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Chapter 28 

Day 6

This strawberry flavored chocolate isn't so bad at all.

Noticing the school is in quite a party mood, with little red balloons and heart shaped decors. Guess it really is Valentines.

Has nothing to do with me though.

I slumped back to my chair and noticed a pink box the same size as a bar of a chocolate.

Is this a prank? Is this a bomb?

But I recognize this type of paper, and I remember a certain brown haired girl using this when we were studying.

Without thinking I stood from my chair and made my way to her, she was surrounded by her friends at the back corner but hell it is.



She was wide eyed at me but I just grabbed her hand and dragged her away from them. Hearing some questions along the way and some indistinct expressions. Got out of the room, then to the hallway picking up the pace more and more, I don't know what kind of expression she was wearing right now. All I know is she didn't seem to be resisting from it. Finally I found a spot on the far corner with no one there.

Stopping at my tracks I let go of her, and looked at her. She was looking at me wide eyed and with parted lips. I took out the box and for sure I heard her gasp.

"What are these?" I started.

"Uhm, pretty sure they're chocolates." Avoiding my gaze.

"I know what they are, I want to know why you gave it to me." Tilting my head to catch her glimpse.

"What makes you think I gave them to you?" she was now playing with the hem of her skirt.

"Because no one in their right mind would give me anything near this." She was now looking at me with hints of pinks rising in her cheeks. "Also I recognize the paper when we studied."

Once again she looked away, "anyone can be using the same paper."

"What is this for Pink face?"

"Well, we're... we're friends so-

"You said you don't want to be friends anymore?" I was now stepping closer and closer to her.

"Well... I... what do you want me to say?" she was now whispering.

"I want you to say it." I was now close enough to be towering over her.

She moved her hand from her skirt to my shirt. Still looking down. She nodded her head horizontally.

"Fine, then I'll say it."


"I like you Pink face."

She was now looking at me, her chin trembled as a tear tickled down her cheeks. As soft sobs came out from her I placed my forehead on her forehead and held her by the waist. Her hands were now on my chest.

"How can you like me?" she was shaking every time she speaks, "I'm pathetic, I make up so many excuses. I don't know what I want. I want to be good but I don't know how to. I don't know how to say what I really want to say. I can't even pass Physics without asking for help."

Right then I let out a snicker, and she thumped me lightly on my chest.

"I already know all of that." Kissing her forehead.

"Idiot, you're supposed to sugar coat them."

"You know I'm not like that." Placing my chin above her head.


"So is there something you want to say?"

At first I heard some mumbling, but couldn't quite pick up on anything. Pulling back I faced her, my hand still on her waist. "What?!"

"I said I like you too. You idiot." She was now pouting at me.

Couldn't help but grin on that response, I held her closer. "That's more like it."

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