Tug of War

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Chapter 22 

Uraraka POV

It's been 2 hours since I "started" studying in Physics, and I'm pretty sure I have to dig a hole in my brain or something because I can't seem to keep anything in my head. It's been 2 days since I talked to Bakugo-kun and I'm pretty sure nothing good has come up from my decision that he should stop tutoring me. No matter what kind of excuses I come up with, nothing beats his teaching techniques. Wow. I think he's actually good at teaching. I wonder if he ever thought of becoming a professor.

No Uraraka! Snap out of it! Stop thinking of him! This is just withdrawal. Yeah! Like any other stuff that you become obsessed with, it takes time to shake them out of your system!

Wait? Obsessed? Who says I'm obsessed at him? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!! I hate this!

I aggressively scrambles my hair until I look like someone who came out of a tug of war with 12 five year olds.

One of this days, I should just get my act together. Deciding to let go of him means that I decided to let go of any feelings I have for him. Because that is the right thing to do. That is the good thing to do. And I want to believe that I am good.

Am I good?

Falling in love with a guy that is not your boyfriend is a sure red flag for not being good.

Suddenly a knock distracted me from any further thoughts about him.

"Ochaco-chi? Are you busy? Woah! What happened to you?!" Mina-chi exclaims.

"Ah! Just studying." Tugging my hair back and combing it through my fingers.

"One hell of a studying then I presume?" raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yep. Physics to be exact." Letting go of a sigh.

Mina-chi made her way inside my room closing the door behind her. She sat down on the edge of my bed facing me. "I thought you had it under control already?"

"Nope. Not really."

"But you're quizzes lately are fine, and you're not missing your home works."

"Well because I still had Ba-"automatically I slid my hand to cover my mouth.

"You still had what? Are you hiding something Ochaco-chi?"

"Wha?! No?!" shaking my hands in front of her avoiding eye contact. Why is it that when someone is hiding something they just can't seem to look people in the eye? Well unless they are heartless masochistic people, and I'd like to think to myself that I am not a heartless masochistic person.

"Then why did you automatically shield your mouth?" raising her eyebrow yet again.

"I was just saying..." crunching my face on thinking of any vocabulary that starts with "Ba" and end with something that makes sense on this topic right now. Ba, ba, ba, bunny? Barricade? What? Balleyball? That's not even the right spelling!

"Backup!" jumping from my chair and saying that louder than I wanted.

Mina-chi getting startled just covered both of her ears in response of my loud voice. "Alright. Alright. Calm down."

"Sorry" steadily went back to seat in my chair.

"What do you mean by backup?"

"Ah. Well. I ..."

Then another knock came banging in my door. If there are any gods that I should thank today, it would be the god of distraction from any thoughts or conversation that might lead to Bakugo-kun. So thank you whoever you are.

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