Your First Steps

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Jack Skellington

Jack would kneel on the floor next to you for hours watching you play with Zero, which was mostly him flying around trying to playfully dodge your grabby little baby hands. It made him happy to see you happy. What made him even happier was when you got on all fours, and then raised yourself up until you were standing. Jack could only look on in awe as you reached up and petted Zero on his nose. Then, you turned to look at your father, your E/C eyes gleaming with pride. Jack then opened his arms to you.

 "Come on, Y/N. You can do it!" You were a bit wobbly at first, but you put one tiny foot in front of the other until you face planted into Jack's lap. You two giggled for a while. "Guess it's time to put away the stroller!" Jack said, lifting you up and pulling you into a hug.

Edward Scissorhands

You were sitting on the floor listening to a music box in your room. The melody was so lovely that you felt like dancing. The problem was, you couldn't even lift your butt off the floor. You then heard footsteps up the stairs. You knew who it was, so you decided to give your father a surprise. So just as Edward opened the door,  you were already there, having stood up on your own and walked to the door, grinning up at him, the light from distant stars reflected in your E/C eyes.

 "Hi, Daddy." You said as if this was a normal occurrence. "Y-Y/N?!" Edward said, surprised. "Oh, Buddy/Sweetie, you're up on your own feet already!" You then walked right over to him, and hugged him. Edward could only smile. "That's a nice little music box, Y/N." He said.

 You wanted so badly to start dancing, but you'd only just learned to walk. "I can teach you if you want." Edward said. You grinned widely. "Okay Daddy!" Edward wound up the music box and set it on your nightstand. He stood back so you had room to practice. 

"Now, Y/N," Edward said. "Dancing is almost just like walking. You just have to step in different directions, but it's still one foot after the other. Let's start with something called the box step. Just step to the beat of the music while making a square with your steps. It's the simplest way to learn how to dance.

 Don't worry, I'll tell you where to step." After you got the hang of the box step, Edward gently held out his hands. You took them, careful not to cut yourself, and you two started dancing around your room. "You're doing amazing, Y/N!" Edward said. You then stopped after a while because you got tired. You then sat down in Edward's lap and leaned back until your head was resting in the crook of his elbow.

 For some reason, black leather felt really comfy to you. Edward smiled lovingly as your E/C eyes started to droop. He then spent an hour rocking you in his arms while you slept, singing to you,


You were crawling after a butterfly while Beetlejuice watched so you wouldn't get into any trouble. Suddenly, he heard a scream. "Y/N?! YOU OKAY BUCKO/TOOTS?!" He was scared something bad had happened, so he got up and started running to you. He didn't expect you to run back, though. He knelt down, and you threw yourself into his arms, crying. 

"What happened, buddy/hon?" Beetlejuice asked you gently, patting your head to comfort you. You then showed him your finger; the tip was bloody. "A s-sandworm bit me..." You sniffled. Beetlejuice then picked you up and started carrying you to the house, but not before giving the sandworm that bit you a literal death glare. "Papaaaaaa...I can walk on my own now!"

 You whined. "Oh, kinda forgot that." Beetlejuice said, placing your feet on the grass and taking your hand. "C'mon, let's get that finger bandaged up."

Sweeney Todd

Sweeney doesn't usually show excitement, so he wasn't surprised when you stood up and took a few wobbly steps toward him. He then got shocked to see you tipping forward towards the floor. He practically football slid across the floor to catch you. "Be careful next time, okay my boy/girl?" He said, booping your nose.

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