Teenage (6.10)

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PoV Renessme


It was painfully hot.

In between consciousness, my hands try to wrestle with the thin blanket that lays on top of me, correction of us, I move around in attempts to become a little more settled, but met with no luck as the five around me were scorching me with their body heat.

"We need to talk about this, our body plastered to each other, having to climb over these giants just to go to the darn toilet, not to forget the darn heat." Mumbling to oneself I find the way to the bathroom.

Still dopey eyed, I tumble down to the basin, picking a washcloth to clean the sweat that accumulated on my face and chest.

Once done I felt a little refreshed, taking a look at the mirror I'm rendered speechless, my hand moves to my face to trace the red inflammation,"What is, is this?"

There it was, a zit on my right cheek. Gasping, I push myself even closer to the mirror, attempting to rub it off. After I realised I'm having no luck with it, carefully analysing my face, taking notice of how the zit wasn't the only thing wrong with it, I had blackheads, freckles and open pores.

"No, please no, god! I'm uglier than normal now." I spat finding even more things wrong with me each passing second.

Walking as quietly as possible I dash over to the dresser, where my rack of winter fur were. It was overflowing as few new pieces were added to the already large collection.

Grazing my hand over them, I can't help but think of how these use to be all breathing free in the wild until Jason had hunted them down for me, every birthday he would give me a chest, filled with the warmest and the most exotic fur.

"Wow! Sybil has managed to out done herself, this is so soft." I say touching the velvety toosh robe, that Jason explained from the Tibetian Antelopes, and my current favourite slip on that I was told from an Russian Sable.

Content that I was looking decent, I tip toe out of the room, leaving the the door crack open so I could slip back inside before anyone knew I had gone out.

Within no time, I stood before a large burgundy wooden door. Contemplating if this issue was important enough to wake my parents, my mother up this early on, I start pacing up and down the corridor.

A deep breath in, my knuckles were about to find the door in order to knock, until I felt a presence behind me, turning around I come face to face with Aunt Rose.

Studying her closely, it wasn't hard to conclude that she was in a hurry, terrified even.

"Did you wake her?" She says in a low voice.

Shaking my head, "No, I was just about to knock actually."

She lightly moves me to the side, and clutches on to the door handle, tilting her head to my direction, she wink, "Aren't you a slow one Ren. Oh! If I were you, I'd shut my eyes or else you'd be scarred for the rest of your life."

Confused at what she meant, "Wh...?"

Even before a single work could come out of my mouth Aunt Rose yanks open the door, and I get my answer. At the fore were my parents tangled together, naked, a thin sheet covers my dad modesty, and the only thing that covered my mother's goodies was my dads hand and leg.

My eyes ready to pop out, and I gasp. My hands cover my mouth and I turn my back to them.

It was my mother who screams on top of her lungs, i heard a loud thud, while my father shouts out at his bestfriends wife, "Shut the fucking door, Rose"

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