What You Two Do For Halloween(HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!)

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Jack Skellington

He paints your face "Day of the Dead" style, dresses you in a tailcoat/masquerade dress, and takes you out into the town for a fun night of scaring.

Edward Scissorhands

You bake pumpkin treats(scones, bread, pumpkin seeds, etc.) and drink homemade pumpkin spice lattes by a roaring fire.


You both have a Father-Son/Daughter contest for who can eat the most candy corn before the sickly-sweet taste messes with your stomach.

Sweeney Todd

You make a list of the goriest horror movies, buy them all, and watch them one by one, seeing how long either of you can last without covering your eyes, plugging your ears, jumping, screaming, getting queasy, or running out of the room crying.

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