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Chapter 12 

When I was 9 years old, I saw my mother apologizing for the first time. It was in a crowded and open space and it smelled like fresh fruits and vegetables, so I can only assume that we were on the market that day. I didn't really know why she apologized or if it was even her fault, but I remember her saying this words to me...

"It's alright to put down your pride once in a while. It really wouldn't hurt anyone." While giving me her gentle smile.

But I think this time it would. It has nothing to do with pride at all, but I don't think I have anything to apologize for either. If the roles were reversed this would be a normal thing. Bakugo Katsuki insulting everyone.

I made my way back to the kitchen and noticed that the stove was turned off already. I guess I have been away from it for quite some time now. I opened the lid and checked if everything was done, I grabbed a ladle and scooped myself a sipping just to try if it needs any adjustments, and for some reason I wasn't shocked that he already seasoned it so well.

What a gentle flavor from a mad man.



"Deku-kun!" waving back at him. "How was the game?"

"It got so crazy!!" Flailing his arms with excitement. "We had all this plan on how to sneakily make our way to the so called flag but it ended up becoming a monkey!!"

"What?!" I can't help but laugh at his story.

"Then all of it just went nuts, so all of us just started chasing it. Hahahaha!!"

"Woah! That sounds fun! Hehehehe."

"Yeah it was! Wish you were there." Flashing his big grin at me.

"Hmmmm... so who won?"

"Of course we did!" He slowly dropped the giant bag that was hanging on his back.

"Oh yeah, I was wondering about that. You didn't have that earlier right?"

"Yep! It seems like this is the prize that we won." Untangling the knot of the bag.

"Everyone!! Let's check the prize!"

Slowly our teammates gathered in a circle to check out what was on the bag.

"I wish it's a tent." Momo-chan whispered.

"Couldn't you just summon one from your quirk?" Todoroki-kun asks her.

"Well I think it's better if it's a well-earned prize. Also, I wasn't able to learn its properties." Answering back to him.

"I think Fireworks would be cool!! Kirishima-kun blasts.

"What are you talking about? That's not even going to help us." Mina-chi answers him.

"Hmmm... well if we are talking about survival, sleeping bags are very helpful." Iida-kun suggests.

"Something sweet maybe?" Sato-kun responses.

"Something dazzling!" Aoyama-kun answers.

"I think we should just open it up and find out." Todoroki-kun suggests.

Deku-kun nods at him and slowly opens the bag. As blinding light submerges from the bag we looked inside it and found some...

"BLANKETS!!!" roaring with excitement.

"At least I don't have to think about the cold tonight." Momo-chan cozily hugs the blanket to her.

"Wow! Congrats on the blankets."


"Ribbit..." greeting me, looking a little tired.

"What did you guys get?"

"Nothing really, after all you guys won the game."

"Sorry Atsui-san, things got pretty wild there huh?" Deku-kun says while rubbing the back of his head.

"It's alright really, my team is just a little jealous with the blankets. But we'll do our best on the next one. Hehehehe."

"By the way Ochaco-chi, is the food ready? I'm staaaaaaarved." Mina-chi emits.

"Ah yeah! We should probably prepare the food now. I know everyone's tired from the game."

"I'll help you."

"Thanks Deku-kun!"

We made our way to the kitchen to get the curry and the rice that we just prepared.

"By the way, where's Bakugo kun?" Mina-chi asks.



That guy.

I wonder what I should tell her.

"I think he's just-

"There are no plates there, so get one for yourselves."


"What?! There are no plates? What are we supposed to use?" Mina-chi grumbles.

Or in my case mumbles.


Cause the things they say that little by little disappears on the background.

"EHH?!! This is harsh!!"

Coz right now all I can hear is the sound of the wind around me.

"There are a lot of big leaves on the tree Ashido-san! We can use that!"

And the sound of my heartbeat.

"Ah! Or I can just ask Momo-chi!!"

And the sound of his footsteps.

"Aarrggghhh, so noisy..."

Why are you here? I'm still not ready to face you. I still don't know what to say. I still don't know how I should act around you.

He scrapes my shoulder a little bit, passing by me.

"Uraraka-chan?" Deku-kun whispers.


"Are you okay?"

"Ah! Yeah..."

"You sure? Coz you kind of just said that 2 times." Staring at me. "Also, your face is really red."

Are you kidding me?

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