His Perspective

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Chapter 21 

Bakugo POV

Gaining a bit of consciousness, I slowly opened my eyes. Bright lights blinding me, I blinked enough to adjust my sight. It smells like a mixture of bubblegum and eucalyptus. White sheets covering every inch of the room. I lifted my head a little bit but felt a light throb in the back of my head. I immediately reached out my hand to feel if there are any bumps. It seems like I didn't fall that hard.

What was the last thing I remember?

I was in the shrubs alone trying to pass time but then she came along. With her staggered breath holding a tray of food, flashing like bright light. Then I think that hero wannabe came. Then after that.

What happened after that?

I went to the restroom I think. Then red?

Uggghhhh... this is just hurting my head more.

Then I heard some muttering outside. I took out the covers to hide myself under the sheet, but it seems like those mumbling is just taking too long. I just want to rest you idiots. Not taking it anymore, I slammed the sheets out and slid the curtain beside me.



Damn. It's her. And her shaky breath and fidgeting hands.

"Ohhhhhh, it seems like you're awake honey." Said recovery girl.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Well, it seems like I will be leaving you two then. She has been asking about you a lot." Pointing at pink face.

Pink tints started covering up her face. "Noo, I just got here anyway recovery girl." Waving her hands in front of her.

"Just rest up Bakugo. You need it." Now looking at me.

Recovery girl then walked out of the room and it seems like it's just me and pink face here. We were somewhat in silence after all she just started fidgeting again. I wonder what's on that head of hers. What is she thinking right now? We've been talking more that I can ever imagine and yet she still never fails to come to me all nervous or secretive.

It seems like I have been out half the day coz her uniform is covered with enough creases that lasts the day. She has her backpack hanging just right on her shoulders. Her hair a little out of place with little bit of sweat that's breaking out of her forehead.

"You look uncomfortable." I finally said.

"Ah, no, I just. I'm fine." She mumbled while looking at her feet.

"Aren't you going to seat down?" I groaned.

"Yeah I will, I will. Here, just got a chair." Sliding a chair from the corner.

"There's a chair right here." Pointing a circle silver chair that has those mini wheels underneath it and absolutely uncomfortable after some time beside me.

For a second she looked completely abashed, but picked herself up almost immediately and said, "I like this chair better."

After a second or two she was able to successfully place a chair beside me and sat down. Clutching her backpack in front of her. Looking closer, she has those brown orbs that will just draw you into it.

"Are you feeling better?" she asked.

I swiftly shifted back my balance not noticing the gap I was pulling too closely in. "Yeah, just a slight throb from the back of my head from the fall."

Why did I tell her that?

"Wha?! So you really did faint! Does it still hurt? Are you okay? Should I call recovery girl again?!-


"But you just said-

"I'm fine Uraraka." I whispered.

That somewhat made her shut up. I should've just told her I'm fine. With that she wouldn't be wearing that expression right now. But for some reason, I feel happy.

Am I that bad that I like it when you're worried about me?

"What are you smiling about?" she complained.

Huh. Me?

"I wasn't smiling."

"Yes you were!" she pouted.

"What are you doing here round face?"

After a pause she continued, "I just want to check up on you. After what happened earlier, I think it's my fault that you ended up fainting."

"I'm good now, so you can leave."

"Wai- just like that?"

"Well, what else do you want Round Face?" I groaned.

"Are you kidding me right now?" raising an eyebrow.


"I get here ALL worried, and all you can tell me is you can leave now?!" raising her voice a little bit that it echoes through the room.


I didn't mean that.

She inhaled with her mouth open then gripped one of the handles of her bag until her knuckles turned white.

"Round face I-

"Yeah, you're right. We don't have all day. And because you have made it so obvious that you HATE talking to me-


"-then I guess we don't have to talk anymore." Glaring at me.

"What are you-

"It's because you're like this Bakugo-kun. Why can't you just be NORMAL?! HUH?! Why can't you be for once normal, for once GRATEFUL?! Why can't you be less YOU?!"

A tear then slid down her cheeks. Her cheeks puffing up, her chests rising and falling in a fast pace. Her breath staggering. I want to hold her.

"That's the problem isn't it? I just can't change Round Face."

"I know, that's why this is easier."

"What is?"

"Making my decision."

Looking at her face hardened in concentration. I felt my heart sank.

"Here." She handed me a paper. It looks like a photograph. Our photograph. Her brown hair, my spiky hair. Her white shirt, my dark jeans. Her bright smile, my awkward gaze. And you were looking beautiful. And maybe that's all I ever want to see. Some proof. That you were before me and that's all I needed.

"I don't need it anymore."

I just concentrated on the photograph before me.

"And you don't need to teach me in Physics anymore. I think I can handle it from here." She continued.

"I made a promise to you." I whispered.

"I know and it's time to end it. So you don't have to get worked up on me anymore. Thank you for everything Bakugo-kun."

"Why now?"


"Now isn't the only time we fought, but you never broke it off. So why now?"

Why now Uraraka?

It took time before she formed any answer. Noticing her eyes a little swollen, I subconsciously made my way and tuck a piece of her hair in the back of her ear. She looked better that way. She then gave me a short smile.

"Maybe because I can't take this secret anymore." She finally said.

And just like that she took her things and left the room. Leaving me with a trace of her scent and a realization on what just happened.

"But I still can." Still clutching the picture on my hand. 

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