You Turn Into A Mythical Creature(Part 2)

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Edward Scissorhands


Edward had been looking everywhere for you, but you didn't respond to his calls. "Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Edward listened for the slightest sound, but there was only silence. As he turned to face a nearby lake, something in the back of Edward's mind told him to go there. As he got closer, he found a F/C horse standing in the shallows. Edward had never seen anything more beautiful.

Its H/C mane flowed in the breeze, and its E/C eyes held Edward captive by their beauty. "Hi there." he whispered, carefully reaching out to the horse. He pulled his hand back as the horse moved to kneel down in the water, staring patiently up at him. "Y-You want me to get on...?" Edward asked the horse. He was hesitant at first, but he eventually got on the horse. "Good boy/girl." Edward whispered as he rested his cheek on the back of the horse's neck.

All of a sudden, Edward felt as if something were very wrong. He lifted his head up, and felt a wet, sticky substance on his cheek. Edward rubbed his cheek against his arm, and saw a dark greenish black stain on his sleeve. Edward's brown eyes widened in fear as the horse's pelt seemed to glue him to its back. Its F/C pelt turned a sick greenish black color. Its soft H/C mane turned to slimy clumps of lake weeds.

Its enchanting E/C eyes turned black as night. "H-Hey, let me go!" Edward whimpered, struggling to free himself. The kelpie let out a raspy, waterlogged whinny, and galloped toward the deepest part of the lake.


" no no no no!" My voice rises in panic until I'm screaming. I brace myself for the worst as the kelpie dives under the lake, completely submerging us both. Oh God, it's like the old stories! Kelpies lure unsuspecting victims, usually children, onto its back in the disguise of a beautiful horse. Once the victim is stuck to it, the kelpie dives into the lake, dragging the person on its back to the bottom!

I have to get out of here before I drown! I somehow manage to get one of my hands free, and cut myself away from the monster. But not before bringing my arm down to leave a large bleeding gash in the kelpie's side. It screams in pain before sinking down to the murky depths. Without a second to lose, I swim back to the surface, taking a much needed breath. "Y/N!" I yell as I crawl onto the shore of the lake.

I still need to find my son/daughter. "C'MON, WHERE ARE YOU?!" No reply. As I look back out at the lake, I see a ripple in the water. Oh no, has the kelpie come back for me? No, the ripple is too small to be from an animal.

But...what exactly could it be?


I can't hold my breath any longer. Despite the cold water, the gash Daddy left in my side burns like Hell. I'm too weak to try to get to the surface anymore. So this is how I die. Stabbed by my own father and left to drown in the middle of a lake. Why did I have to be cursed to become this creature?

I could've been a handsome/beautiful unicorn gracefully prancing around a meadow of flowers, but no. I'm a hideous beast whose only purpose is to drag innocent people to a watery grave. Wait, I've still got a bit of strength left! I claw my way to the surface and let out a short lived but loud scream.


Edward's eyes widened in horror as he heard the unmistakable scream of his son/daughter. "Y/N?!" Edward called, rushing into the water. "DON'T WORRY, SNOWFLAKE! I'M COMING!" Turning into his Siren form, Edward dove under the water and swam toward your limp body. It was easy for him to find you. All Edward had to do was follow the blood.

He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to the surface. "Oh God, what have I done?!" Edward cried as he pulled you to the shore and laid you down away from the water. You gave a few weak coughs before throwing up a mouthful of lake water and opening your scared E/C eyes. "D-Daddy...?" you asked, starting to sit up. Edward gently pushed you back down. "Hey, don't get up." he whispered, his eyes shining with tears.

"I'm so so sorry, Snowflake..." Edward whispered, kneeling down and hugging you close. "I'm so sorry, Daddy...." you whispered, coughing out the rest of the water in your lungs. "I should've told you." Edward picked you up and started to carry you back to the castle with only one horrible, nagging thought on his mind: "I almost killed my only son/daughter."

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