Part 25

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Yoongi: The dreams III.

The rain continuously poured like there's no tomorrow. Coldness fogged the windows of my dark room, bringing chills all over my body. Lightning lighted up the room for a split second, followed by thunder booming all over the place.

I glanced at my boyfriend curled beside me to see if he was scared but he didn't even flinch, too busy staring at the raindrops that were slipping down the glass.

I sighed and pulled him closer to my chest, our dog Holly, that was sleeping between us, glaring at me in a warning not to touch his beautiful owner.

I buried my head in his orange hair, inhaling the soft strawberry scent that I loved so much.

It was quiet and peaceful, none of us had any energy to fight today since that seemed to be the only thing we've done this past few days.

I loved days like this one - when he didn't irritate me with those stupid questions about commitment and such, when we just laid there, not questioning where our relationship was going. We were both scared that it wasn't going to last so we learned to enjoy moments like this one.

He started playing with our intertwined fingers.

"I believe it rains just to wash our sins away," he said with a miserable sigh.

"Do you think this is a sin?"

I squeezed his hand to let him know I was talking about us and he leaned closer to give me a soft peck on the cheek.

I blushed against my will.

"Not really. Just our wrongdoing."

I frowned: "Because we're both boys?"

"No," he said quickly, brushing our noses together lovingly, "but because I don't deserve you."

I froze as my stomach made that annoying flip again, pushing the heart out of my body and into the floor. I wanted to laugh and then cry, punching somebody.


But I just remained where I was, silence drowning us both.

He hardly had a moment to react before I pressed my tongue to the seam of his lips and forcefully demanded access. It was a very sloppy kiss as his arms reached up and tangled around my neck.  In an instant he pulled away and arched his thin body into my chest, moaning in the contact of body heat against his own, before I drew back into his lips.

I was completely unprepared.

You would think that after so much time dating Jimin I'd know all there was to know about his lips, his kisses.

But it surprised me again, just like yesterday and the day before.

He pulled away with a smile when I wasn't ready yet - I needed more, I might die if I don't get it so I yanked him back and started leaving hungry kisses on his neck.

I was young and horny and I had a very hot boyfriend.

We were together for quite some time now so I thought we'd already do something, but we didn't. Ever.

I could see in the way his body flexed and then wrapped around me that he was an actual sex god - just getting ready to be discovered. And since I was his first I wanted him even more.

"Baby," I moaned against his collarbone and he shuddered.


I reached for the hem of his boxers, saying: "Let's do it tonight."

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