25 | sunshine

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The chapter where you get all the sappy romance (which I am sucker for).

This update has been in drafts for too long. I knew I wanted to write this scene even before I began the story so you know how long it's been.

I hope you like this one x


25 | sunshine

"YOU ARE DIFFERENT than most people, Anika-" as Apeksha saw the look on Anika's face, she hurried to explain herself, "-and I mean that in a good way."

Anika narrowed her eyes suspiciously, "Why?" Why? Am I not normal? Are most people that come here are beautiful, lovable and talented?, was at the tip of her tongue.

"Most people are not so willing to accept help. It takes them a lot of time to accept that they need help in the first place-" she winced at Apeksha's words because it made her seem so vulnerable and pathetic but a voice in her head told her that she was already pathetic so did it make a difference if others could see it too? "-what made you seek help? Was it someone or something?" Apeksha questioned.

Anika was quiet as she thought to herself for a moment. She still didn't know of she had a problem because being useless wasn't a problem, right? It couldn't be fixed? "I don't know, really. I think I just want to be best of myself so people can love me, I just want to be worthy enough of the love I receive." The answer had so much honesty that Anika was surprised she even uttered those words. "I have all these amazing people around me who make me happy, love me truly and I don't want to fail. I think it's the fear that they'll realize what an utter disappointment I am and a disgrace to their family that pushes me to do the best of myself."

No matter how hard both of them tried to keep the sessions light hearted, they turned into emotional breakdowns, causing both Anika and Apeksha to share things they never did before. "Look, Anika, before you let people love you, you have to love yourself. You are enough and you are worthy. And anyone who tells you otherwise should go die in hell because dammit, you are a soul that is so pure I pray to god everyday to grace this earth with people like you."

"You haven't met Shivaay yet." Anika wiped her tears because she didn't want to cry and talking about Shivaay seemed like the only way to stop those stupid tears.

Apeksha's befuddled expression was comical as she asked, "Shivaay Singh Oberoi, you mean?"

"Yeah." Anika laughed softly. "He's my..." she trailed off for a few seconds. She knew what relationship she and Shivaay had-at least the official one-but it seemed so foreign to her to say it that she found herself stopping short. "...my husband." Those words sounded alien and yet familiar at the same time. And oh boy, did she love the sound of saying that. She repeated in here head again and again because it made her smile-from within.

"Oh? Why don't you tell me about him? He seemed to make you really happy." Apeksha must have noticed how her face glowed because she had a small smile playing on her lips and when she asked more about Shivaay the smile on her face widened until it hurt.

"He really does. I think I am the most comfortable around him and gods, it's so easy to talk to him. I can always just go up-to him and he'll know something's up with me. And he doesn't prob me to tell him what's wrong, he simply just pulls me in for a hug because that's what I need in that moment."

An hour later Anika could say that was the best session she had till date. She waved to Apeksha and bounced out of the room. Outside Shivaay was waiting for her and Anika didn't miss the look of surprises on his face after seeing her full blown smile before it was concealed. "Well someone looks happy."

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