30 | falling

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A / N

Since none of you replied to the question I asked in the previous chapter, I am gonna assume no one wants to read a Rikara story. Lmao, still gonna post it because I love that concept.

Anyway, I have an inkling you are going to love this chapter.


30 | falling

“WHAT PART OF this did you not get, Karthik?” Shivaay asked, reading through the files. He looked up and saw a scowl on Karthik’s face.

“Like father, like son.”

He dropped the pen in his hand, got up and walked towards him slowly. He was hoping he had misheard him or at least hoping he would take his words back. Balling his hands into fists, he walked to him like a hunter would to his prey.

“My mother has told me all about what a bastard your father was. And safe to say, his son takes after him.”

It was apocalypse that happened.

“I hope your mother told you to expect this too,” He said, barely containing his anger as he punched Karthik right in the face. He punched him until he could hear Karthik groaning in pain, until he was begging for Shivaay to leave him. “Say that again, say that again and you will not see the sunrise tomorrow. I fucking dare you.”

He spat at his face, still feeling his blood boil. “SECURITY! SECURITY!” He called out to the guards angrily, swiping at his face. When the guards spilled inside, he told them to take Karthik away. “If he manages to step foot inside this building ever again, I hope you know what I’ll do to you.”

Once nobody was inside anymore, Shivaay grabbed the bottle of vodka that was stashed somewhere in his drawer. Then he drank. Drank like his life depended on it.

The clock struck eleven. It was quiet as Anika waited for Shivaay to come home. He wasn’t the kind of person who stayed late in office and Anika didn’t want to eat without him. Her food was lying untouched over the coffee table and her leg bounced up and down as she waited for the doorbell to ring.

The doorbell didn’t but her phone did. She reached out and saw it was Shivaay who was calling. Quickly swiping it in answer, Anika held the phone to her ear.

“Do you think I’ll leave you, love? With no warning and just leave you hanging onto me? Or hanging onto my memories to be precise?” The voice on the other end was slurred and Anika’s heart rate quickened. Where was he?

“Shivaay, where are you?”

“In my cabin.” He laughed humorlessly. “Sometimes, I wish we were judged on the basis of our behaviour rather than our families.”

Anika wasn’t getting what he was saying, none of it but she quickly told him to stay there.”I am coming there, Shivaay Singh Oberoi. Don’t you move, okay?”

“Anything and everything for you, love,” he whispered and hung up. Crap, Anika should have told him to stay on the line until she reached there. She frantically tried his phone only to hear in the woman’s annoying voice that his phone was out of reach. She swore and grabbed a jacket. Zipping herself up, Anika picked the car keys. She stalked out of the house quietly and locked it behind her. Quickly, she jogged down to the parking lot and opened the car.

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