You Get An Unlikely Boy/Girlfriend

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F/A=Favorite Anime F/A/C=Favorite Anime Character F/M=Favorite Movie F/M/C=Favorite Movie Character

Jack Skellington

Jack noticed you spent a long time daydreaming, so he asked you about it. "Oh, it's just a boy/girl." was all you'd say. One day, Jack got curious about who this mystery boy/girl was, so he told you to ask him/her if (s)he wanted to come over. You liked that idea. When you came back later that day, Jack was pleased to find out the boy/girl had said yes. You and your father would constantly glance at the clock in silence the whole time.

Finally, when the clock struck 3:00 pm, you heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it, Dad!" you said, power walking toward the door. Jack noticed the hint of nervousness in your voice, so he beat you to the door. He opened the door, and the smile on his face disappeared, being replaced with a shocked expression. Standing in the doorway was none other than Lock/Shock/Barrel! "H-Hi...J-J-Jack..." (s)he said sheepishly before being yanked off his/her feet.

"Didn't I tell you many years ago to stay away from my son/daughter?!" Jack whispered dangerously. "Dad, knock it off!" you yelled, yanking on Jack's arm. His expression softened, and he put Lock/Shock/Barrel down. "Y/N, come with me, my Prince/Princess." he said simply, leading you into your room. You weren't surprised when he shut the door rather roughly. "Are you kidding me, Y/N?!" Jack asked, obviously failing to keep his head on(Emotionally, not literally).

"D-Dad, just hear me out!" you stuttered as you backed into a wall. "Need I remind you of what (s)he and those other two brats did to you when you were 7?!" Jack said, a tone of sternness in his voice. "Oh, come ON, Dad! that was years ago! I'm 18 years old now! I'm not a child!" you yelled. Jack was surprised. You rarely yelled at him or anyone. "C'mon, Dad...give him/her a chance..." you said, your voice softening up again.

Jack didn't say anything for a moment, then sighed. "Oh, all right..." he said. "But one false move, and (s)he's out!" You nodded. You walked over to your boy/girlfriend and helped him/her up. "Hey, no hard feelings about back then, r-right?" (s)he asked, glancing over your shoulder at your father, who had his arms folded over his chest and a look of disapproval on his face.

"Not at all, Babe!" you said cheerfully, causing Lock/Shock/Barrel to put on his/her Halloween mask to hide the blush on his/her cheeks. "Sorry about Dad...I guess he was just a bit shocked that the Pumpkin Prince/Princess would go out with a bad-boy/girl type of kid." you said, your E/C eyes shining with sincerity. "It's all right!" Lock/Shock/Barrel said cheerfully. With that, you led him/her into the house to let him/her and your father get to know each other more.

Edward Scissorhands

Edward had gotten you a pillow for Christmas...but this wasn't any old pillow. this was a DAKIMAKURA! He'd just been walking around a store looking for the perfect Christmas gift, and he saw a body pillow of F/A/C from F/A. He didn't think anything of it, so he bought it. And he was happy when he saw the amazed look on your face when you opened it. So, a few days after Christmas, he was getting the table ready for lunch.

"Y/N! C'mon down for lunch, Snowflake!" he called, walking up the stairs to your room. When he got there, he heard small, muffled whines coming from inside, and, worried you'd been hurt, rushed in....only to find you gripping the back of your F/A/C dakimakura, bathed in sweat, and a ruby red blush painting your cheeks. "Ngghhh.....F-F/A/C....M-M-More...Baby....!" you moaned, pressing your face into the softness of the pillow. "Ahem..." Edward said. You froze up for a moment, then you slowly turned around to face your father. "D-DADDY GET OUT!!!"

Edward snickered. "Whaaaat? Did I interrupt your passionate lovemaking session?" he asked jokingly. "Y-YES YOU DID NOW GET OUT!!!" you screamed, your face burning like a volcano about to erupt. "All right, all right!" Edward was still laughing after you slammed the door shut.


You and Beetlejuice were watching F/M, and when your favorite character, F/M/C appeared on the screen, you laid back on the sofa with a dreamy expression. "Oh ho ho! What's goin' on, Y/N?" Beetlejuice said, smirking. "N-Nothing..." you said, snapping out of your daze and covering your face to hide your blush. "OOOOOOOH~~~ Y/N'S GOT A BOY/GIRLFRIEND! Y/N'S GOT A BOY/GIRLFRIEND!!!" Beetlejuice chanted, dancing around the room. "Papaaa! Knock it ooofffff...." you groaned, your face going beet red.

Sweeney Todd

"Bye, Y/N! See you soon!" Toby called, waving goodbye to you. "Heh, yeah! Bye, Tobes!" you replied, waving slightly. As he was about to round the corner, you yelled his name. He noticed, and ran back to you. "What is it, Y-" Toby didn't finish his sentence, because at that moment, you crashed your lips onto his.

Toby looked surprised, then he closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. After a few minutes, you broke the kiss, and looked into Toby's dark chocolate eyes, only to find them pointed behind you, and widened in fear. You followed his gaze to find Sweeney towering over you two. "Uuuuhhhh...S-SeeyoutomorrowTobybye!" you yelled before bolting into the shop. Sweeney's ash brown eyes were still locked on Toby's. Toby squeezed his eyes shut, thinking the worst, and then he felt Sweeney ruffle his hair.


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