You Get Kidnapped Part 1

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Jack Skellington

After what happened when you were younger, NOBODY messes with the Pumpkin King and his Prince/Princess.

Edward Scissorhands

You had gone down to the neighborhood to read a book and see if there were any children you could play with. After a while of looking, you found a little redheaded boy who looked about 9 years old playing outside his house. Smiling, you walked over to him. "Hi! I'm Y/N. What's your name?" you asked. The little boy looked at you and smiled back. "My name's Johnny. Wanna play with me?" he asked.


Edward was pacing back and forth wondering what was taking you so long. It was way past your bedtime, and you showed no signs of coming back home. A few minutes passed, and he began to get scared. Finally, he worked up the courage to go down to the neighborhood and find you. "Y/NNNN! Where are you, Snowflake?! C'mon, this isn't very funny!" he called up and down the streets. He stopped when he felt something push up against his foot.

He looked down in horror to find your book, pages ripped and covered in dirt. He looked in the direction it came from, and realized in horror where you were. He ran up to the house, opened the door, and rushed inside. The entire house was dark. Creeping slowly and quietly through the halls, he saw a light from under the crack of a door. The door was partially open, so he pushed it fully open, and saw it was a basement.

Suddenly, Edward heard a small voice from the bottom of the stairs. "Wh-Who's there?! H-H-Help me....." Edward's eyes widened as he recognized the voice. "Y-Y/N?! Oh, Snowflake, I've been looking all over-" His voice caught in his throat as he beheld the horror show in front of him. You were kneeling up against a wall, your wrists tied up above your head.

Your clothes were ripped, barely covering your body, and you had hand marks all over you. Sobbing, Edward knelt down next to you, disgusted at whoever put his little boy/girl through this much pain. "Oh God, Y/N...What kind of person would do this to you...?" he cried. You buried your face in his shoulder, wincing in pain as the ropes chafed your wrists. Edward reached up and cut your bonds with a swift flick of his hand, and held you closer than he ever had. Your moment of reunion was interrupted as you both heard the door slam.

Edward felt your arms tighten around his waist as you started to cry again. "D-Don't let her hurt me again, Daddy..." you whimpered. Edward picked you up bridal style and you wrapped your arms around his neck. Edward froze in shock at who came down the stairs. "J-JOYCE?!" he yelled. Joyce smirked.

"Well, this is a pleasant surprise." Edward held you protectively. "W-What the hell did you do to my son/daughter, you bitch?!" Joyce laughed. "What you refused to give me~" Edward was silent for a moment, then he realized what she meant.

She started to walk forward, but Edward shot out a hand, aiming the blades at her throat. "Stay away, or I swear I'll kill you!" he growled, tears of rage streaming down his cheeks. Joyce looked shocked for a moment, then smiled. "Aww, don't be like that, Honey~" she started, before a voice broke the tension. "Daddy, don't..." Edward looked down in shock at his son/daughter trembling in his arms.

"Do you even know what you're saying, Y/N?! She hurt you!" Edward said, directing his ice cold gaze back at Joyce. "She has a son...." you whispered. Almost on cue, Johnny ran down the stairs, and gasped at the scene below. "M-Mommy...what's going on? Who's that..?" he asked before his eyes landed on you. "W-What did you do to Y/N?" Joyce looked up at her innocent son with a fake smile.

"Go back to sleep, Johnny." she said through her teeth. Johnny shook his head. "No, Mommy. I won't." Joyce was shocked for a moment, then she marched up the stairs and slapped her son across the face. "Go back to your room, Son. You didn't see anything. Got it?!" Johnny nodded, tears running down his cheeks as he ran back up the stairs.

As Joyce turned back to you and your father, she was met with not one, but two stone cold gazes. "You set your own son up to lure my little boy/girl into your basement, and THAT is how you treat him?!" Edward  yelled at Joyce. Joyce was silent. "You're a horrible excuse for a parent..." he scoffed. Carrying you in his arms, Edward walked out the door. When you got back to the castle, Edward tended to your wounds and put bandages on your wrists.

He tucked you into bed at about 3:00 in the morning. "Goodnight, Y/N..." he whispered. You shot up out of bed as he was about to shut the door. "D-Daddy, wait! Don't leave me!" you screamed. Edward sighed, and sat down on your bed, letting you snuggle into his chest. "Don't ever leave me....Ok?" you whispered, tears flowing down your face.

Edward kissed your tears away and held you close. "Never..." he whispered as you both drifted off to sleep.

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