They Find Out You're Pregnant(Girl Chapter)

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Requested by @Hazbin_Hotel2575

(You can choose whether you want the baby to be a boy or girl.)

Jack Skellington

You gently laid your hand against your stomach, your heart racing as you looked at the ultrasound photos in your other hand. "Oh boy, this is gonna be a lot for Dad to handle." you muttered as you picked up your phone and called Sally. "M-Mom, I need you to come over...N-No, I wouldn't exactly say something's wrong. J-Just come over, trust me." You hung up the phone, leaning against your bedroom wall and slowly sliding down to the floor. After a while, the doorbell rang. "Sally, what a surprise! What are you doing here?" you heard Jack ask.

To which your mother replied, "Y/N called me and told me to come over." You took a deep breath and sat down on the sofa, waiting for your parents. A few minutes passed before you finally mustered up the courage to call Jack and Sally into the living room. Jack looked at you, his hands folded in his lap. "What's going on, Y/N?" he asked. "You've been acting very strange lately."

You sighed, slowly pulling the photos out of your sweater pocket and laying them on the coffee table. "S-Surprise...Grandma and Grandpa?" you said meekly. Jack and Sally glanced down at the photos, their eyes wide. "J-Jack..." Sally whispered. Jack looked at Sally, his eye sockets shining with happiness and his grin as wide as it could possibly be. "Sally...We're going to be grandparents!"

Sally looked back at you, tears of joy in her eyes. "B-Boy or girl?" she asked. You smiled. "It's gonna be a boy/girl. His/Her name will be Alastor/Ashley Skellington." Jack sat down next to you, beaming with pride. "A wonderful name for the son/daughter of a wonderful girl..."

Edward Scissorhands

"Oh God, oh God, oh God..." you softly cried, sitting on the bathroom floor and staring at the positive pregnancy test. "D-Daddy!" you yelled out before feeling your stomach flip. Edward walked into the bathroom to see you bent over the toilet and throwing up. "Y-Y/N, what's going on?! Are you sick?!" Edward asked worriedly, kneeling down next to you and gently patting your back. Flushing the toilet, you weakly picked up the pregnancy test and confessed, "I'm gonna have a baby, Daddy..." Edward's soft, warm, brown eyes widened a bit in surprise, before spilling giant tears down his cheeks.

"R-Really, Snowflake?" he asked, smiling through his tears. "I'm having a baby boy/girl..." you whispered, hugging Edward with one arm, the other one around your stomach. "I'm gonna call him/her Edmond/Elaine..." Edward smiled, burying his face in your soft H/C hair. "I'm gonna have a grandson/granddaughter..."


You chuckled softly as you closed the oven door. You then took a deep breath and put your hands around your mouth. "PAPA! PAPA! PAPA!" Beetlejuice appeared mere seconds later. "Whaddaya want, Bucko/Toots?" your father asked enthusiastically. You smirked, waving a hand to the oven.

"Go on, open it!" Beetlejuice lifted an eyebrow, walking over to the oven. "You been baking or something?" he asked, opening the oven door. You shook your head. "Nope!" Beetlejuice tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Y/N, why is there a burger bun in here?" he asked, taking the bun out. You smiled widely. "What'd you find?" Beetlejuice looked at you. "Uhh....a burger bun?" Your smile grew larger.

"WHERE did you find it, Papa?" you asked, leaning against the kitchen counter with folded arms. "In the ov-" Beetlejuice stopped talking, slowly putting the pieces together. "You're not." he whispered, running a hand through his messy green hair. "Yuh huh." you said, pulling a positive pregnancy test from your pocket and laying it down on the counter. "NUH UH!" Beetlejuice yelled, his eyes sparkling with happiness as he hugged you.

"Guy or gal?" he asked, pulling away from the hug and putting both hands on your shoulders. You pulled out a small photograph and showed it to Beetlejuice. "TWINS?!?!?!" he screamed in excitement, hugging you again and swinging you around. "Haha, yeah!" you laughed. "I was thinking of naming them Joey and Jemima!" Beetlejuice chuckled softly.

"Those are great names, Y/N!"

Sweeney Todd

There you were, lying in your bed on a stormy night, a pillow pressed over your face. The pain you were currently feeling was worse than any pain you'd ever experienced in your life. You just barely stifled a scream as another contraction ripped through your body. This process had been going on for hours now; breathe, push, don't scream, repeat. Your whole body was drenched in sweat, and there was a swiftly growing blood stain on your sheets. You'd kept your pregnancy well hidden from Sweeney.

He never suspected a thing. You knew Sweeney would have Toby's head if he found out he was the father of the child you were struggling to bring into the world. Finally, you let out an earsplitting wail of agony as you pushed as hard as you could. You breathed heavily for a moment before hearing a small cry. You reached under the covers, your hands trembling as you lifted your newborn son/daughter into your arms. "H-Hello there, little one..." you whispered, tears falling from your weary E/C eyes.

The tiny infant cooed in response. Suddenly, there was a crash as your bedroom door was thrown open, revealing an enraged looking Sweeney Todd holding a straight razor. You hugged your child to your heart, terrified of what he would do. As lightning flashed through the window, you caught a glimpse of his disbelieving face. "Y-Y/N....?" Sweeney whispered in shock. "F-Father, I can explain!" you stammered, watching Sweeney coming closer.

Sweeney held his arms out, a stern look on his face. "Give it here." he said in a low voice. You hugged your child slightly tighter. "I won't let you hurt him/her!" you cried. Sweeney knelt down by your bedside and reached a hand out to your son/daughter. For the first time in a long long time, you saw a genuine smile on his face.

"My little girl....My sweet little Y/N...." he whispered as tears fell from his ash brown eyes. Your face relaxed into a soft smile as you whispered, "Scott/Sophie, I'd like you to meet your grandfather, Sweeney Todd..."

(Don't worry, Sweeney just thought you were getting hurt.)

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