Chapter 23: Dreamland

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As I sat there waiting for Sebastian to come, images of me in Sebastian's arms flash across my mind and I grow hot with embarrassment. 'What had happened? How'd I end up in that position?' 

I try to recall from what I last remember, that is breaking down in front of him.... "It's okay, Amy, I'm here now." He was saying... and then I just turned to him and pulled him in an embrace, wrapping both my arms around him... He had hesitated for a while, but after I kept sobbing, he wrapped his arms around me as well, patting me in the back to console me. 'Crap. I messed up big time! So haraam!'

Sebastian returns and take the seat beside me. "Here, I bought two spinach and corn sandwiches." He says handing me a sandwich.

I take it and we both start eating our sandwiches, our gazes fixed on Isa. Of course, I didn't dare look at him either, memories of my stupidity still fresh in my mind.

I excuse myself to go freshen up, heading towards the staff toilets. When I return, I hear Isa's giggles and "Bash-bash!" from outside the ward. I rush inside and find Isa in Sebastian's arms. The staff around us are all still gaping at the sight in front of them.

I rush to his bed calling out, "My baby!" Isa turns towards me and says, "Mama! Mama!" almost jumping in Sebastian's lap.

Sebastian hands Isa to me and I shower kisses all over Isu's tiny, beautiful face. 

"Mama, too mushy!" Isa says in between giggles. I just give him a really long hug after that. 

A staff arrives and informs us that the private room is ready and we'll be shifted there shortly.

"We'll just keep him under observation for 2 days. You can feed him, if he feels hungry. It's safe now." Sebastian informed me.

Soon we were all shifted to a private room. Sebastian remained by our side, playing with Isa. 

"Amy, if you want anything from your home, you can go get it. I'll stay here with Isa."

"Oh! Thank you, Sebastian. I'll be quick."

"Amy, I don't want to hear you thank me anymore. It makes me feel uncomfortable. And don't worry about it, take all the time you need."

"Thank- err, sorry. Yeah, okay. Take care! Bye!" After giving a hug to Isa, I headed home. There were so many things I needed to get. I silently thanked Allah for bringing Sebastian into our lives. 

On reaching home, I saw that the kitchen was a complete mess since I was preparing lunch at the time I left. I quickly placed all the perishables inside the fridge and cleaned up the mess. I packed all I'd require for our stay at the hospital, including some snacks and fruits. I also packed some of Isa's favourite toys and his colouring book. After I was satisfied, I headed back to the hospital.

I bought a cup of coffee and dinner for Sebastian at the cafe inside our hospital. It had already grown dark outside and we only had a measly sandwich for lunch. I had already packed mashed bananas with strawberries for Isa.

When I reached our room, I saw Sebastian staring out the window, with Isa gently sleeping in his arms. I tiptoed inside.

"Hi, Sebastian."

"Oh, you're back! Do you want me to get you something to eat?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"I already bought food for us all." I informed him.

"That's great! We'll all eat as soon as Isa wakes up."

"But I bought a cup of coffee for you. Have that at least."

"Okay, I'll have the coffee now."

We both sat down on the couch, with Isa still sleeping on Sebastian's left arm while he drank coffee with his right. We both remained silent, with only Sebastian's occasional sips interrupting in between. 

I felt so tired, I thought that just closing my eyes for a few seconds would refresh me. I placed my head back and before I knew it... I was in dreamland.

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