29 | being her

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It's my favorite time if the year because holidays just started and I can stay curled up in my bed for as long as I want. It's currently freezing.

Also, 'bout the chapter. I liked the beginning but then I don't know what happened at the end. I mean I have no idea what's going on. Lol.

I won't blame you if you find this chapter utterly weird. Specially the end. But do let me know what you like and what you don't like.

And, and, I'm planning a Rikara book.

How many of you would read it?


29 | being her

YESTERDAY WAS NOTHING short of amazing. It was the only word that could describe it. Shivaay took her to an arcade and they played all sorts of games. Later, they had gone to some small stall where they ate fast food and stuffed themselves until they couldn’t anymore. This is what she had needed–to feel like a kid all over again and have no worries even if it was for a small fleeting moment–and he had given her just that. Somehow, he always knew what she needed and she couldn’t be more thankful for that, for him.

She recounted the events to both Akshita and Tanu. “I love you two together. You both are soooooo cute.” Tanu enthused.

Anika looked abashed. “Oh, like you and Vivek aren’t the cutest together. I have seen your pictures, Tanu Sharma, you don’t fool me.”

Akshita rolled her eyes. “When will you two ever grow up?”

Anika smirked. “Never.”

Tanu chuckled when Akshita rolled her eyes yet again.

“To be honest, Aku, I always knew you and Kushal were in a serious relationship but I never thought you would end up marrying him. Like imagine getting married to your best friend.”

“It’s amazing though not all the time because he knows me better than I know myself,” Akshita told the both of them. It immediately made Anika think of Shivaay who also seemed to know her better than she herself did. “You know I wonder how I’ll never fully know myself. Because I don’t the way I look when I am truly happy or how my eyes are when I want to cry.”

“But nobody can you know you the way you know yourself, Akshita, don’t you think? Nobody knows what you truly feel when you see Kushal or Ayaan, not even him. Nobody can ever know what goes through your mind,” Tanu countered, always the philosophical one. And Anika thought about Shivaay once more’ how he’ll never know what goes through her mind when she’s at her absolute worst and what she thinks of him. Even if she wanted to tell him, she could never. Words couldn’t capture the things she felt.

“I like how convoluted we all are. A mystery that no one can ever piece together,” Anika put in her thoughts.

“True that,” Tanu said.

“Oye, Tanu?” Tanu cocked her head in Akshita’s direction. “Did you give Anika that locket you bought for her a while ago?”

Anika’s phone vibrated in her pocket and stopped her from asking Tanu about what locket Akshita was talking about. She fished her phone out of her pocket and saw Shivaay was video calling her. She was confused. Shivaay knew Anika was with her friends then why was he calling her. Cutting his call, Anika texted him: why are you calling Shivaay?

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