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Chapter 6

I have to get away from this.

I took one step backward and cleared my throat.

"What are you doing Bakuguo-kun?" trying to break the silence

"Trying to check out what you were looking at earlier." He said without making a move.

"Uhmm... well I was just kind of waiting."

"For what?"


"For me?"

"WHAT?! NO!"

"You do realize I come from the other side right?"

"I knew that!"

He lets out a sigh.

"Well it's already late so don't scream too much." He said while shuffling his hair moving back to the kitchen.

"Where's your books?" he continued.

"What? What books?"

"THE HECK ROUND FACE!! I'm going to HELP YOU aren't I?!" he said with that scowl on his face.

"Aaahhh! I thought no screaming?" raising both my hands in surrender.

"HOW CAN I NOT YOU IDIOT!! Aarrrggghhhhhh"

"So-sorry. I-I'm going to get them now." Slowly stepping sideways.

"B E    F A S T E R." he demanded.

"Eeeekkkkk! Yes sir!" positioning myself in a salute and quickly ran to my room hearing little mumbles from him I can't quite pick up on.

So much for over-thinking. Remember Uraraka, he is the same with everyone. No one is an exception.

Why? Do you want to be an exception?

For Bakuguo Katsuki?

*shakes head

Just make your way to your room and finish this study hour as fast and as normal as possible. Nothing will happen. Nothing. He will be the same angry sarcastic scary boy.

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

"What's nothing?" he said with a confused face.

Without noticing it I have chanted those words louder than I thought and made my way to lobby. How did that happen? I'm such an airhead.

"You're such an airhead." He continued.

"WHAT?!" was he able to read my mind. Of course not! He was now looking at me with a confused face.

"Le- let's just start." I said while trying to hide my face with the books and headed to the table.


He quickly snatched the books from my embrace exposing my face. He threw the books on the table and sat on the floor almost immediately. There was a sofa behind him so I just made my way to it.

"What are you doing there?" he asked facing me.

"Well, I just find it more comfortable here. Hehehehe." Twirling the ends of my hair.


He took out the Fundamental of Physics book scanning through the pages and maybe checking which chapter he should start with.

"What don't you get?"

"Uhmm... well... I don't really know." Trying to clear my throat.

"So you don't even know what you don't know?"

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