Part 36 (end)

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Dear Jimin!

Firstly, I want to say thank you - thank you for making my life a bit more bearable while being in it, staying by my side even when I said you should fuck off. Thank you for being my first love - pure and innocent, even though I wasn't yours. Even when our love faded away and I left you for Onew (you're welcome), I still found myself searching for you in anything and anybody. Thank you for staying my friend so I could find you. And thank you for not blaming me whatever I did, and consuming my mistakes silently, holding a bit of my pain by yourself.

Next, I'm sorry - I'm sorry I did this, leaving you when you clearly didn't deserve it, when you needed me still. Maybe this will give you a lesson of not getting attached to people, though I hope not. I'm sorry I broke your heart. The day I broke up with you, I saw your timid smile, I saw how you tried to hide how broken you were, just to make me happy. I know you loved me, you still do, but there's a difference between the two loves and affections you felt towards me and Yoongi. I'm sorry for that too - how it always seemed my fault when I couldn't reach your heart.

Please - please forget all about me. You told me how big part of your life I was countless times yet I didn't let you come close to me. I was scared. Someone once told me to be careful when trying to fix a broken person for you might cut yourself on their shattered pieces. Your skin was already bruised as my hands were shaking when I tried to keep the blade with my name on it away from your body. Please, find yourself a new love. Please, be happy. Please, be with Yoongi. I kept you two waiting long enough. As for today, please don't hate me and don't cry. You should look up at the sky and whisper: "You did well."

Lastly - I love you - I love you so much. That promise I will forever keep. Don't forget that.


April 8

I was awoken by a loud thud by my bed, making me sit up quickly and wipe my drooling mouth. I frowned in the dark room, smelling him before I could even get used to the darkness. Today he smelt of black tea, jasmine, and alcohol.

"Yoongi?" I whispered and reached my hand for him to hold.

He lifted his gaze up at me and I saw his eyes twinkle a bit. They said that the drunken you was the real you - well, in that case, Yoongi was just a cheesy fluffy bastard that would give me anything. Don't get me wrong, we still fought a lot, almost every day actually.

He would get those days when he'd feel extremely guilty, on those days he couldn't even look at me, no matter how much I was trying. But it was all different now.

Now he came back to me every night, cuddling me and telling me how much he loved me. In moments like that, I appreciated my patience and the time I waited for him. He was worth it.

"Baby~" he slurred, throwing himself on me.

I smiled, trying not to show how fuzzy he made me feel.

"Yoongi, you're drunk again. Do you even know what time it is?"

"Yoongi? I don't like it when you call me that."

"Then what should I call you?"

He bit my cheek softly, nuzzling his small button nose against my skin lovingly: "Anything is better- baby, babe, honey, daddy."


"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

I furrowed my eyebrows as he got up, putting his hands on his hips like a little pouty kid.

"What do you mean?"

He crawled on top of me, straddling my waist with a dreamy, but kind of dangerous look that gave me a hint of what was about to happen.

He smirked: "Why are you still dressed in that?"

I looked down on my body, at a yellow sweater I bought a week ago and black leggings that I used for dancing when I needed something comfortable.

He put his bony finger on my chin, lifting it up so our gazes collided again. My heart started racing like every time I saw that look in his eyes - the one I longed for in so many years - pure love and lust and expectation.

"Jimin," he mumbled, voice deep and seductive, his beautiful pale face so close to me I could count the moles he had, "shall we take them off?"

Our lips crashed into a fairy kiss, bodies pressing together, hips bucking towards the other in search for much-needed friction. I mewled into his mouth and he just swallowed those pretty sounds up as he ground down on my crotch, keeping my wiggling body pinned down.

Needily, I sucked on his tongue and threw my arms over his back, pulling him closer so he collapsed on top of me. Somewhere in between the heated kiss, he started pulling my clothes off until I was fully naked.

It's been so long since we've done it and I was already feeling close.

We were both so busy with our schedules and pretending we didn't love each other outside our home. We were stressed, needed it but didn't get a chance to.

I needed him.

However, I didn't get him.

I started missing his body heat the moment he left me, heading for his walk-in closet.

I frowned in confusion and disappointment, glancing down at my painful hard-on.

He came back a second later, holding his baggy white T-shirt and basketball shorts, passing the clothes to me with a soft gummy smile.

"Here. Put 'em on. Why don't you wear my clothes anymore?"

He helped me get dressed again, wrapping us both in a blanket, spooning me. My heart was racing even more now as I just wanted to coo at him while hugging his waist. He made me feel complete.


"Yeah, baby?"

"I love you."

"Good. I love you more."


Thank you for reading this story! I love you.


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