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Steve's POV

"Cap, you need to eat." Clint says, forcing a plate of food into my hands.

Tony and Bruce explained what was happening to Kate to the rest of the team after her episode. They told them it was safe to visit because she's been in an induced coma thanks to Bruce but they only ever come down to bring me food. They try to get me to go up to my room and rest but I refuse to leave her side.

A week has passed now and Kate has been sound asleep the entire time. The good thing is that the coma stopped the virus from getting any worse.

"Rogers, out." Tony says as he and Bruce walk into the room.

"You know he's not going to leave, Tony." Bruce says.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"We might've found a cure. We're gonna have to wake her up to see if it works and if you're here to distract her it'll only make things harder." Tony crosses his arms.


"He's right, Steve." Bruce sighs. "We'll call you in as soon as we're done."

I sigh, looking over at Kate. "Alright." I sigh before walking out of the room. I see Bucky sitting at one of the metal tables across the way and decide to join him as I wait.

Kate's POV

"Kitten? Can you hear me?" I hear Tony's voice and look around the white abyss that I've been in for who knows how long. Maybe I'm dead. Maybe this is where everyone goes when they die.

"Tony?" I shout, beginning to run around aimlessly.

"Hey, Kitten, I need you open your eyes for me." I hear his voice again and continue to look around. "You can do it. Be strong."

As I focus on what he's saying, everything begins to turn black. Oh no, this is it, I'm really going now. Once everything is black, I manage to open my eyes and immediately cover them because of the bright light in my face.

"You're awake!" Tony cries as he wraps his arms me.

"I.. I thought I was dead." I say, looking st Bruce who has a syringe in his hand. "What's going on?"

"We had to put you into a coma until we found a cure." Bruce explains.

My eyes widen. "Is that-?" I ask, pointing at the syringe, he nods.

Steve's POV

Bucky and I wait for what feels like hours before Bruce comes out of the room.

"How is she?" I ask, Bucky and I jumping to our feet.

"Stable.. For now." He sighs. "Maybe you should let her rest for a little while before going in."

"Oh.. Okay." I say. "But she's okay?"

"She's okay, yeah." Bruce gives me a small smile before walking off to one of the other tables with papers all over it.

"She's okay." I turn to Bucky with a smile on my face.

"I heard." He smiles, patting me on the shoulder. "I told you everything would be okay."

Tony walks by mumbling about a headache and I turn to face him. "I have no idea how she is so talkative. She's been in a coma for a week, what could she possible have to talk about?!" He flails his arms around as he walks over to Bruce.

"Steve." Bucky says, knowing what I'm about to do. "She needs to rest."

"But I just want to see her." I say. "Just for a second." I step into her room and see her watching the heart monitor. "Hey you." I smile, walking over to her.

She turns to look at me and raises an eyebrow. "Hey.. you."

"How're you feeling?" I ask, holding her hand.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" She asks, looking at our hands.

"W-What?" I ask, my heart sinking to my stomach. This can't be happening.

"HA! Gotcha." She laughs.

"I want an apology." I sit beside her, holding her hand in mine. "I didn't deserve that. Maybe Tony would've deserved it, but not me."

"Did I hurt your feelings?" She pokes her bottom lip out as she looks up at me. "I'm sorry. Humor is how I mask how I'm really feeling."

"How are you really feeling?" I ask, looking down at her. She looks so pale and fragile, as if squeezing her hand even the slightest bit would break it.

"Scared." She says, letting out a shaky breath.

"Me too." I admit.

"What are you doing in here? I told you to let her rest." Bruce says as he walks back into the room.

"Did you get him?" Tony asks as he walks into the room.

"You should've seen the look on his face." She laughs about the amnesia prank.

"It wasn't funny!" I protest, crossing my arms.

"Come on Steve, it was a little bit funny." She bites her lip.

"She got him?!" I hear Bucky yell as he runs into the room.

"You were both in on it?" I ask Bucky and Tony, they nod.

"It was all her idea though." Tony says, motioning to Kate.

"Guilty as charged." She winks at me. "Hey Buck."

"Hey, shortcake." He smiles, giving her a hug.

"I missed your ugly metal arm." She teases.

"I missed your annoying ass waking me up at 7 am every morning." He laughs.

"Language, Buck." I glance at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Glad to have you back." He winks at her and she smiles.

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