Be good

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Chapter 17 

"What are Newton's Law of Motion?" said Bakugo-kun.

"Oh! I know this! Ah... the first one is when every object moves in a straight line unless acted upon by a force...Second one is the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force exerted and inversely proportional to the object's mass and the third one is for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction!" gushing excitedly as I was able to recite those.

"And what's the other term for the 1st law?"

"Other term?!" I know this, I know this, I should know this! "Ah! Law of Ratio!"

"LAW OF INERTIA!" he growled.

"Ah! Yeah, yeah, I knew that! I just slipped... hehehe" giving him a peace sign.


"C'mon! We both know I did a good job there." Giving his shoulder a nudge.

"Whatever." flickering my forehead back.

"Ow!" pressing my forehead.

"Now, time to move on to the next chapter." Said Bakugo-kun as he flips the book on the next mark.

"Woah, woah! Already?!" pouting at him.

"You're behind and you have the guts to stop?" glaring at me.

I hesitated a little bit then just said, "Yes?"


"Alright! Alright! I just... don't have that motivation." Placing my chin on the table.

Letting out a sigh, "What do you want?" he said.

"ForoneIwantmypictureback..." raising my index finger.

"What does that have anything with this?" crossing his arms.

Of course it doesn't have anything with this! It's just that I can't say that in front of your face or say it in the classroom because people will ask questions and we're not exactly 'friendly' in class. Also, it's weird that you just took it. I found it you know! In the midst of that pile, I was able to get it unnoticed! Not that I was hiding it or that anything was wrong with it, but you know!

"Nothing." I simply said.

"Then let's just go through this."

"Give me back the photo Bakugo-kun." Straightening my back now.

"Why do you want it?" he whispered.

"Well, coz...I... ah... found it." Looking at the table coz for some reason, I don't want to look him in the eye.

"It's amazing that you were even able to find this in that pile"

"Yeah, well... I saw a glimpse of blonde... then just took it." Now playing with the ends of the notebook.

"You know, you don't have to avoid looking at me just to say that."

Is he playing with me?


"Y-Yeah!" now looking at him. "Then what about you? Why do you want it?!" biting the inner bottom of my lip.

I just want him to get mad. Say something idiotic that you shouldn't say to a girl or to any person because it's just a grand insult. Something that always ends up me apologizing then everything is back to normal. Yet he remained steadfast.

After a minute or two he finally lets out a sigh.

"I guess we both can't say it huh?" he said, sliding the picture across the table towards me.

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