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Tony's POV

Steve comes out of the room 7 hours later with a small smile on his face. "Tony." He says, motioning for me to go in next.

I take a deep breath before standing up and walking into her room. I sit in the chair beside her and look straight down at the floor.

"I'm so sorry Kitten." I speak softly. "I never meant for any of this to happen. I didn't know the guy was part of HYDRA. I didn't know they'd show up while you were moving out. I didn't know they'd hurt you." I ramble as tears start to roll down my cheeks.

"Tony." She whispers. "It's okay." She places her hand on top of mine. "I forgive you."

I look up at her, seeing how broken and fragile she is. I can't help but blame myself.

"No. I should've been there for you. I should've known better. I never should've sold the mansion, I never should've forced you to move into the tower. Everything would've been fine, you would've been fine!"

"You didn't know." She speaks, squeezing my hand softly. "You did what you thought was best."

"That's the problem. I always do what I think, what I want." I stress, holding my head in my hands.

"It's not a problem. It's who you are." She says, moving her hand off of mine. One of the machines start beeping like crazy and she squeezes her eyes shut as she starts seizing.

"BRUCE!" I yell. He and another doctor come running into the room, shoving me out.

"What happened?" Steve asks worriedly. "Is she okay?"

"I.. The machine started going crazy and.. she.. Bruce ran in.. I don't.." I can't form a full sentence because of how shaken up I am. I look down at my hands to see that they're literally shaking.

"Tony, sit down." Natasha comforts me. "She'll be fine."

I look up to see that Steve is gone, he must've run out of the room.

Bruce's POV

"She's crashing." I say, reading the monitor. I grab a syringe filled with sedative and inject her with it as I watch her heart rate go back to normal. I sigh in relief as I set the syringe down and check her other vitals.

I look across the room to find Steve standing there, scared out of his mind. "She's fine." I inform him. "Just a little panic attack."

"Are you sure?" He asks, standing beside her. "She looks pale."

I take a look at her and realize that he's right. I check the cut on her leg to see that it's abnormally red all around it and inhale sharply. I move around the table to check the cut on her arm and see the same thing.

"What's wrong? Why'd you make that sound?" Steve begins to panic.

"Cap I'm gonna need you to leave the room for a little bit." I say as calmly as possible.

"Hell no. I'm not going anywhere." He protests.

I sigh. "If you stay, I don't want to hear a peep out of you. Am I clear?" I ask, he nods. He holds Kate's hand in his as I get to work.

"It looks like her wounds could be infected." He says to the other doctor in the room. "The swelling and redness around the wounds is obvious but the seizing, difficulty breathing, and pale color don't add up." He runs his fingers through his hair. "We're going to have to clean the wounds first before hooking her up to another IV just to be safe. Once that's done everything should be okay, we just have to let whatever this is run its course."

Steve's POV

After Bruce took care of Kate, he went to tell the others what happened. Shortly after, they all came into the room.

"You should go rest pal, we'll keep an eye on her." Bucky pats my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I lie. I desperately need something to eat and a nap. I feel Kate moving beside me and look up to see her eyes slowly opening.

"Hey Kate, we're all here." Nat speaks softly. "We just wanted you to know that you're gonna be fine, you've got the best doctors and friends in the world to help you through this."

Kate smiles at her and the rest of the gang before squeaking out a "thank you".

After about an hour, the rest of the team went upstairs for dinner but I stayed with Kate.

"Steve." She croaks. "You need to eat."

"Well so do you." I argue.

She laughs softly and shakes her head. "Please."

I sigh and get up from my seat when the door opens. We both look toward it to see Tony walking in with two plates. "I figured you guys might be hungry. I gave Bruce and Reed their plates." He hands a plate to me and sits on the other side of Kate with another plate. "Hi." He says softly as if speaking any louder would cause Kate's bones to break.

"Hi." She smiles, looking up at him. "I don't think I have enough strength to eat solid food yet."

"How 'bout I chew it for you?" He jokes, making Kate laugh.

I do my best to mind my business but I can't help feeling a bit hurt watching them like this. He's feeding her mashed potatoes, which is pretty much the only thing she can eat on the plate.

"I'll give you guys some privacy." I say, carrying my plate out of the room and softly closing the door behind me. I join Dr. Banner and Dr. Richards at their table to eat with them.

Kate's POV

"So what's the deal with you two?" Tony asks, feeding me another spoonful of mashed potatoes.

"There's no deal with us." I stifle a laugh as I eat. "He's a good friend."

"Mhm." He hums, looking down. "Based on the way he came at me earlier for not doing enough for you, I'd say you're more than just friends."

"Is Tony Stark jealous?" I gasp dramatically, making him blush. "I never thought I'd see the day."

There's a brief silence until I speak again.

"You know, I was going to move into the tower a month and a half ago. I had everything packed and ready to go but the day I was supposed to leave was the day it all happened."

"So you're telling me you've been a prisoner for over a month?" He asks, I nod. I see tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "Steve's right, I should've done more."

"Hey, don't blame yourself." I stop him. "You couldn't have known."

"I could've been a little suscpicious at least." He looks down. "I should head back up, I promised the team we'd go over the recovered files from HYDRA."

I nod, placing a hand on his arm. He kisses my cheek before grabbing my plate and exiting the room. I lay back in the bed, feeling my eyes start to close, and drift off into a deep sleep.

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