely

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Jack Skellington

You and Jack were in the car with the radio on. Jack was in a great mood. You, not so much. Jack noticed your gloomy mood. "What's the matter, Y/N?" he asked, putting one hand on your shoulder. You turned to look at him, putting a smile on your face.

"It's nothing, Dad. Don't worry." Jack locked eyes with you for a second, then uncertainly turned to face forward again. "Ok. Well, just let me know if you need anything, Y/N." Jack replied. "Ok, Dad." You said, a slight chuckle in your voice as you turned back to staring out the window. Your smile faded within seconds, replaced by a melancholic frown. You put your hand over your chest, lightly grazing your heart.

"Ok, Y/N. Tell me what's the matter." Jack's voice snapped you out of your lonely daze, and you turned back to face him. "Dad, I'm just feeling a bit lonely, is all." You replied. Jack nodded in understanding. "Well, why didn't you say so in the first place?" Jack asked. "Hey, tell you what. We'll go visit your mother. How's that sound? You two can talk it out, and you'll feel so much better, Y/N!" Jack said enthusiastically.

Your lips turned up in a slight smile. "Sounds great, Dad."

Edward Scissorhands

You laid back on your bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. You were in one doozy of a bad mood. "Love..." you grumbled to yourself. "Why even bother with it...?" Just as you finished that sentence, you heard your door open, and saw your father walk in. "What was that, Y/N?" he asked.

You didn't meet his gaze. "Nothing, Daddy..." you said. Edward's usually cheerful face was replaced with a concerned frown. You felt your side of the bed lower as he sat down next to you. "C'mon, Snowflake. What's bothering you?" he asked gently. "Just feeling a bit down. No big deal." you replied.

Edward gently put a blade under your chin and turned your head to face him. "You don't have to hide anything, Y/N." You felt your eyes filling with tears, and you let them fall, pressing your face against Edward's shoulder. "I hate being so lonely, Daddy! I see couples all over my school, and it hurts!" you sobbed. "What's worse, every guy that's remotely good looking is an absolute loser!" Edward's brown eyes were filled with sympathy as he hugged you back.

"I know how you feel, Y/N. Before..." He stopped, his voice cracking. "B-Before Kim, I had nobody." You could feel your father's shoulders trembling. Your arms wrapped around him tighter. It broke your heart when your father cried.

"But, she found a way to love me for who I am." You sniffled, wiping tears away from your eyes, and smiled. You loved it when Edward talked about Kim. His sweet smile and charming eyes made you forget about your loneliness. "Hey, wanna go out for ice cream, Snowflake?" He asked, standing up. You chuckled.

"Sure, Daddy."


It was quiet in the house. That is, until you walked in, home from another school day. Beetlejuice turned to you, a cheerful smile on his face. "Heya, Bucko/Toots! How was-" You swiftly walked past your father and went upstairs to your room. "Fine, Papa..." You grumbled before swinging your bedroom door closed and tossing your backpack in a corner.

You needed something to take your mind off of how romantically starved you were. You looked through every book you had, but they all had some kind of romance. You turned to the small alarm clock that doubled as a stereo, but every CD you owned had at least one or two lovey-dovey songs on them. You let out a groan, finally laying down on the floor in the large rectangle of warm sunlight from your bedroom window. You started to get drowsy after a bit. Just as you were on the brink of dreaming, you heard a knock.

"Oh, Y/N!" You let out a long, dramatic sigh, but didn't get up. "I'm respecting your privacy by knocking, but asserting my authority as your father by coming in anyway!" Your eyes flew open and you quickly sat up before Beetlejuice kicked your door open. "C'mon, Y/N! Why are you being so gloomy?" He asked, obviously trying to cheer you up. It was failing miserably.

Beetlejuice dropped the smile. "Hey, tell me what's wrong, Bucko/Toots." he said, laying a hand on your shoulder. You sighed. "Papa, have you ever...wished for someone to love you...?" Beetlejuice grinned. "Well, I have you! That's all the love I-"

"No." You interrupted. "Not like that." Beetlejuice thought for a moment, then the realization hit him. "Oh, I see! You're feeling lonely!" You nodded. "It really sucks. I feel like I'll never find that special someone."

Beetlejuice smiled sympathetically. "Don't worry, Kiddo. You'll find that special guy/girl in your own time." You chuckled, feeling a spark of hope in your heart. "Papa?" You said. "Yeah, Bucko/Toots?" Your father replied. Your large E/C eyes gazed up at his.

"When's dinner?" Beetlejuice glanced at a nearby wall clock. "Uh, not for another couple of hours. Why do you ask?" "Because Papa," you replied. "When I get lonely, I get hungry. AND WHEN I GET HUNGRY-" Beetlejuice put a hand on your shoulder.

"All right, I'm sure there's something in the fridge, Y/N." With a quick 'thanks', you rushed out of your bedroom. "Just don't spoil your appetite, Y/N!" Beetlejuice called after you.

Sweeney Todd

"Stupid boys/girls...who needs them?" You grumbled, swiping through photos of your best friends and their boy/girlfriends. Your thumb froze on the screen for a moment. "I do." You switched off your phone and walked out of your room and downstairs. Sweeney was sitting in a chair, reading. He glanced at you over the book, his ash brown eyes narrowed slightly as you walked past.

"I know that look on your face all too well, Son/Dear." He said solemnly, putting the book down on a side table. "What do you mean, Father?" You asked. Sweeney slowly got up from the chair. "It's the look of a young boy/girl who's in desperate need of affection." You froze where you stood, and slowly turned to face Sweeney.

"H-How do you know that?" You asked. A slight smirk crossed Sweeney's face. "I've worn that expression myself." You sighed, walking over to Sweeney and hugging him. Sweeney hugged you back, patting your H/C hair. "Don't fret, my boy/girl." He said, kneeling down to your level and smiling.

"There's plenty of time for you to find that special someone." Your E/C eyes brightened a bit. Sweeney chuckled and turned the corners of your mouth up jokingly. "You know what they say about smiling, Y/N!" He said cheerfully. You laughed, a wide grin spreading across your face. "You're never fully dressed without one!"

Sorry about the wait, guys. School's been kicking my butt for the past few weeks, and I've been really busy. Until next time!

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