Your First Word

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Jack Skellington

Two years have passed since Jack took you in, so he decided you two should do something fun to celebrate the anniversary of your arrival. He called a town meeting and asked every resident of Halloween town to write suggestions on a slip of paper and put them in a box. After everyone had submitted their ideas, Jack picked out a slip, holding you in his other arm. In a voice that echoed all throughout the town hall, he read 'A walk through the graveyard'. "That sounds like a splendid idea!" Jack exclaimed. He set off to the graveyard, carrying you in his arms.

 When you two reached the graveyard, Jack called Zero to his side. Then, he took you up Spiral hill. He sat down and placed you in his lap. "See all this, Y/N? This is where you'll be living from now on, my little prince/princess." Your E/C eyes sparkled in the moonlight as you took in the sights. Suddenly, you pointed down to the pumpkin patch and yelled, "Pumpkin!"

 "Yes, Y/N. Those are pu-" Jack froze for a while, then a wide grin spread across his face. "Oh my goodness! Your first word!" Jack said happily, lifting you in the air 'Lion King' style. You giggled. "Pumpkin! Pumpkin!!!" Jack went home happily that night, knowing his little boy/girl was going to live a happy life.

Edward Scissorhands

Edward always tried his best to make you happy. He did things like trimming hedges into cute baby animals, giving you the most adorable haircuts, and just showing a warm smile could make you grin from ear to ear. One day in particular made Edward happier than you. That night, he took you up to the top room and sat you down in front of a block of ice. "Now, watch closely, Y/N. You're going to love this." Edward then started carving the ice block into a sculpture of you.

 You were amazed by all the snow that flew around the room. Spinning around on the floor, you raised your tiny arms and caught some of the snow in your hand. It reminded Edward so much of Kim that he stopped carving the sculpture and sat down on the floor, tears running down his face. You crawled over to Edward and sat in his lap. Edward hugged you, and slowly, his smile returned. He finished the sculpture and, gently picking you up, stepped back to admire it.

 Edward then heard a small voice say "Snowy!" Edward looked down at the small boy/girl in his arms. He held you up so you were looking into each other's eyes. "Was that...your first word, Y/N?" Edward asked you. You giggled. "Snowy!!!" Edward laughed happily, pulling you into a tight hug. "I can't believe it! You said your first word!" Edward said, dancing around the room while holding you over his head joyfully.


One day, you were minding your own business when a large beetle crawled onto your hand, You, hating bugs, screamed at the top of your little baby lungs. "YOU OK Y/N WHO I GOTTA KILL THIS TIME?!" Beetlejuice popped seemingly out of nowhere, worried you were hurt. When he saw it was just a bug, he smiled. "It's all right, Y/N. It's just a bug. See?" Beetlejuice then picked up the bug and let it crawl on your hand.

 "It won't hurt you. Don't worry." He said. You then smiled a bit. Beetlejuice expected that. What he didn't expect was for you to open your mouth and say "Bug!". That sent Beetlejuice literally bouncing off the walls freaking out. "OHMYGAAAAAAWWWWWWD!!!!!"

 He picked you up mid-bounce and spun you around like crazy, causing you to laugh as hard as a baby can laugh, your E/C eyes gleaming with excitement.

Sweeney Todd

You were in the room Sweeney built into the shop just for you, playing with a small F/C teddy bear with sparkling F/C eyes and a cute button nose. You did this every day while Sweeney was at work. After all, he was a barber, but not any ordinary barber. He was a little...strange. As in, blood all over his clothes, face, and hands strange. But he always cleaned up before checking on you.

 One day, he forgot to do it, and went up to your room. As he reached for the doorknob, he realized, mortified, that there was still blood on his hand. But there was no going back now. He opened the door and went inside. "Y/N...? How're you doing, buddy/honey...?" He called. You turned around to see him, still covered in blood.

 You stared at him for a while. Sweeney was scared of how you would react. Just when he was assuming the worst, you suddenly said "Red!". Sweeney was surprised for a moment, then walked over and picked you up. "My little boy/girl just said his/her first word..." He said, touching foreheads with you. He then realized he still needed to clean up.

 "I'll be right back, buddy/honey."

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