When They Get Sick

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Requested by Just-A-Fan2507

Jack Skellington

You picked up the phone as you heard another cough come from Jack's room. "Hi Mom. It's Y/N. Hey, I'm gonna need you to come over. Dad's not looking so good, and I don't know what to do. You will? Ok, thanks Mom." You hung up the phone, walked into Jack's room, and sat down by his side. "Hey, Dad. Feeling any better?" Jack looked horrible. His cheekbones were flushed, he was sweating, and he had a really bad cough. "I'm not really doing well, Y/N." Jack replied before coughing a few times.

Your usually cheerful face was replaced by a look of concern. "Just get some rest until Mom comes over." You said, fluffing up another pillow and setting it on the bed. "I'll wake you up when she's here. Ok?" Jack managed a small smile. "Ok, sweetie." He whispered before falling asleep. You sighed, getting up from the bedside and sitting down on the couch, looking out the window at the falling snow.

Your face brightened up as you saw Sally walking up to the house. You were at the door in seconds. "Hi, Mom!" you said, hugging Sally tightly. Sally hugged you back. "Hello, Y/N. I brought a little something for your father." She uncovered the little basket she was holding to reveal a variety of ingredients, and a bottle of medicine.

You smiled, taking the basket. "I think these will help a lot. Thanks, Mom." Sally gave you a slight nod. You stepped away from the doorway. "C'mon in, Mom. It's cold outside." You and Sally walked into the house.

You set the basket on the kitchen counter and walked back into Jack's room. You gently shook him awake. "Dad....hey, Mom's here..." you whispered. Jack weakly opened his eyes. "Oh...ok." he replied, starting to get up. "Hey, what are you doing?" you asked.

Jack gave you a puzzled look. "I'm going to say hi to your mother." You shook your head. "Oh no you aren't. You're staying in bed, Dad." you said, tucking your father back in. You walked out of his room, and found Sally in the kitchen. "I can take it from here, Mom." you said, walking over to the pot sitting on the stove.

Sally smiled, patting your head. "Ok, Y/N. Your father probably wants to see me, right?" You nodded. Sally gave you a hug before walking out of the kitchen to Jack's room. "Ok, now let's see what we've got here." You said, lifting the lid off of the pot. You smiled as you recognized Sally's soup recipe that had helped you out on many a sick day in your life.

"Heh, good ol' Mom." you chuckled, putting some spices into the pot and giving it a stir. "Ok, looks ready to me!" you said happily, getting a bowl out and putting some soup inside. "And just a little something extra." you said to yourself as you walked to the fridge and took out a can of ginger ale. You brought the soup and soda to Jack's room, and set it on the side table. "I'm so glad you came, Sally." Jack said, gazing lovingly into Sally's eyes. Sally smiled back at him.

"It was the least I could do, Hon." she replied. "I got you something, Dad." you whispered. Jack smiled, patting your head. "Thank you, my Prince/Princess." he said, taking the bowl. In a few minutes, Jack was out like a light. Sally looked at you.

"We should probably let him rest, Dear." she said. You nodded in agreement as you both walked out of the room, and quietly shut the door.

Edward Scissorhands

It had been a while, and your father was still outside. You were starting to get concerned, since it was snowing pretty hard. "I'm not gonna wait anymore." you said to yourself, putting on your favorite F/C jacket and F/C snow boots. You opened the door, bracing yourself for the blast of freezing air as you stepped outside. Even though you were bundled up, you still felt the sting of the snow against your face. After a moment, you saw Edward, still hard at work on an ice sculpture.

It was beautiful, but you were concerned about Edward. He didn't look very good. His pale face was red, and he was shivering. "Daddy? You ok?" you asked. Edward stopped working on the ice and turned to look at you. "Yeah. I'm fine, Snowflake." he replied.

"Don't worry about-" Edward's sentence was cut off by a loud sneeze. You took his arm, and started to walk back to the castle. "Daddy, how long have you been out here?" you asked. Edward paused for a bit. "Maybe an hour or two."

You started walking a bit faster. "That's it. I'm getting you inside right now." you said as you reached the castle and opened the door. You sat Edward down on the couch and started a fire in the fireplace. "Don't worry, Y/N." Edward said. "I'm f-f-fine." You looked at him, putting your hands on your hips.

"Daddy, look at you. You're shivering, your teeth are chattering, and your face looks like a strawberry." Edward pulled his knees up to his chest, trying to get warm. "Ok, you win." he said before sneezing again. "I'll be right back, Daddy." you said, giving Edward a hug before going upstairs to your room. You pulled all of the blankets off of your bed and dragged them downstairs to the living room. Edward smiled a bit as you dropped the blankets onto the couch and tucked him in.

"Thanks, Y/N." Edward said weakly, snuggling under the blankets. You smiled back, and walked into the kitchen. It broke your heart to see your father like this. After a few minutes, you came back into the living room with a piping hot mug of hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Edward had already fallen asleep, so you put the hot chocolate on the table next to the couch. "Get well, Daddy." you whispered, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"What did I do to deserve you?"


You sat on the other side of the bathroom door, cringing as you heard Beetlejuice puking his guts out for the second time in the last half hour. "You ok in there, Papa?" you asked, lightly knocking on the door. "Y-Yeah, I'm ok! Just give me a-" You cringed harder as he puked again. "I told you that eating four Big Macs and two large fries was a bad idea!" you grumbled, leaning against the door. You nearly fell backwards as you felt the door suddenly open.

Beetlejuice looked like something out of a horror movie. His already messy hair was tangled up and messier than ever, and he had dark circles under his eyes. You stood up and helped him back into bed. "Learned your lesson yet?" you asked as you fluffed up yet another pillow. Beetlejuice weakly nodded. "I'll be right back, Papa." you said, walking out of the room.

You returned shortly, with a bottle of ginger ale. Beetlejuice turned away, pulling the covers up. You sighed. "Papa, you have to have something in your stomach, or you'll have nothing to throw up if you do. Besides, the ginger will help your stomach." You placed the bottle on the nightstand, and flicked the light switch off. "Get better soon, Papa." you whispered.

Beetlejuice smiled weakly at you. "Will do, Bucko/Toots."

Sweeney Todd

"C'mon, Father. You gotta take this medicine if you want to get better." you said, holding the spoonful of medicine that your father stubbornly refused to take. "It smells bad, and I'm damn sure it tastes worse." Sweeney grumbled. You pouted your lips, and got up. You came back with a small cup of juice. "You can chase the medicine down with this." you said, putting the cup in Sweeney's hand. "Ok, just give me a moment." he said, taking a few deep breaths.

You were finally able to get Sweeney to take the medicine, and he chugged the entire cup of juice to chase it down. "There. That wasn't so bad, was it?" you said, setting the spoon and cup down on the bedside table. Sweeney shook his head, sniffling as he laid back down in bed. You fluffed up his pillow and walked to the door. "This'll be an everyday thing until you get better. Ok, Father?" you asked. Sweeney didn't reply.

He was already asleep.

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