You Get Caught In A Storm

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Jack Skellington

It was unusually cloudy that day. You were constantly glancing out the window. Jack was concerned as well. It never got this bad in Halloween Town. "Hopefully this storm blows by quickly." you said to yourself. "I don't know, Y/N." Jack said.

"The weather channel said this storm will be pretty bad until about 3:00 in the morning." You shrugged. You were a heavy sleeper, so the storm wouldn't disturb you. Boy, were you wrong. Just after Midnight, a loud clap of thunder jolted you from your slumber. Tree branches smacked against your window, and the wind howled like a thousand wolves.

It took two hours for you to get back to sleep.

Edward Scissorhands

"Something doesn't look right, Daddy." you said as you watched dark clouds piling up in the sky. "You might be right, Y/N. Those clouds mean business." your father replied. A warm breeze lifted your hair and pressed the grass down. "Come inside if it starts raining, Ok?" Edward asked. You nodded. You went back to staring across the horizon.

You narrowed your eyes as you saw the clouds start to swirl around. Your curiosity was replaced with fear as you noticed something that made your stomach flip and your heart sink. The rotating clouds began to descend toward the ground, and your eyes widened in disbelief as you saw the ugliest tornado you ever had the misfortune to lay eyes on.

(Yeah, this picture coming up isn't for the faint of heart, or people who have a big fear of tornadoes. If you think you've got the guts, be my guest and look at it. Just don't say I didn't warn you. Still gonna do it? I mean, LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THIS THING! IT'S A BEAST! IT'S LITERALLY THE WIDEST TORNADO ON RECORD! IF 2.5 MILES WIDE ISN'T A BIGASS TORNADO, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS!)

"Oh God

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"Oh God....Oh my God!" you whispered as you saw the neighborhood being torn to pieces before your eyes. The wind screamed in your ears as the tornado seemed to freeze for a moment. Then, the realization hit as you realized it wasn't staying in that spot.

It was coming right at you. "Y/N! GET IN!" you heard Edward yelling over the wind. "IT'S COMING! IT'S HEADING RIGHT FOR US!" You took one last glance at the monster, hardly able to believe that such a freak of nature was even possible. "It's already here!" you whispered before bolting into the house. "C'mon! We're out of time, Daddy! We have to get underground now!" you yelled, pulling open the door to the cellar.

Edward ran down the stairs, and you followed. You slammed the cellar door shut and bolted it right when you heard the sickening sound of the castle being ripped apart. Edward held you tightly as you buried your face in his chest, hanging on for dear life. Your heart dropped as you heard the cellar door rattling on its hinges. "Y/N, hold onto something!" Edward yelled over the wind. All you could find that was sturdy was a metal pipe that was anchored to the ground.

After a few moments, the wind subsided, and everything was eerily silent. "D-Daddy...?" you whispered. Edward breathed a sigh of relief. "It's gone..." You hesitantly unlocked the cellar door and creaked it open. You let out a sob as you beheld the damage.

It was as if the castle was never there. Edward held you close. "Don't worry, Y/N. We can live at Johnny's for the time." Edward whispered, kissing your head. You smiled slightly. You loved Johnny dearly. So, the both of you walked down to the neighborhood, horrified at the damage the tornado had left.

You rushed up to Johnny's house, banging on the door until he opened it. "Oh my God, Y/N..." he whispered, pulling you into a kiss. "Hey, don't worry, Johnny. I'm ok..." you said, running a hand through Johnny's fiery red hair. "The castle's gone." Edward said. "So, is it ok if we stay here until it's rebuilt?" Johnny smiled.

"Of course you can!"


It was freezing cold in the Neitherworld. There were rumors going around about the possibility of a catastrophic snowstorm. You paid no attention to rumors, so you were shocked when you woke up to snow that piled up to your bedroom window. "Hey, Papa!" you called. Beetlejuice rushed upstairs and grabbed you. "We're snowed in, Y/N! What are we gonna do?!?!" he yelled.

You shrugged. "I don't know!" Luckily, you had plenty of food that didn't spoil easily. It took about a week for all of the snow to melt, during which you got cabin fever and chased your dad around the house with an axe.

Sweeney Todd

The ship swayed on the dark, stormy ocean. You and Sweeney were in the cabin, trying not to be seasick. "When do you think this is gonna be over, Father?" you asked, swallowing back the urge to throw up. "I don't know, Y/N." Sweeney replied. Thunder rattled the windows and lightning lit up the sky. "Let's just hope the ship doesn't take any damage." Sweeney whispered, holding you protectively.

The ship rocked violently, causing you to fall onto the floor, and onto the deck. "Y/N!" Sweeney yelled, grabbing your hand before you slipped over the rail. "Hold on, Y/N! I've got you!" Sweeney yelled over the storm, bracing against the doorway. Your eyes widened in horror as you felt your grip loosening. "FATHER, HOLD ONTO ME!" you screamed. Sweeney tried his best to tug you back, but you soon slipped out of his grasp, over the railing, and into the ocean.

"Y/N, NO!" Sweeney yelled, diving overboard after you. In no time, he had you in his grasp, and swam up to the surface, grabbing onto a rope hanging off the side of the ship. He rushed you back into the cabin, slamming the door and laying your trembling body in the bed. "Phew, that was close..." Sweeney whispered. "Y-Y-Yeah..." you whimpered.


The ship docked into London, and you were all too happy to get off. You made a vow that day. You would never get on a ship for as long as you lived.

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