They Find Out Your Secret Talent

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You're 12 in this one

Jack Skellington

Jack was just preparing for this year's Halloween when he heard the sound of music coming from your room accompanied by singing. Curious as always, Jack walked up to the stairs to your room and slowly, quietly opened the door. What he saw amazed him. You were sitting on the seat in front of the grand piano in the center of your room, a small lamp with a F/C scarf draped over it perched above the keys, playing the song of Halloween town, the town anthem if you may, and singing in a voice that echoed around the room.

Boys and girls of every age

Wouldn't you like to see something strange

Come with us and you will see

This our town of Halloween~

Jack was amazed at how you could hit each note of the song in perfect sync with your voice. He stood there, wide eyed, watching your fingers gliding over the keys.

In this town

Don't we love it now

Everybody's waiting for the next surprise

Skellington Jack might catch you in the back

And scream like a banshee

Make you jump out of your skin

This is Halloween

Everybody scream

Won't you please make way for a very special guy

Our man Jack is king of the pumpkin patch

Everyone hail to the pumpkin king now!

Jack was taking in every little bit of what he saw, and when the song was nearing its end, he made the keys play themselves and swept you up in a waltz, singing along with you.

In this town

We call home

Everyone hail to the pumpkin song~

La la la

la la la la la

la la la la la

la la la

la la la


Edward Scissorhands

Edward was surprised when he saw you go to your room with paper, a pencil, and a pair of scissors. "Hey Y/N? What're you doing?" he called up to you. "You'll see, Daddy!" you called back. After a while, Edward was just about to call you down for dinner. "Y/N! Dinnertime, Snowflake!" To his surprise, you didn't come down. 

"Y/NNNN!" He called again. Still no response. Edward started walking up the stairs to your room. "Y/N, I called you down twice, so why didn't you come when I-" He then stopped. Hung all around your room were garlands of paper snowflakes.

 Edward looked around in awe, speechless. "Y...Y/N....Did you do all this, Snowflake?" He asked, still trying to take in everything. His eyes wandered around until he saw you sitting on the floor buried in piles of paper, hard at work making another snowflake chain. You paused, looking up from your work, and smiled brightly, your E/C eyes shining. "Hi Daddy." You said cheerfully. You stood up with another string of paper snowflakes and, standing on your toes, hung it along your bedroom window.

 "Y/N, I had absolutely no idea you could do this!" Edward said, amazed. "Remember that book on origami I got from the library?" you asked. "Y-Yes I do, Snowflake." Edward replied. You then took out the book, flipped a few pages, and showed your father the steps on how to make a snowflake chain. Edward smiled and gently patted your head. "Come on, Y/N. Dinner will get cold if we just stand here."


"Hey, Papa! I wanna do something!" you said one day. Beetlejuice smiled, always having time for something fun with his son/daughter. "Sure, Bucko/Toots! What is it?" he asked. "I wanna have a contest to see who can freak out the other the most!" you said enthusiastically, holding out your hand. "All right, Y/N! I accept that challenge!" Beetlejuice said, shaking your hand in agreement....before popping it off his body. To his surprise, you had a straight face.

"Seriously, Papa? I've seen that one a billion times." you said coolly. "All right, all right..." Beetlejuice said, popping his hand back on. The contest went on for a few minutes, the both of you trying your best to get a reaction, but so far, nothing happened. When your turn came again, you thought about what to do for a moment, and then, you realized your dad didn't know you could do something he could do any day. "Stand back, Papa. This could get ugly." you said, getting ready. "All right, Bucko/Toots! Hit me with it." Beetlejuice said, obviously challenging you.

You smirked and took a deep breath. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" you screamed, spinning your head around until it was only a blur. Beetlejuice fell on the ground in surprise until your head stopped spinning. Only problem was, it stopped backwards. "Oops, my bad!" you said as you grabbed the sides of your head and turned it 360 degrees with a snap of your neck. "So? What'd ya think, Papa?" You asked, helping him up.

"Y-Y-You win, Y/N...." Beetlejuice stuttered, blown away. "What? Didn't know I could do that?" You laughed. "Nope!" Beetlejuice replied. "Yeah, I've been workin' on it for a while!"

Sweeney Todd


Sweeney was just about to deliver the final slice to an unsuspecting Judge Turpin, when he hesitated. Leaning over, he said, "You know, I have a son/daughter..." "Oh? Is that so, Mr. Todd?" asked Turpin. "Quite so, sir. Y/N, Come here, Son/Dear! There's someone I'd like you to meet!" Sweeney called. You came downstairs into the shop area. "Yes, what is it, Father?" You asked brightly. 

"This  gentleman here is the great Judge Turpin. Now come and greet him." You smiled and walked over. "It's an honor to meet you, Judge Turpin. I'm Y/N." "Quite the polite little chap/lady, Mr. Todd." Turpin remarked. "Quite so, sir." Sweeney said, a smirk forming on his lips as he gestured for you to come over to him. You did so, and putting a finger to his lips, he placed the razor firmly in your hand.

 You mouth turned up in a grin. "When I say, Son/Dear..." Sweeney said in a barely audible voice. You nodded. He would never expect what you were planning for him. Unbeknownst to him, you'd spent the last few days or so looking through anatomy books and learning exactly where and how to slit a throat. Sweeney casually turned back to Judge Turpin.

 "You know, I have a feeling we know each other, but then again, I could be mistaken." Turpin looked at Sweeney, confused. "I certainly don't remember meeting you before, Mr. Todd..." Sweeney smiled maliciously. "The years no doubt have changed me, Sir...But then...I suppose the face of a barber...The face of a prisoner in the not very memorable..." A sudden wave of realization hit Turpin head on. 

"B-Benjamin Barker..." He stammered quietly. You then rushed out from behind the chair, gripping the razor. "BENJAMIN BARKER!!!!" You and Sweeney screamed in unison as you plunged the razor into Turpin's neck, spraying blood all over your face, hands, and clothes. Sweeney watched from a distance, shocked, perhaps even frightened, at how accurate you were when you did it. You then stepped back from the corpse, the razor and the entire front of your body painted crimson. You were panting with the adrenaline rush you got, and your face screwed up in rage.

Sweeney slowly approached you cautiously, not sure if you were done yet. "Y-Y-Y/N....? Are you feeling well, Son/Dear...?" "I'm fine, Father." You said, pure insanity glinting in your large E/C eyes as you casually stomped on the pedal that tipped the chair back and sent Turpin's body plummeting into the basement."How'd you know where to aim, Y/N? I never taught you." Sweeney said curiously after he'd recovered from what he saw. You smiled. "I bought some anatomy books at the store and studied the vulnerable areas."

Sweeney smirked, and throwing your arms around each other, you walked up the stairs, the whole house echoing with your laughs of insanity.

(Darn, this last one was long, but it was worth it!)

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