08 | finally back

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08 | finally back

ANIKA'S EYEBROWS KNIT together as she stared at Shivaay blankly. "Um, well, where's Naina and Karan? I am assuming at least one of them would come to pick me up." She started to clean her dirty nails as she stared at him with her big brown eyes.

"Why would they?" He asked, "they have sent a very responsible driver for you already, Maheshwari." He playfully gestured to himself and smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. Anika could tell when a smile was simply plastered and it was one of them.

"Please take your huge ego somewhere else because it's starting to make it suffocating here." Anika said, rolling her eyes but she noticed that he looked stumped for the second time that morning. The first time had been when Anika had told him he had a nice laugh. Maybe he had known her during the phase of her life when she was shy and a bit of introvert. Even she didn't remember herself being so blunt but things changed.

A lot could change in the three months she had been in that dark room.

Anika shook her head as she recalled the dream she had seen that morning. Her low lip began to tremble and she clenched her hands to stop them from shaking. As she stared at her hands, she saw a tan line on her ring finger. The ring must have been there a few days or months ago because the tan line hadn't blended into her natural skin tone again. Her brows furrowed and she looked up to ask Shivaay if he knew she had been engaged or what. She only opened her mouth to ask the question when the door opened, effectively interrupting her.

In walked the amber eyed man-whose name she was yet to know-and he quickly crossed the room and patted Shivaay on the shoulder. "Hey, good morning, darling." He greeted her a bit too cheerfully and then turned to Shivaay, greeting him as well.

"Ankit-" so that was his name, thought Anika, "-tone down your voice a bit, alright?"

Ankit grumbled a yes and turned to Anika once again, giving her his full undivided attention. His face softened a considerable amount and he reached out to check her temperature and she couldn't help but flinch. It was her body's first instinct because the last times Anika had been touched, it only resulted in physical pain. "I am sorry, darling, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he mumbled softly and Anika nodded her head. "But at least, you don't have fever. Thank the gods."

As he drew his hand back, Anika noticed the ring on his finger and her eyes slid down to her own hands, noticing the tan line which clearly indicated that she had once worn a ring. 'Darling' was what he called her and his concern for her was comforting. It wasn't hard to join the dots and Anika wondered, could it be... ?

"You taking her home already Shivaay?" he asked Shivaay, cocking his head to his side. Shivaay let out a few curses.

"The stupid ass doctors can't do a thing, so yeah, it's about time we go home," He grumbled and ran his fingers through his hair. The two continued to talk for a while and Anika could only focus on the ring on Ankit's hand. Wow, Anika, you didn't have a boyfriend for your whole life and you managed to get a finacé in three years? Proud of you.

Half an hour later, the blonde nurse handed her a pair of clothes and helped her clean herself with a wet sponge since she was not yet allowed to take a shower get because of the chances of her making her wounds worse. She changed into a trouser with a blue shirt and a jumper that kept her warm enough for late February. She tugged on the selves and found herself unsteady on her feet at the beginning. The nurse helped her and Anika shot her a grateful smile. "Thank you," she mumbles as the nurse walked her to the door. The nurse opened the door. Outside Ankit spotted her and walked over. He thanked the nurse, "I'll take on from here." And he hooked his arm in hers and let her lean against him.

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