Sneak Peak

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Chapter 19

"What are you guys doing here?" Said Deku-kun with a slight smile.

What the.

Calm down Uraraka. There's nothing wrong with this situation. Your boyfriend just happened to appear when you are with this guy that you are attracted to. Wait a minute, am I attracted to Bakugo-kun? Well it's not like I dismissed him when he held my hand. Why didn't I just shake him off?! Calm down Uraraka. You're overthinking feelings because you were caught. Caught?! Caught where? Nothing is going on here!

I hastily stood up from my position, stumbling a little not noticing that my legs had already gone numb.

"Are you okay?" Deku-kun lending me a hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just got a little numb there." Now that I was able to stand upright I continued, "We were just kind of hanging out." Smiling at him.

He shifted his gaze towards Bakugo-kun. "Is that your lunch?"

"Yeah, what of it?" said Bakugo-kun.

Deku-kun's brows furrowed for a millisecond. "You brought that all the way over here for him?" asking me.

"You have something to say Deku?" Bakugo-kun growled shifting his position now facing Deku-kun.

"Kaachan what did you bully her into doing?"


"Look here, you can't just-

"Deku-kun it's not like that."

"-treat her like that." He continued completely dismissing my remark.

"AND HOW SHOULD SHE BE TREATED HUH?!" Bakugo-kun was now standing up.

"You don't get to ask that!" Deku-kun responded.

"Guys stop."

"So what you know her because you're the 'boyfriend' huh?!"

"What?! That has nothing to do with this! And that doesn't concern you in any way, kaachan!"

"IT WAS A BET!" bursting out those words in front of them.

"HUH?!" they said together now looking at me.

"We had a bet when we were on the training camp together. And whoever wins gets the lunch of the loser. And I lost so here we are." Trying to calm them down on whatever is going on here. "That's it Deku-kun."

"What kind of bet?" Deku-kun asked innocently.

"Ah... well..." shifting my sight from side to side trying to search for the answer.

"Who can search the most herbs in the forest." Bakugo-kun interrupted.

"Hmmm..." Agreed Deku-kun. "You should have just said that from the beginning."

"Yeah, well you guys kind of just started on it." I declared.

"Sorry." Said Deku-kun.

"It's fine."

I looked at Bakugo-kun and mouthed thank you. He simply replied with a nod.

"I'm here to get you by the way, we might be late for next period." Said Deku-kun avoiding any contact with Bakugo-kun.

"Ah, sure. We should all get going."

The three of us started heading back to the classroom. Deku-kun and I are slowly picking up the pace to reach on time. As I looked behind me it seems like Bakugo-kun is falling behind. That little argument earlier might have just taken a toll on him. He looks paler now than earlier, but it looks like he's keeping his eyes shut just to maintain his stance. He should've just stayed still earlier and let me do all the talking. He's sick for goodness sake. Why can't he just keep his angst once in a while?

"I'm fine Round face, no need to make that face." He groaned. "You guys go ahead. I'm gonna stop by the restroom first."

"Do you need any help?" I whispered back.

"What? Are you going to go inside the men's restroom?" smirking at me.

"No... maybe..."

He lets out a chuckle. "Just go to class. I'll be there soon." Smiling at me.

How can I say no to that face? "Okay."


"Eijiro Kirishima." Yamada-sensei announced.

It looks like we were right on time. Attendance was just starting.

"Eijiro Kirishima." He repeated.

"He might be stuck on the restroom Sensei." Sero-kun remarked.

"Late then. Next Koji Koda!"

Suddenly the door was slammed open and a panting Kirishima-kun came waltzing in. "I'm present sensei!"


"I just went to Recovery Girl."

"Did something happen?" said Sensei.

"I was in the restroom inside one of the stalls when I suddenly heard a crash on the floor. Of course I took a peak then there was Bakugo fainted on the floor!"


"Woah! Was he sick?" blurted Mina-chi.

Now Kirishima-kun was facing the entire class. "Yes, and not just sick but VERY sick."

The whole class then gasped on this news.

"I thought that guy would never get sick." Responded Todoroki-kun.

"I guess he's still human after all." Seconded Shoji-kun.

"How did he get sick though?" Now Yamada-sensei was also interested.

"Well, this is just a secret guys, don't tell him I told you, but lately like I don't really know how long it's been going on already, but he always goes back to his room late at night. So one time I asked him what's going on and he said that he's been training at night. So I got confused. He can totally train after class right?"

"Yeah, that's what most of us do." Said Tokoyami-kun.

"Right! But then I found myself sneaking out on him and found out that he's been studying a lot after class, and most of the time I see a Physics book open with lots of notes beside it." Kirishima-kun continued.

"But he's already good at Physics. And that's not even a major subject." Suggested Kaminari-kun.

"Right?!" Kirishima-kun totally agreeing with him.

"Well I guess that just shows why he's really good right? He always pushes himself." Said Momo-chan.

"Right, right. So that's my theory." Ended Kirishima-kun.

"Well, that's great and all, so he should just rest in the infirmary and let's get to class." Demanded Sensei.

The whole class then went silent and took one by one took out their textbooks, even Kirishima-kun went back to his seat already.

If only they knew.

That idiot.

Silence (A Kacchako Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora