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Kate's POV

It's been exactly 4 months since I arrived in Asgard and I'm finally starting to feel like I belong. I've come to think of and love Frigga as my own mother, Odin has been neutral towards me but I appreciate his hospitality, Thor is usuall off fighting with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, leaving me to bond with his brother Loki.

Loki and I have spent most of my days here walking around the village or through the gardens as we get to know each other. I haven't told him many personal things, but he knows about everything with HYDRA.

"Kate!" I turn as I'm walking to greet Thor once he arrives to find Loki walking towards me. "Mind if I join you?"

"Of course not." I smile. "I was just going to see Thor." He walks beside me in silence as we arrive at the Bifrost bridge to wait.

"Do you trust me?" Loki asks out of nowhere.

"That's a silly question, of course I do." I stifle a laugh. "Do you trust me?"

"I.. Yeah, I do actually." He says shakily. "It doesn't scare you?"

"Trust is something that's earned. I didn't trust you 2 months ago." I explain, he nods.

"Lady Kate! Loki!" I hear Thor shouting and turn to meet his embrace. "How have you been getting on? Well, I hope."

"Yes, you'll be happy to know that Loki and I are friends." I smile.

Thor bursts out in laughter, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"What's so funny?" Loki asks, crossing his arms.

"You don't have friends, Loki. That's just not something you do." He tries to contain his laughter.

"Well she is my friend." Loki huffs.

We all make our way to the palace and Thor follows me to my room after Loki goes to his own.

"How have you been? Truthfully?" He asks, setting his hammer down on the ground.

"I like it here, a lot." I say, he nods. "But I still feel empty on the inside."

He sighs. "Maybe it is time you return to Midguard."

"I think you might be right." I look down. "I'll start packing, we can leave tonight." I say, Thor nods.

Bucky's POV

"Can you keep it down? Not everyone likes to wake up at the buttcrack of dawn!" I yell, banging on Tony's door.

The girl he's been seeing has practically moved in. We all love Pepper, don't get me wrong, but if they could just keep it down at night and in the mornings I would appreciate it. The two of them seem pretty serious and happy, I'm glad Tony found someone.

None of us have heard from Kate in months. Thor tells us that she's doing okay but it's not the same as hearing from her. It's starting to feel like Kate was never actually here and that all of that was just some sort of dream.

"Hey, Steve, are you coming for a j--?" I ask, walking into his room. I scream and immediately cover my eyes.

"Don't you know how to knock?!" He yells at me, covering himself and Sharon with his blankets.

They've been hooking up quite often. It's obvious to me and the others that he doesn't love her but we never say anything. We're just glad that he's putting himself out there for once. Since we never know when Kate is coming back, if at all, it's good for him to move on.

"Sorry.. I'll just.. I'll go." I say, closing the door behind me and retreating to my room.

Nothing is the same anymore. Bruce is always in the lab. Nat and Clint have their own little clique. And the other two are obviously preoccupied. Sometimes I wish Kate was still here waking me up at unGodly hours of the morning or painting on my back. The others have tried setting me up on dates so that I wouldn't be so lonely but I've never actually gone to any of them. I go out and wander around on my own just to get them off of my back.

Kate's POV

"You're leaving?!" Loki yells, storming into my room. "When did you plan on telling me?"

"In a few minutes." I admit. "It was decided this morning."

"So, what, you come here to earn my trust and just break it by leaving?" He crosses his arms.

"What are you talking about?" I furrow my eyebrows. "You knew I'd have to go back eventually. We never talked about it but you knew."

Loki shakes his head at me. "My whole life everyone has hurt me. Everyone has left me. I never thought you'd be one of them." He steps closer to me. "I want you to feel how much you hurt me." He clenches his jaw and I back away from him but he pulls me closer and places a hand on my forehead.

"Please don't leave me!" I cry, watching my mother walk away without even looking back. "Mom!" I shout, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"You'll be okay." The older woman says from behind me. "You have a new family now."

I'm led to some room with a one-way glass and sat on a chair.

"Katelyn Valentine. 4 years old. American." The same woman speaks. "Unwanted but she has much potential."

A few men enter the room in lab coats and I look up at the dark-haired woman nervously. She holds my hand as the men begin to run tests on me, not caring how young I was or how much pain I was put through.

I gasp, catching my breath as I open my eyes, and snap my head in Loki's direction to find him just as shocked.

"What was that?" I ask, holding my head.

"I.. I just pulled one of your memories forward." He says.

I think back to everything that happened in the flashback and when I was kidnapped months ago. The dark haired woman, 'your true family,' the unwelcoming rooms and syringes, my name being under HYDRA's allies.

My eyes widen in realization at the fact that I have been a part of HYDRA my entire life. I begin to question who I am and my entire life as I know it.

"Do it again." I say to Loki, placing his hand on my forehead.

"Are you sure? I don't think-"

"DO IT!" I yell at him.

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