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Chapter 29 

Uraraka POV

Saying those words felt like a giant boulder came off my chest. I didn't even know how long I wanted to say it. How long I tried to keep from saying those words. But as he held me close with his touch, I couldn't help but just let this emotions free.

But what now? Now that I have decided to break free and face the truth, what do I do now? Staying like this, hugging him, might just be the best outcome out of anything I have ever done. Nothing in the world has ever felt right more than when I am tightly embraced to him.

Why did I even try to stay away from this? That would take two people to stay away from something like this, and if Bakugo decides it as something not to let go off, I don't think I can do it alone.

"I should probably try this chocolate now."

"Wha!" immediately I let go of him. "Don't!"

"HUH?! Why not?! You gave this to me."

"It might not taste good!" trying to grab it from him.

"Tsk. Uraraka. I am eating this." He was now holding both of my wrist with his one hand looking directly at me.

"But don't you hate sweets?" looking away from him as I felt heat rising in my cheeks. Why did I even think of giving him chocolates? I don't think he even likes them. Like. Bakugo said he liked me. Am I dreaming?

Slowly he let go of my wrists. "They're not my favorite but it doesn't mean I hate them." He opened up the box, grabbed a piece, and threw one in his mouth. After a few bites and changing from one expression to one another, I stared intently waiting for a response.

"Not bad."

"Only not bad?" disappointed with his response I let out a sigh.

"Definitely better than bad." Smirking at me.

"Fine, fine." Pouting at him.

He grabbed another piece and placed it in my mouth. As I chew on the chocolate, he lets out a smile. The smile that I am so sure of that made me fall for him.

"What are you going to tell him?"



Ah. Now I remember why I tried to stay away from this.

"I... ah... maybe the truth for a change." Giving him a short smile.

"Okay. That sounds better than my plan." Grabbing another piece of chocolate.

"Wait! What was your plan?" giving him a worried look.

"Oh, I don't know. Tell him he's weak and show you off."

As I thumped my fist on his chest, he lets out another snicker. I don't know if I can take lightly of his jokes, this is Bakugo-kun we're talking about after all.

"I think we should go back to class, people might be curious on why you dragged me out of here." Pulling his hand with mine.

"You go ahead."

"Eh, what about you?"

"I don't think I can focus on anything, as I just want to stare at you the whole day."

That earned me another pink cheeks. "Alright. Enjoy the chocolates."

"I am."

I gave him one last smile, let go of him, and headed back to class.


Bakugo POV

"You can come out now."

Just then a familiar green haired boy came out of the other corner, "since when did you know?"

"Just now. What do you want Deku?" glaring at him.

"You know what I want Kaachan." He was now moving closer, glaring back at me.

"If you don't say it, I will never know." Not breaking the contact.

"She's my girlfriend."

"She's just Uraraka as far as I am concern."

That silenced him up.

It took some time before I actually felt his presence. When I first turned the corner, I was sure no one was following us, but the second she admitted her feelings, the presence popped out of nowhere. I wasn't sure at first. But then, who would try to conceal their presence and end up leaking it at the perfect moment.

"Since when?" he growled.

"I think you should just talk to her."

"You're not one to back out of a fight."

"I'm just doing what she wants."

He scoffs on my response, "So you're thinking about her now? Maybe you should have done that before you flirted with her."

"Oh, what do we have here? Little Deku angry? Or maybe jealous?" smirking at him.

He was now gliding towards me and shoved me with his finger painful enough that I know he means it, "Stay away from her Kaachan."


"What?! That's not a request!"

"No!" I growled back.

He was ready for a fight, I know it because I am too. I don't care if it's in the middle of the school grounds or if teachers had to scold us for destroying school property, I just want to kick his ass. But that would be the last thing she wants. Tsk. What has she done to me?

"Calm down Deku." I say finally.

"Did you just say Calm down??!! You! Bakugo Katsuki! Calm down??!!"

"Hard to believe but yes. I just know that no matter how much you want to punch me or me to blow your head off, she wouldn't like it even for an inch." Crossing my arms in front of me.

Keep you cool Bakugo. Patience is key. Patience is key. Since when did you have patience?

But at least my speech earned us a few seconds of silence.

"Since when did you know more about her than I do?" he was now whispering.

"I don't." waiting for him to respond I just continued, "I just don't want to see her cry."

Suddenly he looked at me with shock but then changed it almost as immediately with a creased brow.

"Do you love her?"

Now it was my turn to be shocked. Love? Did I love her? Is this what those cheesy as hell romance movies say all the time? Or is this the same thing that my mom keeps telling to dad? All I know is I like seeing her smile. I like hearing her laugh. I like it when she starts stuttering. I like it when she hums subconsciously.

"Is this love I'm feeling?" I asked him.

"Do you think about her?"

"All the time."

"Then I think that's a yes."

I had to make up my mind at that moment. Do I accept his opinion or continue on searching for it. But for a split second, I know the moment I heard him say the word, it was the right one.

"Then Deku to answer your question. Yes... I love her."

He was now smiling. Not the typical big grin he gives to everyone, but more like an assured smile. Somewhat relieved.

"I'm not just going to give her to you."

"I know."

"Don't think I won't fight for this."

"I won't."

"Good luck Kaachan." Then he started walking away, back to the hallway to our room. But I knew I couldn't just end it with that.

"Deku!" swiftly he looked back at me now walking backwards. "It's not your fault."

He just smiled at me as a response and returned on walking back normally.

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