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None of you asked me questions but I do have some questions for you so please answer them. I would love to know your thoughts on this book. Also, if any of you asks questions now, I would definitely add them here. So feel free to ask. Anything (where I got the inspiration for this story, who's my favorite or throw questions at the characters).

questions for me

1. Did you self doubt yourself? 

Yes and no. At some point of time, before I am about to do something big, I always doubt myself. But then, I tell myself that I'll do good. But touch wood, I have never doubted that I am enough or not. Thankful, there are people around me who make me feel important.

2. What or who is the inspiration for this story?

Draconian by Noelle inspired me to write a ptsd character and it was my need to write a character like this that the story came into existence. It's not inspired by one particular thing. It stems from the people around me who don't themselves and I wanted to write a story that revolved around this. So I hope you know that you are enough.

1. Your favorite character (apart from Shivika)?

Mine is Gauri tbh. I like how she's soft and gets hurt but she damn well knows how to hand someone their ass back. She's doesn't let anyone give her shit for who she is and I stan her for that.

2. Your favorite scene (Shivika)?

3. Your favorite non Shivika scene?

4. Did I do justice to the fear of self doubt?

5. What would you have loved to see more in the book (asking because i will rewrite it someday)?

6. What did you learn through this book?

7. Constructive criticism?

8. Do Shivaay and Anika seem realistic? What can I do to make them feel more real?

9. The best line from this book?

10. Who do you love more? Shivaay and Anika? Please pick one.

11. Did you cry reading this book?

Asking because i sure did.

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