Dog days are Over

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Chapter 20 

I slowly gathered my things this time. I am not going to repeat the same mistake of piling them too fast that I will draw attention from my friends. The more normal I act, the lesser they will ask. And right now, the last thing I want to hear is "Why are you packing so fast?" or "Are you going somewhere?" and I know from the bottom of my heart that I do not want to lie. Wait, why do I have to lie? Sigh. I hate this brain of mine.

"You look anxious."

"Wha!" looking at my friend, I just let out a sigh. "How can you even tell Iida-kun?" I mumbled.

"Well..." he took out a chair and placed it in front of me and sat down. "You look like you're concentrating too much on something and that kind of hints me a little bit."

"I really tried to pack this normally." I sighed.

"Is this about Zero the dog?" he wondered.

Ah. Zero.

"Kind of. Not really. Little bit. I guess."

"He really bothers you a lot huh?"

I let out a slight snicker. "He just... consumes me you know."

Iida-kun did not give me an answer. He just gave me a slight smile.

"Every now and then I ask myself why. Why do I let him get into me so much? Maybe because it's really expensive to buy his food."

Iida-kun let out a giggle.

"Or that his temper is really short." Now I was letting out a laugh.

"But with every little thing, he pops out of my head." Pausing, I bit my lower lip. "And no matter what I do or how many excuses I come up with, it leaves this little opening and he's right back in." feeling tears welling up from my eyes. I looked away from him and covered my mouth with my knuckles.

Few seconds passed before any one of us uttered a word. I think Iida-kun is processing whatever I just said. To be honest, I don't need him to say anything. I just liked how he can make me say whatever I'm thinking.

"You must really love him." He blurted.

I immediately turned my head towards him and with at first, shock.

But then I kind of knew it didn't I?

"But I can't" I whispered.

"Because he's not Midoriya-kun?" he replied.

"How did you know?"

"I didn't." pausing. "I had doubts though. I just think it's too weird if it really is about a dog." Placing his fingers on his chin.

I suddenly had a burst of laughter. "Yeah, it would be too weird."

"Seeing you like this. Trying to lie through dog stories. It must have been hard for you."

"It's not supposed to be. I just made it hard for myself." I sighed.

"We both know it's wrong. You more than anyone know it's wrong. But I don't think I have any right to blame or nag you." He paused. "But you have to make a decision. Or we'll continue on this weird dog stories." He advised.

"I know." Looking down.

"Look Uraraka-san. Whoever he is, or whatever you're going to decide on. I just hope you become happy." Giving me a full smile.

"Thanks Iida-kun."

"For what?"

"For everything. Even for a little bit, I can be vulnerable with you. And that's pretty much enough."

"You should be able to do that with your boyfriend too."

"Not until I screwed it up."

"You haven't yet."

"I already did." I paused. "When I fell for the dog."

Iida-kun lets out a sigh. "C'mon, we should get going."

"You go ahead. I have to go somewhere first."

"Have you decided already?"

I looked in my bag and saw the picture. Our picture. He's blonde hair, my brown hair. He's tank top, my pink shorts. He's slouched back, my nervous smile. And you're looking at me. And maybe that's all I ever want to see. Some proof. It wasn't just me, there was this moment too. Moments that I will never know unless I see your perspective.


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