16 | normal

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No matter what you read in this chapter, Ruvya/Rumya are still endgame. It's just I wanted to write something about that topic–even if it was this small.

But tell me: Rumya or Ruvya?

Dedicated to sherrygal87


16 | normal

THE DAY OR rather afternoon began quite nicely if Anika was being honest. She woke up in his arms to find his arms circled tightly around her waist. He was snoring ever so lightly and Anika wondered if he knew he snored?

She gently untangled herself from him and slipped in flip flops. Walking out of the room, Anika found the house eerily silent. Her steps were quiet and alert. But her shoulders sagged in relief when she saw Rudra’s figure sprawled over the sofa. He had his headphones around his neck and he was quickly typing something on his phone. She made her way over to him with a small smile on her face. “Hey,” she said.

“Hey yourself!” he looked up with a bright smile spread across his face and shifted so she could sit next to him. She sat down and looked over his shoulder to see he was texting a guy named Arpit.

“I am bored, Rudra. Maybe we could watch a movie?” His head shot up and he quickly put his phone aside, pushing it away to give his full attention to her.

“You want to watch some teen fiction movie?” He questioned, removing his headphones from his neck and throwing them aside. When Anika nodded, he beamed at her. “We’ll watch Love, Simon then. Gimme a minute, I'll bring my lappy-toppy.” Anika laughed at his nickname for his laptop and watched him swing himself off the couch. He raced to his room and two minutes later, Anika was once again staring over his shoulder as he started the movie they were going to watch. Few minutes later he connected his laptop to the TV and both of us made themselves comfortable.

Halfway through the movie, Anika had tears brimming her eyes and she clutched onto Rudra’s arm but the said guy was crying himself. It actually broke her heart to see Simon’s expression when his secret was out in the open. Gods, did Rudra really have to choose this movie today? Anika sniffled. She had cried enough for that day.

But then those tears turned into happy tears when the credits rolled up. By then, she and Rudra were a mess. “This movie was amazing…” Anika whispered, sniffling once again.

But Rudra didn't reply, instead he turned off the volume and shifted so he was facing her. “I have something to confess.” His voice was so soft and she could sense vulnerability in it. She nodded encouragingly. “I think I am bi–”

“What?” Anika’s jaw fell open. “Why would you think you are a bitch? Rudra Singh Oberoi, you are a gem and you should know that–” she was about to go on how he was amazing when Rudra had cut her off.

“Di,” he said, looking exasperated, “I meant I think I am bisexual.” Anika’s mouth transformed in an O. “I know I am not gay because I feel equally attracted to girls. But this thought that just scares me.” Tears rolled down his soft and chubby cheeks and Anika felt absolutely helpless. “What if I fall in love with a guy? It’s not even accepted in our society.”

“Rudra,” Anika said, wiping away his tears. “Society doesn't matter, okay? Our family does and trust me, no one will care if you are straight, gay or bisexual because honey, you are still our Rudra. No one in this family will care if you fuck boys or girls because what matters is your happiness.”

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