Damn those penguins

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Chapter 3 

Bed check.

Desk check.

Closet check.

Laundry check.

Floor check.

“Alright! Everything’s good to go.”

I should probably study now.

WOW! I just wasted the whole morning and now its 2:30. I can’t believe it. Oh well better start now.
I opened the textbook checking which chapter I should start with. I went to the table of contents looking which topic I’m quite familiar.

Maybe I’ll start with motion.

I started reading the first part of it.

There are 2 types of mechanics in physics- classical mechanics and quantum mechanics- as this is a high school physics guide, the focus shall be mainly on classical mechanics seeing as quantum mechanics is highly complicated and tricky in places. Classical mechanics is one of the two major sub-fields of mechanics, which is concerned with the set of physical laws describing the motion of bodies under the action of a system of forces. The study of the motion of bodies is an ancient one, making classical mechanics one of the oldest and largest subjects in science, engineering a--

My eyes started to feel heavy and it seems like it just wants to shut down.


I slapped both of my cheeks wishing this would help me stay awake.

“THE HECK URARAKA! You can’t sleep again. You just did that earlier!.”

I suddenly remembered how Bakugou-kun’s face was inches away from mine and how his arms was wrapped around my head and I was holding on to his chest.  My face suddenly gets warm.

Don’t think too much about it Uraraka. He was just there. What was he doing there? Now that I think about it my clothes were already done and I don’t even remember doing it.

Is it possible that he--?

No! No! Not possible.

This is Bakugou Katsuki we are talking about.

Well maybe?


Stop being distracted Uraraka!! It is time to sudy.

I clenched both of my fist in my face trying to put a tough face on. To think studying Physics would be harder than training.

I let out a sigh.

I took out my phone and opened YouTube typing Motion Mechanics in the search bar. I scrolled through the options checking I might find something quite interesting. I just settled the top video after all it has 2.7 million views so maybe this is good enough, and it has an animated photo in it so maybe this will keep me entertained enough to stay awake. For some reason I was wrong. It was not an animated video at all but a British Indian woman talking with quite a finesse. She was talking speedily that I went down to the comment section reading other people’s opinion in the video above. It seems like they didn’t really learn much either.
I scrolled through the recommended videos beside it and saw a video titled “How to stop procrastination” so I clicked on it. Little did I know that will be the start of a new “distraction”.
When I got through that I suddenly saw different videos on how to make Tamago eggs to learning to cartwheel, to a penguin documentary then lastly to a girl dying her own hair blonde. I don’t even know how I got there. I looked up my phone and saw the time.

“AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT’S 4:10 ALREADY????!!!”

How did that happen? How did I manage to waste 2 hours again?

Damn those penguins!


“Ow! This desk is one hard desk. Haist.”
I need to pull myself together. I only got a month to study and get a good grade.

*Bzzzz *Bzzzz

Hmmmm? I wonder who that is.

I unlocked my phone and saw Deku-kun sent me a message.

Deku: Afternoon Uraraka-chan! I’m on my way to the dorm now. I don’t really know where you wanna go today or do so just feel free to suggest anything. Hehehe. See you in 30 minutes. 😇


I completely forgot about my date with Deku-kun. I can’t believe this. I do not handle my life very well it seems.

I scavenged through my closet checking each and every outfit that I can put together. Maybe I’ll try pink? Neh, that’s too obvious. Alright let’s go with white? Blue? Green? Wait! I don’t have anything green! What in the world?!

Alright Uraraka, relax, breath. Whoooooo.

Okay, let’s see pants? Skirt? Both? Wait can you even do that? What?! Yes actually you can! I got out a pair of stockings and an A-line brown skirt.

“I think this is good enough.” I smiled.

I got a white turtle neck halter paired with my highwaisted brown skirt and black stockings.  I simply pulled my hair back, put on some pink lip gloss and got a marble beaded earring to elevate my look a little.  It seems like I just finished in time.

*Bzzz *Bzzz

Deku: About to be there. 😇 See you.

Me: Alright! See you. ❤

I took a sling bag and put on my ankle black boots. Grabbed my keys by the door and locked my room. It’s really weird wearing shoes with a heel on it. It just leaves a thumping sound on the wooden floors thus making myself very visible to anyone in this dorm.

When I went down I noticed a spiky red hair on the refrigerator.

“Woah! Uraraka-chan! You look so cute!” she said with a wow on his face.

“Ah. Thanks Kirishima-kun” fidgeting my hair trying to hide my blush from the compliment.

“You must be going out with Deku tonight.” His brows rising back and forth teasing me.

“Ehhhh, Hmmm.” I nod slightly. For some reason it really is still embarrassing.

“Oh c’mon! No need to be shy. You guys are dating. Sigh, so good to be young.” He said with a wishful eyes.


“You’re young too Idiot.” Bakugou said while rolling his eyes.

“I know. No need to hit my head, bleh!”  kirishima said while crossing both his arms looking away from Bakugou.

I let out a giggle.

Suddenly Bakugou’s gaze went to mine. He was looking with intensity or is it curiosity? It was almost blank and yet with emotions I can’t explain.

I slid my gaze away from him because I feel like my face is getting too warm.

“Uraraka-chan!” Deku called.
“Ah! Deku-kun!”

“Sorry, did you wait long?” he said while leaving out little breaths.

“No! Not at all, I just got out of the room too.” I smiled.

“Wow! You look really pretty.”

“Th-Thanks Deku-kun” leaving a blush in my cheek.

Deku reached a hand in front of me. “Let’s go?”

I returned his gaze when “Date,huh?” a rough voice comes behind me. Almost like a whisper like I’m the only one who can hear it. It should have sounded like a buzz and yet I heard it so clearly that his voice seems like a magnet. I can’t quite pull out from it. My eyes shifted quickly turning half my body behind me looking at his back.


“Ah! Sorry sorry! Yeah, let’s go!” I took his hand and he smiled at me.


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