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Uraraka POV

Who would have thought that out of all the people in the world or maybe just in Class 1-A that the person who would be by my side at my vulnerability would be Katsuki Bakuguo?

How did that happen?

How is it that he managed to comfort me undeniably?

Despite of his every reputation.

1 Week Ago

“Asui-san! Good Morning!” she said with a giant smile.
“Good morning to you too. Were you able to do the homework?” exclaimed Asui.
“Yes the one in Physics.” She said smiling.

I can’t believe I forgot to do the homework AGAIN. Ever since me and Deku started dating my head is in cloud 9. I just can’t believe that he was able to confess and ask me out. I have always looked up to him, his abilities his heart on how he really wants to be the number 1 hero. I feel like I have been too preoccupied by my thoughts and feelings to him that I’m forgetting to keep my priorities straight. I can’t just keep looking up to him. I have to excel too.

Asui gave a sigh “Here Ochaco-chan, you can just copy mine. It’s still better than nothing.” She smiled.
“Really??!!” eyes sparkling. “Thank you very much Asui-san! I promise I will repay you somehow! Hihihi”
“It’s okay really Ochaco but it seems like you have been in daze this days. Does this have something to do with you and Midoriya-kun? Asui asked innocently.
“I guess a little.” Rubbing the back of my neck. “I guess I just can’t believe it you know.”
“It’s okay to be in love really. Just it would be better if you can also take care of yourself.” She smiled knowingly.
“Right. Thanks Asui-san really.”

The door slides open then came Deku.

“Uraraka-san! Good morning” he said while waving his hand to me.
“Good morning Deku-kun.” Smiles sheepishly.
“Have you done your homework in Physics?”
“AH, yeah I did, I finished it a while back. Why?” Tilting his head a little.
“Oh nothing nothing. That’s good” waving my hand in front of me.
“Did you forget to do yours?”
“Yeah, kinda” saying it like a whisper.
“Oh No! I’m really sorry. I took all your time last night and I forgot to remind you about it.”
“No no no, Deku-kun it’s not your fault. I just forgot to put it in my reminders too. Hehehehe”
“Alright. I hope you can do it in break time still.” He said worriedly.
“Yeah I will.”

One by one our class was filled with chatters with everyone then Aizawa sensei comes in.
“Alright! Have a seat everyone we will now start our class.” He said with a monotone everyday tone.

The day passed by quickly. We were all ready to go back to our dorms when the door suddenly slides back and Aizawa sensei comes in.

“Is Uraraka here?”
“AH! Sensei I’m here.”
“Can you come to my office for just a little while?”
“Sure Sensei.” I wonder what it’s about.
“We’ll just wait for you in the gate.” Deku leans close to me and kisses my cheek.
“A-right. See you later.” I can’t help but blush.
Deku smiled with hints of red in his cheeks too.

Aizawa sensei seats in his chair letting out a deep sigh.
“It seems like lately you haven’t been passing your homeworks. I’m quite worried. Especially in Physics. I know being a hero doesn’t really have to do with this but this are your schoolwork. You also need to excel in this not just on your quirks.” He said with a straight tone.
I am loss in words. I didn’t realize how much I’m being careless about this.
“Look don’t worry you can still catch up but based on your test results or quizzes, this isn’t really your best subject. If you get a score lower than 85 in the next exam you will have to take summer classes.”
SUMMER CLASSES?!! I don’t want that! If that happens I will be delayed with internship and I won’t have much time with Deku-kun.
“Do you understand Uraraka?”
“Yes Sensei! I will do my best!” I have to do my best. 85??!! That’s too high. I barely pass the exams. I can’t believe I’m having this dilemma now.
“Well if you do, you can go now.”
“Alright. Thank you sensei.”

As I walk out the door I smell a hint of Gunpowder and cinnamon.
Oh well.

When I got to the gate only Deku was there.
“Where’s everyone?”
“They said they were going to the arcade after all its Friday.” He said shyly
“Ah, alright. Do you want to go somewhere?” I asked excitedly
“Well if you are up to it then I would love that.” He smiles.
“Yeah, I’d love too.”

We went to town and watched a movie. Did some window shopping, ate some good food, laughed at each other’s jokes. Most of the topic we talked about was Deku’s favorite heroes. Sometimes we go silent and just kept glancing each other and just ends up laughing about it. Then we will find another topic to talk about. Then somehow Deku will find a way to take my hand and I can’t help but blush in this moment. I am simply happy.

“By the way, what did Aizawa sensei want?”
I almost forgot about that. Deku looks at me innocently with a smile. I don’t think I can tell him about it. I think he’ll be disappointed, or maybe not, just worried. I don’t want him to worry. I want him to see my capabilities too. I’m gonna have to find some way to pass this without his help.
“Just warned me on dating you. Hehehehe.” I faked a laugh.
“What?!” Deku suddenly got really red. “I didn’t know Aizawa sensei knew.”
“Hahahaha! Don’t worry about it.” I smiled at him.
Deku suddenly grabbed both of my hands “Don’t worry Uraraka! I will make you happy and I will be an amazing hero.” He said with a huge grin.
I know you will. I have no doubts.
“You better hihihihi”
We both smiled at each other and started laughing. We head back to the dorm holding hands. We said goodnight to one another.

I lie in my bed thinking just how am I going to hide this from Deku. Nobody can know about this because anyone can just tell him. I gotta do this on my own.

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