Christmas Special

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Jack Skellington

"Wake up, Dad! Wake up!" You squealed as you jumped up and down on Jack's bed. Jack took a moment to get up. "Mornin' Y-OH MY GOSH, IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!" Jack swept you up in a hug, cheering with happiness and running around the house while Zero floated around you. The happy moment was silenced by three knocks at the door. "Go and see who it is, Y/N." Jack said, setting your feet on the floor.

You nodded, joy practically radiating from your form as you opened the door. You jaw dropped in amazement. "S-S-S-" you stuttered, barely able to believe your eyes. Jack rushed downstairs next to you. "SANTAAAAAAA!!!" you exclaimed, jumping up and down. Santa smiled.

"Merry Christmas, Y/N!" He turned to Jack. "And a Merry Christmas to you too, Jack." Jack returned the smile. "We were just going outside to play in the snow!" Jack said, patting you on the head. "This little one can't seem to get enough of it!"

Santa chuckled, smiling down at you. "I've got just the perfect gift for you, Y/N!" Your eyes lit up, and you gasped. "Really? What is it?" Santa gave you a wink. "You'll see."

In a few moments, a present was put into your hands, and you were excitedly tearing off the wrapping paper while Jack watched. You nearly screamed in happiness when you found yourself holding (Whatever it is you want for Christmas). "OH MY GOSH, THIS IS WHAT I'VE ALWAYS WANTED!" you squealed, hugging (Mentioned Christmas Gift) to your chest and spinning around.

Edward Scissorhands

You awoke that Christmas morning to the unmistakable sound of your father singing. It had been a while since you heard him sing. Like the last time, it entranced you, pulling you out of bed, and down the hall to the living room. It was a duet song, so you joined in. It surprised you how your voices blended together in perfect harmony.

As you finished the song, Edward turned to face you.

A sweet smile was on his face as you sat down next to him. "I think my Siren side is rubbing off on you, Buddy/Sweetie." He said, a gleam in his eyes. You smiled. "So it would seem." Edward turned back to face the breathtaking snowy landscape. "Wow, I really must've outdone myself this year." he said.

You said nothing. Edward noticed instantly. "Hey, you alright, Snowfla-" He paused. You turned to face him, tears in your large, sparkling E/C eyes. "It's so beautiful, Daddy..." You sniffled.

Edward chuckled, taking out a present. "Here you go, Y/N." he softly whispered. "Merry Christmas." You took the gift and carefully unwrapped it. You let out a soft gasp as you held up a beautiful snow globe. The fake snow swirled around a rotating platform on which a tiny Edward and a young Kim were locked in an eternal, loving embrace.

Tears welled up as you finally realized why your father always hugged you like that. "So....what do you think, Y/N?" Edward asked, his brown eyes sparkling. You smiled. "It's the best gift I've ever gotten!" Edward chuckled. "You still haven't wound it up!"

"Oh right!" you said to yourself, gently turning the snow globe over and winding it up. A sweet melody filled the silent room. It was vaguely familiar. You couldn't help but stand up and dance.


As soon as the clock hit 12:00 AM, you bolted up out of bed, and slammed into Beetlejuice, who seemed to have been running to your bedroom, same as you. "Merry Christmas, Papa!" you said. "Merry Christmas, Bucko/Toots!" Beetlejuice replied, ruffling your already messy H/C hair. "Let's see who can eat the most gingerbread cookies in a minute!" you said, rushing past your father, about to head to the kitchen. You were stopped by your father grabbing the collar of your shirt. "Ohoho, I don't think so, Sweet Cheeks!" he laughed.

"We're gonna open presents first!" Your eyes got wide and sparkly. "Yay! Let's go!" You both rushed for the tree, football slid next to it, and grabbed the first presents you could get your hands on. "Ok!" Beetlejuice said, excitement taking over in seconds. "We're gonna open these presents on the count of three!"

You nodded, eager to find out what treasures lay beneath that thin covering of festive paper. "Ooooone!" Beetlejuice said, dragging it out. You positioned your hand beneath a fold in the paper. "Twooooooo!" Beetlejuice continued, leaning in. You closed your fingers around the paper and waited eagerly. There was silence for a few minutes.

Finally, you started to get a tiny bit impatient. "You're supposed to say th-" "THREE!!!" Beetlejuice suddenly yelled out, shredding the wrapping paper from the present. "O-OK, SO THAT'S HOW WE'RE GONNA PLAY THIS GAME, HUH?!" you laughed, ripping the wrapping paper from your present. You both gasped in unison at your presents. "Y-You got me a CD of my musical?!" Beetlejuice squealed.

"YOU GOT ME A (Whatever you want for Christmas)?!" you yelled back. You two rushed into a hug and excitedly screamed in unison. Yep, this Christmas was a good one!

Sweeney Todd

"Father, c'mon! The play's starting!" you whispered as you sat watching a theatre rendition of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol". Sweeney sat down next to you and wrapped an arm around you, hugging you close. "Not a bad way to spend Christmas, eh?" he whispered. You gave him a sideways glance. "Couldn't be better." After the show, you both went ice skating, opened a few presents, and had an amazing dinner.

Tucking you into bed for the night, Sweeney smiled. "Merry Christmas, Son/Dear." He whispered as he shut your light out. You smiled sleepily, snuggling into the covers. "Merry Christmas, Father..."

Merry Christmas, Readers! The last Christmas before a new decade! 2020's coming up faster than I thought it would, and I need to learn how to Charleston PRONTO! We've had some good times this year. Sure, there have been rough patches(I'm looking at you, 2016.), but we still pulled through! This new year, and the years after it, will hold so many new possibilities for every one of us! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Wattpad!

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