Chapter 15

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^^ At this age!
How are these man still hating?
My young boy in a different country.
But he ain't even been on vacation.
One hand on the girl I'm dating.
One hand on the cash I'm making...

-Dave (my husband!) ft Fredo.

¿Should I do a face reveal?

Leonardo Santiago's POV

I walk back into school with Leonardo, absolutely shattered.

We walk into our class and sit in our normal place.

A few minutes later, Dana walks into the classroom, and makes eye contact with me.

A smile lights up her entire face and I play along and smile back.

Who knew that the evilest girls had the prettiest face?

I chuckle at my own mental song reference as she sits down.

"What's funny?" She asks me with a grin on her face.

"Nah, it's nothin' important" I tell her and She nods.

"Okay, sure..." she responds sarcastically.

"Are you free on Friday?" I ask her and she turns to me blushing a little.

"Are you asking me out?" She questions.

I nod, giving her my signature half smile.

She looks down then gives me s small smile from beneath her long dark eyelashes.

"Okay, I'll text you my address" she says smiling enough to show the dimples in each cheek.

I smile a little more.

"Alright" I respond and she turns to the front of the class.

I make eye contact with Ruben and he gives me an approving nod.

Score 1 to the Golden Phoenix and 0 to wherever the hell she is from.

I continue with my work and flirt with her occasionally during the lesson.

By the end of the day, I am definitely a step closer to getting what I want.

I drive myself home and walk into my house, throwing my keys onto the kitchen table.

I take off my jacket, hang it up and then go to my room and take off my shirt, putting it away.

I look in the mirror and catch sight of my hair

Dana is right.

I need a haircut.

I'll get one before I take her out.

That will be good.

I suddenly get a call.

I pick up my phone and see that the caller id is Ruben.

"Che cosa? (What?)" I ask him with a yawn.

"What are you wearing for your date?" He asks me.

I groan.

Are we really having this conversation.

"Are you turning into a woman?" I ask him sarcastically.

He chuckles.

"Disrespect women again, and I'll cut your tongue out your mouth" Ruben tells me seriously and I sigh again.

"Now, you sound like uncle Ricardo" I tell him.

"Shut up and stop changing the subject" he orders and I laugh.

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