Chapter 11

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Girl, I know you from somewhere...maybe.
Really I'm lying, girl you know
I just want your number

This one is for MZTINYMAMI004 Because of something she said in the last chapter that gave me a proper confidence boost. I appreciate you a lot.

Jerome Carter's POV.

Adeline stands up and before I can stop her, the drink that she orders has been splashed straight into my ex- girlfriend's face.

I wince as I hear Amos choke on his laughter.

He never really liked Demeter at all.

Neither did my mother or even Elijah.

In fact, especially Elijah.

Demeter chuckles and takes one of the napkins off of the table and wipes her face and clothes.

Adeline sits down and continues to eat as if nothing just happened.

I sigh and turn to apologise to Demeter.

"Demi, I'm sorry" I mutter.

"It's okay Jay, I deserved it fully" she responds and she sits down facing Adeline.

Adeline stares at her face emotionlessly and gives her a slow once over.

"So this is the chick you banged up before I got here?" Adeline asks.

"Come on now Ade, that's not-" I start but Demeter cuts me off.

"I wouldn't say bang, it was more like love at the time" she tells her.

Adeline nods.

"Spur of the moment, I got ya" she says sarcastically, stabbing a chip on her plate and then stuffing it into her mouth.

Demi sighs.

"Adeline, I mean it, we loved each other" She says gently, making my heart skip a little.

"Ahh love? As in the past tense? Informative, but tragic that you couldn't stay and share" Adeline continues nonchalantly.

Demi sits back.

"I was facing certain challenges that meant I couldn't be there for you" Demi says, glancing at my dad.

Adeline catches this immediately.

"No, don't you dare blame him!" She says, her grip tightening on his hand and he smiles gratefully.

The way I want to rip him away from her.

"You had nearly nearly 34 years to get a hold of me and catch the fuck up. Tell me the truth at least! But you hid like the little bitch, I am thankful you didn't get to raise me to be" Adeline says.

Demi leans forward.

"Now, let me tell you something-" she starts, but Ade cuts her off yet again.

"No, let me tell you something!" She retorts.

"Frankly, bitch you should have spat instead of swallowed and Jerome clearly has a weak fucking pull out game." She says and my jaw drops.

"Ade!" I chastised.

"And also!" She continues.

"I'm glad you didn't because now, hell I am married and I got my self two and a half beautiful kids without you" she says rubbing her left hand over her stomach, exposing her wedding rings.

Demeter gasps.

"Adeline I swear I didn't know!" She says.

"I- I would have loved to be around, but I simply couldn't!" She tried to explain, but Adeline looks sick of it.

She stands up.

"Thank you for lunch, it improved my mood a little" she said, looking at me.

I sigh and nod.

"Amos, I forgive you for keeping that bitch ass out of my life" she says, regarding my dad, who tries to reassure her to stay.

"And as for you..." she says with direction to Demeter.

"You ain't my momma. You're just a bitch my father fucked" she shrugs before walking out of the shop and Amos goes after, giving me a nod and disregarding Demeter completely.

Demi slumps back in her chair and puts her face in her hands.

"Jerome, she hates me!" She cries.

"She doesn't hate you, she just needs to get used to you" I respond hopefully.

Demi looks at me watery eyed and gives me a small smile.

"When are we going to tell her" she asks me.

I shrug and lean towards her.

"Soon" I promise and she looks at my lips.

"Okay" she whispered and kisses me softly.


Hey guys! What did you think of this one?

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More drama!

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Until next time...

~ Xo

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