You Get Hanahaki(AU)

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F/F=Favorite Flower

Jack Skellington

Jack noticed you were staying in your room a lot, and when you did come out, you were pale and tired. Even the doctor couldn't find out what was wrong with you. "It's probably just the flu or something similar." Jack said to you, and sent you up to your room to get some rest. After a few moments, he started to hear violent, strangled coughing. Jack, fearing something horrible, ran up to your bedroom and flung open the door. He was met with a terrible, heartwrenching sight.

You had fallen off your bed, still tangled in your bedsheets, with bloodstained F/C F/F petals scattered around your body. Jack knelt down and cradled you in his arms, stroking your hair. "Y/N....Wake up, please..." He shakily whispered. Slowly, your eyes fluttered open. "D-Dad..." You mumbled, your voice scratchy. "Y/N...What's going on, my Prince/Princess...? Why are there flowers everywhere...?" Jack asked as you coughed violently, your body jerking in his arms.

His question was answered as you vomited a mass of bloody F/F petals. After you regained your breath, you explained what was going on with you. "It's supposed to be from one-sided love, b-but I don't know who could....." Your voice trailed off, and your eyes widened in horror. "N-No....It can't be...." you whispered. Turning to Jack, you told him to see what Lock/Shock/Barrel was up to, and report back.

A few hours passed before your father returned. He had a solemn look on his face. "What did you find out, Dad...?" you asked, dreading the answer. "Y/N, I'm so sorry to say this...but, Lock/Shock/Barrel is......" He stopped talking. Something inside you snapped, and you grabbed the front of Jack's tailcoat.

"TELL ME, DAD!" you yelled through clenched teeth. Jack sighed and held you close. "(S)he's cheating...." he whispered. Your eyes widened in disbelief. You stared at the ring Lock/Shock/Barrel had proposed to you with. Its crimson gem now sparkled not with love and passion, but with betrayal and death.

Your stomach lurched, and Jack watched in horror as your skin seemed to rip apart, and a torrent of thorns and F/Fs burst through your chest, mouth, and throat, drenching your body in blood. You started to fall, but Jack caught you. "Y/N!!! Y/N, PLEASE WAKE UP! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!!!" he yelled, his black and white striped tailcoat turning crimson with your blood. His only heir, his beloved child, was gone forever. Anger blazed in Jack's eyesockets. He would make sure Lock/Shock/Barrel regretted the day (s)he killed his dear son/daughter. 

Edward Scissorhands

"Y/N, I love somebody else now. Goodbye forever." You read the text from your boy/girlfriend over and over, silently praying it was all a bad dream. Finally, you gave in to despair, threw your phone at the wall as hard as you could, and sobbed into a pillow, screaming until your throat was scratchy. Edward came up to your room. "Oh, Y/N..." he groaned in sadness. "What's the matter, Snowflake...?"

You turned to look at him, your eyes red and puffy from crying. "I...I guess (s)he never really loved me in the first pla-" Your words were cut off as a bloody whirlwind of F/C F/F petals fluttered onto your bed. "Oh my God, Y/N!" Edward exclaimed, picking you up and running to the nearest hospital. Thankfully, the doctor knew what was wrong with you. "It's Hanahaki Disease." (s)he said as you coughed up a whole, bloodstained F/F.

"W-Well, is there any way to cure it?!" Edward asked desperately, tears flooding down his scarred cheeks. "Well, since Y/N's boy/girlfriend is out of the picture, and (s)he isn't having a crush on anyone else, there is another way." the doctor replied. "W-WHAT IS IT?! DO WHATEVER IT TAKES, JUST SAVE MY SON/DAUGHTER!" Edward yelled, pulling you close. "The only other way is to surgically remove the flowers. However, it has certain side effects. If we proceed with the operation, Y/N will forget about ever having romantic feelings for his/her boy/girlfriend." the doctor explained. "Th-That's ok...I never want to think anything of that dumb boy/girl ever again." you said before you threw up bloody petals, along with a few thorns, and collapsed. "SNOWFLAKE!!!" Edward screamed, clutching you in his arms.

"NURSE, GET A GURNEY! TAKE THIS KID TO THE ER! WE NEED SURGERY IMMEDIATELY!" the doctor yelled. Edward watched in horror as you were wheeled off to the emergency surgery room. "STAY ALIVE, Y/NNNNNNNNNN!!!" Edward sobbed as the doors slammed.


The F/C F/Fs started showing themselves a week ago. However, the boy/girl you were crushing on was oblivious, no matter how many times you told him/her what was going on. Finally, your patience was worn too thin. "DO YOU SEE THESE?!" you yelled, showing the boy/girl the handful of blood speckled F/F petals. (S)he just stared blankly. "I-Is this a Halloween prank or something? 'Cause October's, like, months away." (s)he said.

Your eyes widened in shock. "God, you're such an airhead! I don't even know why I fell in love with you in the first place!" you snapped, wiping the blood and petals from your chin and storming away. "If I die, it's your fault, Dumbass!" you yelled, running back home. Finally, you dropped on all fours, choking and retching, until you vomited a large thornbush of F/C F/Fs. You could breathe easily now. Standing up, you took the F/Fs and chucked them outside, where they blew away like a tumbleweed in the wind. 

You felt a hand on your shoulder, and looked to see Beetlejuice looking at you with a sympathetic smile. "So, how'd (s)he take it?" he asked. You chuckled. "Didn't even bat an eye." you replied. "I didn't need him/her anyway." Beetlejuice's smile disappeared.

"What's with the blood?" he asked, gesturing to the blood dripping down your chin. "It's nothing." you replied, wiping the blood from your face. "Nothing at all."

Sweeney Todd

You'd been coughing up F/C F/Fs for a few days now. Sweeney had the doctor on speed dial in case of an emergency. One day, you asked to see Toby. Sweeney nodded, and handed you the phone to call him. As you two talked, you noticed he was groaning a bit. You asked why, and he said he was just getting out of bed.

You glanced at your clock to see that it read 2:30 PM, which was odd since Toby usually got up as early as 8:00 AM. You brushed it off. He probably overslept. But whose voice did you hear on the other side? When Toby came into your room, you realized he had bedhead, and his clothes were a little rumpled. "S-Sorry I couldn't make myself more presentable, Y/N..." he said sheepishly. 

"It's okay Tobes." you replied before coughing up a few petals. You froze for a little moment and stared coldly into Toby's eyes. You began putting the pieces together. "Y-You didn't...." you whispered, your E/C eyes burning into his. Toby looked away in guilt. "W-We've grown apart, Y/N...." Toby said.

"I just don't have the same feelings as before...I'm-" "Sorry?" you interrupted. "Don't give me that crap, Toby." you replied bitterly. "Sorry doesn't mean anything right now...." Toby opened his mouth to speak, but you pointed at the door. "GET OUT!" you yelled before coughing violently and throwing up a mass of blood drenched F/C F/F petals....and laying still.

Two hours after Toby left, Sweeney came into your room to check on you. He gasped in horror at the sight of your body covered in bloody F/C flower petals, your bright, E/C eyes dull and lifeless. Soon after, the doctor pronounced you dead.

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